Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2359 2363 [Siege]

After a false alarm, Eka and Hattori Heiji entered the small warehouse and quickly found a bag of flour.

Hattori Heiji plucked the heavy flour bag and said to Jiang Xia with lingering fear: "Do you think there will be poison in it?"

Jiang Xia: "The packaging is very complete, there shouldn't be any."

Hattori Heiji looked at the flour suspiciously and couldn't find anything wrong with it for a while, so he had to pick it up and take it back to the restaurant.

In the restaurant, Vodka's expression became a little complicated when he saw them coming back so quickly.

Jiang Xia glanced at him and couldn't guess what was going on in this bucket of ice cream. However, perhaps because he has been in contact with ordinary citizens recently, the output of vodka is much higher than before. Jiang Xia is becoming more and more pleasing to his colleague, so he looks at each other and smiles at Vodka to show his friendliness.

Vodka's eyes twitched and he turned his head away.

The tour guide got the flour and carefully finished the meal under Hattori Heiji's suspicious gaze.

After everyone had eaten, everyone went about their own business and repeated the previous two days with nothing to do.

Vodka looked around and found a corner that was low-key and not out of the ordinary. He happily walked over and sat down. As soon as he sat down, the sofa next door sank and someone sat next to him very naturally.

Vodka: "..."

Jiang Xia: "How is your foot?"

Vodka then remembered that he had "sprained his foot" not long ago. He was trying to pretend to be in pain, but belatedly remembered that he had forgotten to pretend for a while, but now he could walk normally.

...It seems a bit deliberate to try to make up for it now.

He could only think carefully and said: "It should be fine soon." - that is, somewhere between good and not good, he can always adjust the condition of his ankle according to the specific situation!

Jiang Xia: "That's good."

"What a medical miracle." A faint voice floated from the side. The "new doctor" was actually listening. At this time, she yawned and casually interjected, "I was rolling on the floor in pain before, but now I can actually be normal." Mr. Yamada’s recovery ability is really good when it comes to walking.”

Vodka: "..."

...Is it an illusion? I always feel that this woman is targeting him, and as time goes by, the targeting becomes more and more obvious.

"It's easy to cause problems if you stay next to Uzo for a long time. Belmode's mental condition has become increasingly unstable."

Vodka glanced at this colleague warily: "But why is she targeting me? We are all victims of Uzo. She should obviously join forces with me, but in fact, I always feel that she wants me to disappear... Where did I offend her?"

Vodka is puzzled.

However, the hostility and targeting from "new doctors" apparently continues.

——During dinner time, the tour guide went into the kitchen to fiddle around for a while, and then walked out with a look of embarrassment on his face again.

"Um..." the tour guide wiped his hands, "The flour was scattered. I remember there is another bag in the warehouse. Can anyone help me..."

"Did you do it on purpose?" Hattori Heiji's eyes twitched, "Why did you just spill all the good stuff?"

The tour guide lowered his head and said: "Too many things have happened in the past few days. I was a little distracted when I was cooking..."

Hattori Heiji knew very well that the brutal murderer who had taken away two lives was probably among the remaining people, and excluding his own people, there were not many people left.

He stared at the tour guide suspiciously: "Did you first use the lack of ingredients for lunch to test who would be willing to help you pick up the things from the warehouse? Then after confirming this, you made some targeted arrangements and wanted to use the same ingredients for dinner. To deceive people into hiding? - Tell me, what do you want to do to the remaining people by separating me and Jiang Xia? "

The tour guide was stunned by this complicated plan. It took him a second to come to his senses and waved his hands repeatedly: "I didn't!"

Hattori Heiji snorted: "Then why did you happen to spill the flour you just brought back?"

The tour guide was about to burst into tears: "But it just spilled."

Flour suffered a murderous attack. Whether it was an accident or intentional, it seemed difficult to determine for a while.

But no matter what, you still have to eat.

But who to send to get the flour seems to have become a problem - it is night now, and it is more dangerous than at noon. Everyone looks at me and I look at you, with scared expressions on their faces.

Jiang Xia glanced at Vodka.

Almost at the same time, Hattori Heiji's eyes also fell on Vodka's face.

Detective Osaka touched his chin, and a cunning dark light seemed to flash in his eyes: "Mr. Yamada, why don't you go ahead."

Vodka was stunned. He didn't expect that this thick-browed Kansai detective would suddenly attack him. He pointed at himself blankly: ""

Hattori Heiji nodded: "The murderer is probably hiding among us. If I send someone else there, I'm worried that he will tamper with the ingredients - but you are different. You came with Jiang Xia, I can trust him."

...This is of course a lie.

Hattori Heiji simply felt that since the tour guide wanted to get rid of him and Jiang Xia, he should do the opposite and let the guys who were opposite to him and Jiang Xia go to the small warehouse to completely disrupt the murderer's insidious plan.

As for tampering with the ingredients... This kind of flour is tightly packed, waterproof and moisture-proof. If there are traces of being opened, you can see it at a glance. And you have to eat vodka made from flour. This guy probably won't poison it.

Next to him, Conan, who is also a high school detective, immediately understood what Hattori Heiji was thinking.

He secretly clenched his fists and shouted in his mind for a brilliant plan.

The others also breathed a sigh of relief when they heard that they didn't have to go alone.

Everyone was happy, except for Vodka, whose eyes were twitching wildly. He really wanted to kick this troublesome bastard Heipi out, but as "Mr. Yamada", a fan who admires Jiang Xia, it seems that he shouldn't refuse this arrangement - now everyone is fighting, and they all want to get rid of the people hiding inside. The "murderer", if he acts too suspicious... something might not be good.

Vodka: "..." But I really don’t want to go!

He thought for a moment, stood up, and hissed.

Just as he was about to say that his ankle hurt, the doctor Shinde next to him glanced at him and leaned over to help him check: "What's wrong?"

Vodka retracted his legs with a swish: "It's nothing, it's just that I sat for a long time and my legs are a little numb." - Just kidding, going to the warehouse now may be dangerous, but if Belmode checks, his ankle will definitely be really... in danger!

If you have difficulty moving in this situation...even if you escape this time, you will suffer disaster next time.

"Mr. Yamada" figured it out and realized with a curse that he might have to go there.

...However, we still have to strive for the survival rate that we should strive for.

Vodka glanced at everyone: "Am I the only one going?"

First make a teammate who is not a threat. Then when the critical moment comes, you only need to run faster than your teammates!

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