Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2364 2368 [Yuanzi Translator]

Mrs. Xiangshan and the tour guide were stunned when they heard this. They looked at each other blankly. The next moment, the tour guide reacted first: "I don't have that box. I can't use it even if I want to. And the dead person has something to do with me." What's the benefit? - I'm a staff member of a travel agency, and I'm not on the list of randomly issued membership coupons. Instead, Mrs. Xiangshan kept talking about those two lifetime membership coupons..."

Mrs. Xiangshan followed closely: "My box is still in the house! And there must be many other boxes and jars in the kitchen. You may have used other things to cross the river! Besides, let's talk..."

She looked out the window, listening to the sound of water in the distance, and her body trembled a little: "Besides, I'm afraid of water. It would be fine if I just passed by from a distance, but if I were allowed to float in the water, it would be better to kill me! - —I usually only use running water to wash my face, and I don’t even dare to touch the bathtub. There is no way I would go to that waterway to kill people!”


Her fear didn't look like she was pretending, and it was easy to tell whether the box had been touched by water. For a while, everyone's suspicion of her weakened.

"Speaking of membership coupons..." Hattori Heiji frowned and looked at Vodka and "New Doctor", "The murderer has killed so many people one after another, is it really just for those two membership coupons?"

Vodka: "..." Although your kid's suspicion is very reasonable, why do you look at me and say these words?

...Sure enough, when people stay with Uzo for a long time, they tend to unconsciously target Uzo. Humph, the stupid Kansai detective didn't even realize that he was being used as a weapon by a brutal criminal. With this level of sensitivity, sooner or later you will have to make a bloody curtain call on the stage.

Although the main person under suspicion is no longer Mrs. Xiangshan, she has obviously not gotten over the emotion of being targeted just now, so she pays much more attention to the case than before.

When she heard Hattori Heiji's words, she couldn't help but mutter: "What else could the murderer's motive be if it wasn't the membership ticket? You guys underestimate its value too much!"

Hattori Heiji shook his head: "No matter how valuable it is, it won't be so great that it can make people do such crazy things. Otherwise, the murderer would dare to kill people serially. Why not just rob the bank? That way the benefits would be better than those at the resort. The food and accommodation are much better.”

"According to my experience, there must be something hidden behind this incident. The person who was killed may have had some kind of interaction with the murderer, but we don't know what it is yet..."

As he spoke, Hattori Heiji's eyes suddenly lit up and he realized something.

"That's right!" He looked at Mrs. Xiangshan, the doctor and the tour guide expectantly: "You are also one of the people invited to the resort. Why don't you think more carefully about the murderer's motives?"

Mrs. Xiangshan was confused: "The murderer's motive? How could I know such a thing!"

But Suzuki Sonoko understood, and she helped translate: "It's like encountering some events one year ago, three years ago, five years ago that people don't want to mention again. If it hadn't been, well...then twenty years!"

Vodka: "..." How many of Uzo's scripts has this guy read, and he has completely understood them!

Mao Lilan, Yuan Shan and Ye also seemed to understand.

Compared with them, the reactions of several other resort experiencers were much slower. The three of them looked confused: "What a mess..."

Seeing that they were still confused, Jiang Xia was not in a hurry. He lowered his head and glanced at the painter on the ground: "Send Mr. Xiaolin back first, and let's talk after we eat."

After dinner, with a certain buffer, the mood of several people became much calmer.

Hattori Heiji discussed it with Jiang Xia, and in a stylish way, they separated an empty room next to the living room and asked people in turn.

The first person to be carried and slipped into the house was the tour guide who deliberately spilled the flour.

Of course, there are other reasons besides this.

"You are the leader and person in charge of this resort experience, so you should know more information than other experiencers."

Jiang Xia flipped through the notebook he was holding for samples: "The identities of the experiencers this time are all different, and their professions are also very different - what criteria were they selected according to?"

The tour guide Kujo nervously pushed up his glasses: "Our travel agency belongs to the Tono Consortium that developed the Lake Sorrow Resort. Because of this relationship, the experiencers are selected by drawing lots from the past customers of the travel agency."

Hattori Heiji looked at him suspiciously and suddenly asked: "You knew there was a boat by the lake before, why didn't you tell us? - You know, if we had sailed that boat out to ask for help on the first day, we might have been able to catch the murderer off guard. This way everyone can survive.”

"As you can see, the boat is very small and can only carry one or two people at most." The tour guide looked embarrassed, "And I am the person in charge of this experience. If someone must go out on the boat to ask for help, then I will definitely I will be chosen first, but I don’t want to take the boat..."

After the tour guide quietly left the show, the next person asked was Mrs. Xiangshan.

Jiang Xia: "Jiutiao tour guide said, have you signed up for a tour with their travel agency before?"

"Yes." Mrs. Xiangshan lit a cigarette and cursed while smoking, "The last time I signed up for their hotel, there was a shipwreck. This time when I participated in their experience activities, I encountered another serial murder case... What kind of disaster is this? Hotel! Even if they kneel down and beg me with hundreds of millions in cash, I will never get on this pirate ship again!"

Jiang Xia paused with the pen tip hanging on the notebook, writing down the name of the travel agency as if nothing had happened, and then asked: "'The last shipwreck'? What exactly happened?"

Mrs. Xiangshan sighed, her hands shaking a little: "Didn't I just say that I am afraid of water? My hydrophobia was acquired during that trip. I was sleeping in the cabin at the time, and I was woken up by a vibration in the middle of my sleep. As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw water pouring in through the crack in the door, covering the ground in the blink of an eye..."

After asking the questions she wanted to ask, Mrs. Xiangshan also made a timid exit.

Vodka looked at the tour guide and then at her, feeling as curious as a cat: "..." What on earth was Uzo doing inside? How come these guys' faces turn paler after they go in and come out again?

He almost wanted to go in and listen...

But just thinking about it. When he thought of Uzo sitting in the room, Vodka immediately turned and walked a few steps away, going to the window to breathe in the fresh air without conspiracy.

After just two puffs, he silently retreated.

——The painter was hacked from the window. He still vividly remembers it. He must stay away from the window and not follow in the footsteps of this unlucky man.

Vodka: "..." Speaking of which, who is the murderer?

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