Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2361 2365 [Shark, why are you running? 】

the other side.

Before Vodka left the house, he couldn't help but look back and glare at the tour guide.

"This guy is in the service industry after all. How could he be so careless and miss the materials twice in a row?"

He looked back suspiciously: "Either he is a murderer and has an ulterior motive, or he has seen through the rule that if one person dies, he will be safe for a while, so he wants to randomly sacrifice two unlucky people to keep himself safe."

"Anyway, I will bear this grudge! If I can't deal with Uzo, how can I still..."

As he was thinking about it, Vodka suddenly hit the brakes: "Wait a minute, maybe the purpose of that boy Uzzo is to use my grudge to guide me into taking some self-destructive actions."

"...Grudges still have to be remembered, but when it comes to revenge, let's forget it first. I'm different from Uzo. I'm a thoughtful adult, and I have to put safety first...Humph, I don't care about those puppets."

When vodka is silently undergoing the standardized production process of generating and shedding murderous aura.

Next to him, Belmode was also swishing a sweet apple-flavored murderous aura with no less efficiency than him.

Belmod glanced at the vodka with his peripheral vision, and remembered what his colleague had done just now, and secretly warned: "..." Inexplicably, why did this guy suddenly want to get flour with Xiaolan?

They obviously don't have much communication... Could it be that Vodka has discovered the flaw in Cool Guy's identity and is now testing it?

If that's the case...

Two people with their own thoughts walked through the corridor and headed towards the small warehouse.

Arriving at the place, Vodka flipped the light switch.

There was a clear sound, nothing happened, and the warehouse was still dark.

"Huh?" Vodka was startled and clicked a few more times, but the light still didn't light up.

"Is it broken?" He raised his flashlight vigilantly and shined it on the switch, then on the ceiling.

When he saw the scene above him clearly, the corner of his eye twitched, and he almost uttered a curse word - there was only an empty base on the top, and the light bulb was taken off by someone unknown.

"I saw a light here last night. It must have been a light that someone had dismantled!" Vodka couldn't help but scolded in a low voice, "It's probably that tour guide! This kid's tricks are really dark. Did he really think that someone else was dead? , will he be safe?"

Belmod glanced at him and said thoughtfully: "Let's find flour first."

Vodka nodded but did not enter the door.

He first carefully looked around the room with a flashlight to make sure there were no dangerous items on the floor or walls. Then he carefully entered the room, walked slowly to the cupboard, and slowly opened the cupboard door as carefully as if he was checking for a bomb.

The good news is that the cupboard is empty and there are no fuses or fishing lines in it.

And the bad news…

The cupboard is empty.

No flour.

Vodka who just wanted to go back and bring the flour back quickly: "..."

"The flour has actually been moved!" Vodka's fist hardened. He was angry and turned to discuss with Belmode, "Why don't we stop taking it and go back first?"

Whether it's whispering to expose the tour guide's conspiracy, or following the environment to create a tense atmosphere, vodka has its own considerations.

——Although I don’t know what is going on in Belmode’s mind, it is best to make this woman whose eyes were covered by Uzo realize that now they are both in the same situation, and the most important thing is to get out of the dangerous environment quickly, and Not hostile to each other.

Unfortunately, this colleague didn't seem to receive the signal that he was running away hand in hand.

"If it's not in this cabinet, then go and look for it in other cabinets. The warehouse is only so big, so you can find it in a few minutes at most."

The "new doctor" glanced at him, as if he disliked his timidity: "It will take a day or two for the rescue to arrive, so we can't deny everyone food just because of the trivial matter of 'the flour has changed places'."

"Even if you go back now, you will have to come here sooner or later." As she spoke, she pushed the vodka into the warehouse and followed in. She turned on the flashlight and walked to the cabinet on the other side. "Okay, look for it quickly. Bar."

Vodka: "..."

For a moment, he wanted to leave Belmod and go back alone. But then I thought about it, wouldn't it mean that I would be alone again on the road?

After a moment of silence, in order not to fall into the terrible curse of being left alone and dying, the vodka reluctantly moved to another cabinet, and then cursed in his heart the bastard who made the task of "finding flour" more difficult, and prayed Flour quickly appeared.

When two people were rummaging through boxes and cabinets.

In the living room leading to the small warehouse.

Kobayashi Seiji was sitting in the corner, drawing on the sketch paper under the dim light of the street lamp.

A picture of a corpse set against a backdrop of lake and shipwreck takes full shape.

The painter with unique aesthetics looked at the paper and showed a satisfied smile. He admired it for a moment, then turned the page over and began to draw another horrifying death picture with a warehouse as the background.

"This time someone else is here to pick up the things." Kobayashi Seiji remembered the two people who just passed by the living room, recalled the clothes and appearance of "Mr. Yamada" and "Doctor Shinde", and began to write.

While drawing him, he muttered: "That Yamada already has a death portrait. But although this guy has an average face, he has a pretty good figure and is very powerful - the collapse and demise of this power can set off the To avoid the fear of death... In this case, for the sake of his physique, it would be better to give him an extra pair. "

The sound of the mountain breeze blowing outside the window and his own muttering covered up the footsteps approaching from the window.

A dark figure carried an ax and stepped on the grass, slowly came to the living room window, and stopped behind Xiaolin Xinger through the window.

The dark figure looked down at the album in the artist's hand, sneered disdainfully, then slowly opened the window and raised the ax in his hand.

Just as he was about to chop down hard, suddenly, the dark figure felt something was wrong.

He quickly raised his head and met a pair of dark sunglasses - facing the window, a strong man in black who was innocently passing by was holding a bag of flour and staring blankly at this side.

Suddenly meeting his gaze, "Mr. Yamada" threw the flour bag on the ground, and without missing a second, turned around and ran towards the door.

However, when he started, someone behind him was unsteady and bumped into him accidentally. "Mr. Yamada" suddenly lost his balance, and Gulu tripped and fell to the ground.

Kobayashi Seiji was alarmed by this sudden movement. He closed the picture album and looked over there expectantly and curiously, as if he wanted to see if Mr. Yamada had broken his neck.

Seeing the painter getting up and going to the door, the dark figure suddenly came to his senses.

He gritted his teeth and hurriedly swung an ax, hitting the painter with a thud.

"Ouch!" There was a cry of pain and blood spattered.

Seeing that he had succeeded, the dark figure did not dare to stay any longer. He straightened the bloody mask on his face, picked up the ax, turned around and rushed into the forest.

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