Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2368 2372 [The true identity of the murderer]

Jiang Xia briefly lost her mind because of the Poseidon in her words. But he soon came to his senses, refocused on the case, and took out his notebook:

"You will probably understand the reason for the murder after listening to this - judging from the current list, the full name of the dead Mr. Xiangshan is Saburo Xiangshan, Mrs. Xiangshan's name is Xiangshan Seiko, and the reporter's name is Shumura Shinsuke. His assistant was named Sayuri Kasai, and the gentleman who was killed on the first night was named Soichi Kurata, the painter Seiji Kobayashi... and the teacher Shigeru Kaifu who entrusted me to come here for him.

"All these people, their initials are 'S.K.'"

Several resort experiencers spelled their names with pseudonyms in confusion: "It's really..."

"Huh? Wait." Suzuki Sonoko suddenly discovered a question. She thought of her deceased acquaintance, "Senior Tono is also a participant, but his abbreviation is 'E·T'... Could he have someone else?" name?"

Jiang Xia shook his head: "His abbreviation does not match the others because he was not among the victims in the first place - he was the real culprit who caused this series of murders."



After everyone heard the detective's conclusion, they first looked like they were suddenly enlightened, but then they came back to their senses and felt something was wrong: "The murderer is that Tono? But isn't he dead? His body is still buried. At the lake, it was already a little swollen when it was discovered!”

Jiang Xia pointed at the person on the ground who was still trying to overthrow Hattori Heiji: "Whether it is him or not, you will know if you lift the mask and take a look."

"!" The man on the ground was still flopping around, but when he heard this, he immediately stopped moving and began to bury his face on the ground.

"It's already like this, and you still hold on to the hope of escaping. You're such an optimistic guy..." Hattori Heiji simply sat on his back, freed his hands, and took off his mask.

The pale mask was thrown aside casually, Jiang Xia turned on the flashlight, and the beam illuminated a young face.

——As expected, it was Eiji Tono, the tragic hero who took a boat out of the lake alone to seek help, and then returned to the isolated island in the form of a corpse.

Everyone looked at this living person and thought of the completely dead body before, and couldn't help but be stunned: "How is this possible?!"

Vodka touched his chin and looked at him, then at Belmod: "..." Could it be a disguise? Or twins?

Jiang Xia picked up the mask on the ground and put it on the table casually: "It was indeed Mr. Tono who left by boat, but the body that came back by boat was no longer him - judging from the general shape and time, the body The corpse lying in the boat with its face mutilated was probably the teacher Kaifu who asked me to participate in this vacation experience for him.

"After the vacation experience began, Mr. Tono learned that Mr. Kaibe was still nearby from our chat when we arrived, so he contacted him by phone before cutting off the phone line and used some method to ask him out - one-on-one For an heir to a consortium who has money, status, and perhaps some leverage, this is not a difficult task.

"In Senior Tono's plan, the small boat hidden by the lake would allow him to leave by boat after killing everyone on the island. But he did not expect that Painter Kobayashi had a strong desire to explore and accidentally shot him while wandering. He discovered the ship by accident and drew it, and worst of all, the drawing was seen by everyone else.

"The experiencers invited by Senior Tono are more or less afraid of water because they have experienced the shipwreck that year. Even if there is a boat, they dare not leave by boat. But the problem is that there are also some original people mixed in here. People who weren’t on his invitation list—that’s us.”

Speaking of this, Jiang Xia lowered his head and looked at Eiji Tono who was surrounded by murderous spirit: "Disguised as a villa destroyer from outside, trapped a group of people who were afraid of water and boats on an isolated island, and slowly killed them all one by one, and finally he could leisurely Leaving by boat…

"It sounds like a beautiful 'no survivors' story. But unfortunately, people in reality will not be manipulated like the characters in the novel. They will have their own ideas, and there will be some that even they themselves predict. Unexpected sudden measures - for example, Kaibe-sensei and the reporter did not go to the island at all, but Hattori and I showed up here. "

Vodka: "..." Huh.

Jiang Xia glanced at him and then looked at Eiji Tono: "In order to deal with these sudden changes, you have no choice but to move out of your identity as the heir of the investor, pretend to be guilty of the current situation, and bravely take advantage of the situation on the grounds of taking responsibility. The ship leaves.

"This will destroy the ship in a logical way and prevent others from escaping. Secondly, it can fill in another loophole in your plan - you go to the place you agreed to kill Mr. Kaifu.

"You and Mr. Kaifu are similar in stature, and even your hairstyle happens to be the same simple hairstyle you had when you first left campus. After killing him, you just need to put your own clothes on the body and destroy his face. Returning the body to the island creates the illusion that you are dead.

"As early as when you heard that Teacher Kaifu didn't come, you had already made plans to use him to fake your own death and escape. That's why in the first two murder cases, you deliberately destroyed the bodies beyond recognition to prepare for the third one. The disfigurement in the murder case has laid the foundation for it.”

"No wonder." Mrs. Xiangshan remembered something that cared about her. "No wonder the corpse didn't wear that famous watch. Before, I thought the watch was robbed by the murderer, but now it seems that you were reluctant to give it to him. ,so……"

"Aren't you willing to give it to him? Huh, do you think I'm you? All I can think about is money." Senior Tono sneered, "But you're right, even if it's for revenge, I wouldn't be willing to give it to him." The watch is attached to someone else’s hands, not because it’s valuable, but’s something Keiko left behind.”


When Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko heard this girl's name, they couldn't help but look at each other, and they realized skillfully that there might be some ups and downs behind it.

However, before Senior Tono could speak, there was a sudden "boom" next to him.

Everyone turned around in surprise and saw the old doctor's knees weakened and he collapsed on the ground for some reason.

"'s true." The old doctor wiped his face, and his pale hair seemed to be hanging down. He looked at Eiji Tono with a complicated mood, "You did what you did today because of that Miss Keiko Koizumi. "

Eiji Tono was stunned at first, then became angry: "It's you? It turns out to be you!!"

Everyone looked at Eiji Tono who looked angry, and then looked at the old doctor who looked guilty, and said in confusion: "Wait, what are you and not yours... What are you talking about? Who is Keiko Koizumi?"

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