Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2366 2370 [Good people and good deeds]

The dark figure was startled, and immediately raised his ears to eavesdrop on the noise. At the same time, he instinctively retracted his body into the grass.

The next moment, he heard Jiang Xia's voice. The detective seemed to be asking the man who got up: "It's so late, where are you going?"

The man's footsteps paused and he said awkwardly: "I want to go to the bathroom."

"This voice..." The dark figure thought for a moment and immediately judged that it was the tour guide speaking.

And this tour guide was also one of his murder targets.

Thinking of this, the murderous intention of the dark figure suddenly appeared. He gripped the ax tightly, recalled the location of the bathroom, and figured out how to get around through the window and try to take down the head without being discovered by others.

However, at this moment, the side door of the villa clicked and someone came out.

"?!" The dark figure suddenly looked up, and saw another dark figure pushing open the door and walking out - this tour guide did not go to the bathroom, but slipped out alone.

The man looked around, slipped out of the house, and sneakily came to another house next door.

The dark figure was at a loss for a moment, then he felt he understood: "Is this guy trying to hide ingredients again and trick people into coming out to die?"

He snorted coldly, and a sneer appeared on his lips: "I have read too many detective novels. Don't you think that if a person dies at noon, he will not die again at night? Reality and novels are different, don't say Kill two a day, even three or four, I can show you!"

He adjusted the mask on his face, dragged his ax, and followed lightly.

There was a sound of rummaging through the door.

The dark shadow clung to the door and listened, discovering that what was being turned over should be the standing cabinet opposite the door.

In other words, the guy in the room is facing away.

Of course, the dark figure didn't want to let go of such a good opportunity. He held the doorknob firmly, pushed the door open silently, and walked behind the man with the ax in his hand...

Then, just before swinging the ax, I suddenly realized something was wrong.

The dark figure: "..." Is it an illusion? Why does this tour guide... seem to have grown stronger?

Having said that, even if I cut it off, I still feel like something is missing if I don't cut it off. He didn't stop, and the ax fell with the fierce wind... Then it struck the air and dug into the ground with a thud.

——The guy in front of me is much more flexible than expected.

The guy who was attacked looked like he had eyes on his back. He held his head and rolled out while shouting: "The murderer is here! Help!!"

The dark figure looked at this extremely familiar scene and heard the cry for help that he had heard twice: "?!" Why is it you again!

"Come on!"

At the same time, a loud shout sounded from the shadow behind him. At the same time as the sound, there was a figure completely melting into the darkness.

The bells jingled, and there was a chaos of war and horseback.

A few seconds later, Jiang Xia turned on the flashlight and illuminated Hattori Heiji, who was dressed in black, and the masked man who was pinned to the ground after Hattori Heiji handed over his axe.

"Why didn't you come up just now!" Hattori Heiji pressed down the person while condemning the colleague next to him, "This guy is really strong, I almost couldn't hold him down."

Jiang Xia stepped forward to hold him down and said, "I can't see where you are, so I'm afraid I'll hit you."

Vodka, who narrowly escaped death: "..." Nonsense! Although the black-skinned detective can indeed become invisible in the dark, with your observation skills, you wouldn't be able to figure this out? ——You must just want to see me accidentally killed by the murderer!

Vodka's resentful eyes were blocked by his sunglasses and could not be seen by others present.

However, the murderous aura of ice cream floating down when he was almost chopped down was happily packed and dragged back by the ghosts.

Jiang Xia put away the murderous aura, then walked to the wall and turned on the light.

He lowered his head and looked at the masked man struggling on the ground: "Unfortunately, your island killing scene has to come to an end."

The masked man struggled to raise his head and looked around in panic: "You..."

Hattori Heiji was in a happy mood: "Are you wondering why those of us who were supposed to be in the living room of the villa suddenly appeared here?"

Jiang Xia looked down at him and took out a button-like object from his pocket: "This is the bug you installed over there, right? It's because of it that you can control us even though you are not in the villa. General trends.”

As he said that, Jiang Xia looked at Vodka with admiration: "After finding this bug, we discussed the next action in a low voice - others packed up their belongings and secretly moved here from the back door, and then simulated the next step next to the bug. Corresponding conversation. At the same time, Mr. Yamada pretended to be a tour guide who left alone and led you here. "

Mr. Yamada who has done good things: "..."

He wanted to curse Uzo in his heart like before, but he was really not in the mood.

He was hurriedly recalling all the words he had said since arriving at this camp: Uzo and Belmode were next to him, and the organizational concentration was not low. Vodka was really worried that he might have said something that would expose the existence of the organization—for members of the organization, this would be an important event that could lead to silence.

"Who would have thought that in a place like this that focuses on 'original ecology', a bug with an incompatible painting style would suddenly appear!"

Vodka broke out in a cold sweat just thinking about it: "It seems that I have been brought into the script unknowingly a long time ago, and I actually ignored the role of technology here... It shouldn't be, this really shouldn't be done. From now on, I must treat it as someone around me There are bugs everywhere, don’t be careless!”

"The premise is that I can have a future... Damn it, did I say anything fatal near the listening device?"

He pressed Vodka between his eyebrows, wishing he could dig out the memory and take a look.

Suddenly he remembered something and turned to look at Belmod. He saw that the fake school doctor's face was also not very good-looking, and he was obviously thinking about similar things.

"Uzo really does a lot of harm to people." Vodka sighed sincerely for the nth time. At the same time, he couldn't help but glare at Bermod, "And this woman who can't carry it clearly has long told her to do it when Uzo is present. The priority is to guard against Uzo, but she won’t listen! ——Look, the retribution is here!”

The two organization cadres fell into crazy memories, while everyone else's attention was focused on the masked man on the ground.

"Who is this guy?" Mrs. Xiangshan carefully looked at the murderer on the ground as if visiting a rare animal, and then looked around carefully.

After a moment, she showed a confused expression: "Didn't you say that the murderer is hiding among us? But now, except for Painter Xiaolin who is still sleeping, there is no one missing."

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