Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2369 2373 [Emergency Evacuation]

"Keiko..." When the old doctor heard everyone's questions, he wiped his face with a complicated expression, "That was the person who was killed by me."

"You have all heard the story of the 'Plate of Carnides' - a sailor encountered a shipwreck. He struggled hard and was lucky enough to hold on to a plank. But at this moment, another man struggled Swimmed over.

"The man also wanted to grab the same board, but the crew member holding the board knew that the board could not bear the weight of two people at all. If the next person also held the board, both of them would sink. So he Pushed away another person who wanted to hug the board.

"He survived on the floating board, but the man he pushed away drowned in the sea.

"Later, the survivor went to court because of this matter, but after fierce discussions and arguments, he was not charged in the end."

Suzuki Sonoko understood: "I know this! This is emergency evacuation in the current criminal law. Even now, similar things will not be punished... Huh? Wait, you have also experienced a shipwreck, what you said 'Killing', does it mean that you also pushed others away in the sea? "

The old doctor nodded vicissitudes of life: "That happened three years ago when the Dongyang sank. The scene at that time could not be called a hell on earth. The fishy seawater poured into the cabin and rolled people off the deck. There were everywhere They were people who fell into the water. Some people sank, some struggled to get into the lifeboats, and some, whether lucky or unlucky, were floating on the water and struggling.

"I was lucky at the time and was not trapped in the cabin. As soon as I swam out of the water, I found a lifeboat nearby. I got on the boat smoothly and pulled a few other people on board. Soon, the small boat was filled with people. Got people.

"There were still many people struggling in the water, so I reached out to a girl who looked like a middle school student nearby. I was about to pull her up. When I was using my strength, I found that the lifeboat was obviously tilting... I suddenly realized If we continue to use force, the entire lifeboat may overturn."

"The moment I realized this, I let go of her hand." The old doctor pinched his forehead hard, with deep wrinkles at the corners of his eyes. "I watched helplessly as her expression changed from relaxation to fear. She was in the water. Li struggled for a while and then grabbed my bag hard. "

“The lifeboat started shaking violently, and I didn’t know what I was thinking. When I came to my senses, I had coldly snatched the bag back.

"The lifeboat was stabilized. The girl didn't grab anything and only tore off the pendant on my bag. She held the pendant with my initials on it and was swept away by the waves and eventually sank into the water. .

"Later I watched the news, and it was said in the news that the girl was only fifteen years old when she died... From that day on, I have never forgotten her expression when she sank into the water.

"In order to atone for my sins, I quit my job and devoted all my energy to medical care in remote areas, hoping to save as many people as possible..."

"Atonement? Everyone is already dead, who can use your hypocritical atonement!" Tono Eiji roared, "It turned out to be you who killed her. If I had known it was you, if I had known it was you..."

He looked at the ax that had been knocked to the ground next to him.

Vodka suddenly became alert and silently kicked the ax away.

There was a clang, and Eiji Tono looked at him with resentful eyes.

Vodka: "..." What are you looking at! The place here is so narrow. If you get the axe, who knows where you will chop it. What if it falls on my head?

When the two people looked at each other silently, Suzuki Sonoko looked at the ax that had been kicked away and nodded with satisfaction: "Mr. Yamada is becoming more and more like a detective assistant - you will definitely realize your dream as soon as possible and work for Jiang Xia." As an assistant!”

Vodka came back to his senses with a jolt: "..." Poisonous woman!

Conan: "..." This guy can really put on a show, so Jiang Xia must be reminded tactfully not to be fooled by "Mr. Yamada's" apparent justice.

With this in mind, he quietly interrupted the topic and looked at Eiji Tono: "Do you know the dead sister Keiko?"

Eiji Tono gritted his teeth: "It's more than just acquaintance... Keiko and I grew up in the same charity institution. We have always accompanied each other and supported each other."

"Charity?" Mrs. Xiangshan was stunned, "But didn't you say before that you were the son of the Tono Consortium family? Did you lie?"

Eiji Tono snorted coldly: "That's because I was adopted by them - more than ten years ago, Mr. and Mrs. Tono thought that I looked like their lost son, so they took me home and raised me as their eldest son.

"In the same year, Keiko was also adopted by another family. But she was unlucky and met a harsh family, and she has been living like a maid there.

"I helped her secretly in private, but my adoptive parents soon discovered it. My parents didn't want me to have any contact with her, so they cut off the contact between us, and we were separated in this way.

"But the resistance from my parents couldn't stop the family affection between us at all. Not long after I was adopted, my adoptive parents' lost son was found. Their attention to me lessened, and I was finally able to hide it from my parents and start a new life again. Got in contact with Keiko.

"We are like the lovers in the legend of Lake Sadness. We love each other, but we can't stay together forever. But that doesn't matter, as long as she is by my side, I will be satisfied."

While listening, Vodka said silently in his heart: But...

"But even such a humble wish could not be realized!" Tono Eiji suddenly became excited, "Three years ago, we made an appointment to go on a sea trip together. I packed my luggage happily and made an appointment with Keiko on the boat. We met, but before leaving the house, I was discovered by my younger brother.

"He informed my adoptive parents, and I was detained at home, unable to board the passenger ship... I thought it was just a small setback, but who knew that when we met next time, what I saw had already happened It’s a cold corpse.”

"The scene was chaotic, and the seaside stadium was filled with drowning victims. Keiko was lying alone in one corner, clutching a nameplate on a suitcase in her hand."

"I squatted next to her body and heard several survivors in the venue trembling as they described the horrors of the scene. Someone mentioned the girl who wanted to get into the lifeboat but was pushed away.

"Only then did I know what exactly happened that day. I called the police and wanted the police to track down that cold-blooded guy, but the police said that such behavior could not be pursued. In the end, the matter ended like this!"

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