Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2365 2369 [Assistant Fu, you go be a substitute]

After the tour guide and Mrs. Xiangshan, the old doctor walked into the house.

Through the inquiries just now, some past events have already emerged. Jiang Xia imitated the policeman's behavior, flipped through the notebook with nothing written on it, and asked directly: "Have you ever encountered a shipwreck before?"

The old doctor froze.

After a long time, he slowly bent over and sat on the sofa, showing his old age: "That's right. When I was traveling three years ago, the ship I was traveling on had an accident. If I remember correctly, this incident was a big deal at the time. It was so big that it was even published in the newspapers. It was the famous 'Toyo shipwreck incident'."

The old doctor held his forehead and recalled with some pain: "Not long after the travel ship set sail, it was hit by a cargo ship, and the ship entered the water on the spot. The captain tried to save him in a hurry, but it was useless. Eventually the ship sank and many passengers were swallowed into the sea."

"The sinking of the Toyo..."

Hattori Heiji suddenly remembered something. He stood up and said excitedly to Jiang Xia: "I remember this! The reason why this accident is so famous, in addition to the shock it brings, is also because a reporter happened to be on the boat at the time. .

"He was a survivor of this tragedy. After he recovered, he wrote a shocking report from a unique first-hand perspective - this reporter was the one who entrusted me to participate in this vacation experience for him, that is, He said that the common denominator among the experienced people summoned this time is indeed the shipwreck incident!"

Jiang Xia paused while holding her pen: "..."

The old doctor was surprised: "He entrusted you to participate in this vacation experience for him? So you came here pretending to be someone else... No wonder I always hear them call you 'Hattori' instead of 'Jimura Reporter'."

Hattori Heiji:"……"

He felt embarrassed after realizing it, and turned to Jiang Xia with a brown face: "It's all your fault for shouting, I'm exposed now!"

Jiang Xia looked innocent: "..." When you talked to Yuan Shan and Ye, a "reporter assistant," didn't you always say "Journalist Assistant" Yuan Shan and Ye, and you never called her "Hexi Sayuri"...

Perhaps because he felt guilty, Hattori Heiji was particularly lacking in confidence to speak. He quickly looked away, cleared his throat, and opened the page himself: "Fortunately, it's me who's here this time. If it were the Shucun reporter, he might be so panicked. Well, no matter what, Now it’s finally clear—the murderer probably didn’t come here for the free lifetime membership coupon. His real purpose must be related to this tragic shipwreck!”

However, so many people died in the shipwreck, and it involved a wide range of things. It seems that the specific incident that touched the murderer's nerves remains to be traced.

Jiang Xia tapped the notebook with a pen, and the tapping sound brought the old doctor back to his senses from his memories.

He looked at the survivor who had witnessed the shipwreck and asked: "I remember you seemed to have said some strange things before - like 'human beings will reveal their inner darkness at critical moments', 'Carnides' Words like 'board'...what do they mean specifically?"

The old doctor clenched his fists, breathing heavily as if thinking of something bad.

After a few minutes, the questioning of each person came to an end.

The three people walked out of the house with different expressions.

Vodka looked at this and then that, quietly alert: "Uzo's conversation with this old doctor seemed to be extra long? And the three of them had strange expressions... Although I don't know what happened, I seem to smell a conspiracy. The breath!”

Others did not read and understand Jiang Xia's expression as deeply as Vodka did, but they also vaguely felt that something was wrong in the atmosphere.

Suzuki Sonoko stood up and asked expectantly: "What did you talk about? Have you solved the mystery?"

Jiang Xia shook his head: "The more I ask, the more confused I become."

"That's it..." Suzuki Sonoko sighed, but quickly regained her composure, "It's not a big problem! Just wait for the bus to arrive in a few days, and we can just call the police and ask the police to close the mountain and search. My uncle wanted to talk to Kidd To grab the headlines, I got a bunch of infrared detection equipment from somewhere. When the time comes, I will ask him to sponsor it for the police. It will not be difficult to find that cruel guy! "

"But by then, I don't know how many more people will die." Hattori Heiji muttered something about the terrifying power of money in his heart, and interrupted her Souyama suggestion, "How about this - don't sleep separately tonight. , come and lay the floor in the living room."

Vodka remembered his last experience on the floor and shuddered silently: "..." Rather than being forced to lie between Uzo and that little vagina, he would rather spend a few more hours checking the room before going to bed.

The "new doctor" breathed a sigh of relief: "..." If that's the case, maybe she can sleep a little longer... Otherwise, she can't hold it anymore after being so tight every day.

Others, however, seemed to have some objections.

"Sleep together at night?" Mrs. Xiangshan was so frightened that her voice rose. "Didn't you say before that the villa destructor was probably hiding among us? There was no door lock to block him. He got up in the middle of the night and struck one by one with an axe. , everyone is finished!"

Jiang Xia: "Then divide into two or three groups to supervise each other and take turns to rest - since everyone has nothing to do during the day, the lost sleep time can be made up by taking turns to rest."


This sounded somewhat reasonable. Although Mrs. Xiangshan was still reluctant, she did not refute and nodded.

Vodka looked left and right, but still felt something was wrong: "..." The detective separated everyone and asked very formally for a long time, and finally asked such a stupid way to "stare at each other"?

He touched his chin, feeling that there might be something more to the matter.

At this moment, someone walked towards him.

Vodka raised his head and met the smiling Jiang Xia: "?!"

Everyone complained softly as they returned to the house, slowly packed up their bedding, and dragged their things to the living room.

As they left the bedroom, the windows of the rooms on the second floor and the first floor became dark in turn, and the already dark light in the woods became even dimmer.

Among the trees, a man wearing a mask was hiding behind a tree, looking at the window of the villa, and raised his hand to push the headphones hanging by his ears.

There was vague movement in the living room through the headphones.

——Behind the painting in the living room, a bugging device lay quietly. At this time, everyone's movements were captured by the eavesdropping device, and all were transmitted to the ears of the dark figure.

The sounds of unpacking, the sounds of detective groups, the low-pitched complaints of some uncooperative people... finally fell silent.

"Tsk." The dark figure frowned impatiently, "Isn't he a famous detective? In the end, he came up with such an annoying and stupid method?"

...but I have to admit that this method is very effective.

The dark figure gritted his teeth and was about to retreat temporarily.

But at this moment, there was a rustling sound of someone getting up from the headphones.

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