Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2362 2366 [Unqualified] Please vote for me

Chapter 2362 2366 [Unqualified] Please vote for me ()

Belmod looked at the black shadow that rushed out in the blink of an eye: "..." Tsk.

A witness who fell was right in front of him, but he didn't rush to silence him? ——Come here and give the vodka an ax first. Although there are many people in the room, how will you know if it doesn’t work if you don’t try it?

She severely condemned this incompetent guy in her heart.

At the same time, Vodka, who had fallen down next to him, was getting up in embarrassment. He didn't care about taking revenge on Belmod in his heart, and immediately turned over towards the window, preparing for the possible murder.

Then he saw the murderer's back running away in a hurry.

Vodka: "..."

...Just, just leave like that?

"Okay, okay. It seems that the murderer must not have any weapons of destruction such as guns and grenades, only an axe. Sure enough, my life should not be cut off!"

Vodka was happy at first, but then he felt something was wrong: "The guy is running away now, probably because it seems that there are two people here, me and the 'new doctor', and he is not confident that he can catch us all before others follow the sound." Silence.

"In addition, he wears a mask on his face, so we can bet that we don't remember his features... But he was seen by us after all. After I am separated from the others, he will definitely try to silence him again! It seems that if he sleeps tonight When checking the bedroom, you must be extra careful and don’t miss any gaps!”

While thinking about it, Vodka picked up a stool leg that was dropped by an unknown person and held it in his hand as a weapon.

He carefully went to the window and took a look, making sure that the murderer had not come back. Then he breathed a sigh of relief and could attend to other matters.

Vodka lowered his head and glanced at the helpless painter on the ground, then looked at Belmode: "You just..."

Belmod smiled slightly: "I'm sorry, I tripped over the flour bag you threw away."

Vodka: "..."

He seriously suspected that this was just an excuse, but he had no evidence.

"But looking at the bright side, Belmod just tripped me instead of stabbing me and blaming the murderer... This is already much better than the worst-case scenario I expected."

Vodka comforted himself in his heart, and secretly glanced at Belmod, a well-connected person, from under his sunglasses, and then returned to the state that a normal citizen should have.

He looked back at the fallen painter, stretched out the stool leg in his hand and poked him carefully: "Hey, are you okay?"

The painter lay motionless on the ground.

"It seems like there is still breath left, but let's treat him as dead for now." Vodka made a simple judgment, then became angry and shouted skillfully, "Help! Murderer!!"

Belmod was startled by his sudden yell: "..."

The scream is indeed a powerful weapon to summon the detective.

Not long after, a group of people rushed from next door and arrived at the dark living room.


Even though they already knew that there were corpses here, some people still screamed after everyone arrived at the scene.

"He, his finger moved!" Suzuki Sonoko's atheism began to waver, but she wanted to save her. She grabbed Jiang Xia, trying to get a scientifically correct answer, "Is this because the person has just died and still has nerves left?" Reflection, so... um, or some kind of optical illusion?"

"No." Jiang Xia knelt down and touched it, "He can only move because he is still alive."

Suzuki Sonoko: "..."

...It’s all Mr. Yamada’s fault for lying about military information! As a Tokyoite, why do you yell for murder without seeing the situation clearly?

When vodka is criticized by the eyes of female high school students.

Next to him, Jiang Xia looked at the artist's wounds, then looked at the blood-stained album he dropped aside, and sighed sincerely: "What a fate."

When the old doctor in the crowd heard that no one was dead, he quickly stepped forward, knelt down and checked carefully.

Jiang Xia stepped aside, looked at the situation around him, turned around and asked Vodka: "What happened just now?"

Vodka thought for a while and raised his voice slightly: "I don't know who broke the lights in the warehouse. We spent a lot of time looking for flour. When we came out, I saw Mr. Xiaolin standing by the window holding a picture album. There seems to be something reflective behind him.

"Before I could see anything clearly, Mr. Xiaolin screamed and fell to the ground. It was only then that I realized that someone might be attacking outside the window. Unfortunately, when I came to my senses and rushed to the window, there was no one outside. ”

Hattori Heiji handed the medical kit to the old doctor and said suspiciously: "You have said a lot, but you just want to express that you did not see any characteristics of the murderer and do not know who he is?"

Vodka: "..."

...This guy is so good at summarizing! Just summarize, why say it out loud!

"The words I just said were specifically meant for the murderer who is hiding somewhere. As long as the murderer thinks that I haven't seen anything, he won't keep staring at me and trying to silence me..."

Vodka clenched his fists angrily and cursed in his heart: "But now, after being summed up so bluntly by this Osaka detective, my intentions are too obvious. Obvious intentions mean a guilty conscience, and a guilty conscience means I may have seen something... so Wouldn't the murderer increase his efforts to silence me? This Osaka black man is really not a cheap person!"

At this time, the oil-hungry lamp continued to ask: "You two really didn't cover up the murderer? Or... the murderer is between the two of you?"

Vodka: "..." The more you talk, the more outrageous it becomes. You actually want to label me an 'associate of the murderer'!

He was about to retort when a voice came in from beside him. Mao Lilan whispered: "The new doctor probably wouldn't do that kind of thing - it's dark outside now, so maybe they really didn't see it."

Conan raised his head and said: "..." Xiaolan actually spoke for him? This new doctor is really not that simple. He has won over the feelings of a female high school student so quickly. What is his purpose?

Next to him, Hattori Heiji did not notice the primary school student's focus. He frowned and touched his chin: "But just now, everyone else was in the restaurant, and only the three of them were outside..."

According to his and Jiang Xia's previous speculation, the murderer should be among their group.

He looked at Jiang Xia, but Jiang Xia was looking up at the window.

The detective seemed interested in the reasons why the painter managed to survive.

"The murderer should have stood outside the window and chopped from the outside in." He pointed to the gouge marks on the window frame above:

"The human body is actually stronger than imagined. The ax that struck three people should have been blunted. The murderer wanted to attack Mr. Kobayashi, but was interrupted by Mr. Yamada and Dr. Shinde who came out of the warehouse. He could only try to silence him in a hurry. On the way, he was pinned by the window and his strength weakened, so he couldn't kill him with one blow like the previous times. "

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