Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2373 2377 [Gin: You are sick]

Things come to an end as the fleeing boat explodes into fireworks in the water.

The next day, the bus sent by the travel agency was waiting but no one was there. The driver hesitantly informed his superiors, but his superiors at the Tokyo headquarters were well-informed and chose to call the police without hesitation.

Not long after, Megure Police Department and his subordinates arrived at this small island located on the edge of Tokyo.

"Hiss, why did the corpses become like this!" The Mumu Police Department looked sympathetically at the unrecognizable corpses, and then looked sympathetically at the Forensic Section police officers, and finally moved a little further away silently, and ran to find Jiang Xia. "What have you been going through these days?"

Jiang Xia estimated how long it would take to tell this story, silently pressed Vodka's shoulders and pushed him forward: "Let Mr. Yamada tell these things. He has experienced more things than me. I heard that he has also I encountered a murderer’s ambush in the woods alone and successfully escaped.”

Vodka: "..." Who wants to tell the police a story! I'm not your repeater!

The Mumu police department turned to look at this enthusiastic brother.

"..." Vodka, "Well, this is what happened..."

By the time the members of the black organization finished telling their stories to the police, the police's temporary bridge was almost ready.

Vacation Experience People hugged their luggage and couldn't wait to leave this ghost place. When they saw the vehicles on the road to pick them up from a distance, several "S.K." who had escaped from the murderer's clutches almost cried with joy.

There was another person who was also crying with joy.

Vodka returned to the city, excused himself from being recorded because he was feeling unwell, and then walked in all directions to a deserted intersection.

On the side of the road, a familiar black vehicle parked quietly.

In the past, when I saw this car, Vodka would only feel numb and tired like "I have to work overtime again."

But at this moment, he was like a man who fell into the water and saw driftwood, or a wanderer who saw his hometown and wanted to run over to it, and then called out affectionately: "Brother!"

...Fortunately, countless experiences have made him calm, and he did not act like running across the street.

Vodka just speeded up slightly, pretending to walk to the car very naturally, opened the door and got in.

After being isolated from possible prying eyes from the outside world, he said with a tone of relief as if he had been released from prison: "Brother, I'm back!"

Gin glanced at him, held a cigarette in his mouth and asked, "Did you get the gun back?"

Vodka: "..."

Gin glanced at his expression: "..."

Gin looked back and pointedly said: "Actually, it would be good to partner with Uzo. The way he completes tasks is somewhat different from the organization's usual style. If you stay in an exciting atmosphere for a long time, you may like this feeling. "

"I didn't! It's not because I wanted to act with him that I didn't take a gun!" Vodka's face suddenly twisted, "I really just forgot - brother, you don't know, that little... that guy's stage is getting more and more... More and more perverted!"

Only then did he begin to feel lucky that he had not dared to refuse before and told the Memu Police Department what happened on the island in advance. That experience of telling the story allowed him to finish his words faster and better now.

Soon, Vodka retold what happened these days in a more ups and downs manner, and emphasized his bad experience of narrow escape, focusing on his disgust and distance from Uzo.

"If possible, I hope he can consciously keep a distance of more than a hundred miles from me!" Vodka said firmly, "If we add a time limit to this wish, I hope it will be a lifetime!"

Gin: "..."

The prowess and agility of "Mr. Yamada" in the story need to be verified, but after telling this story, he felt the escape that vodka exudes from the depths of his soul.

This made Gin feel relieved: it seemed that this little brother was still normal for the time being. As for his repeated forgetting to get the gun from Uzzo, and then being tricked by Uzzo into becoming an assistant... Since Uzzo can make a person become a murderer or victim unknowingly, then it just makes Vodka forget about getting a gun. , which is normal.

However, the process still needs to be followed.

Gin took out his wallet and threw a business card to Vodka.

Vodka hurriedly caught it and saw a few conspicuous characters on the business card - Psychiatrist.

Vodka looked at the famous film doubtfully: "This is..."

Gin: "The doctor that Boss asked me to examine."

He thought of "that adult" who for some reason was convinced that he had prosopagnosia, and pressed his forehead tiredly: "You can go check it out for me."

Since the boss didn't explicitly ask him to see a doctor, he just handed over the task to Vodka - seeing a doctor was inherently unpleasant, and Gin didn't think there was anything wrong with him.

In comparison, Vodka, who had been staying next to Uzo for several days, needed this more.

Next to him, I was pinching a famous film with vodka, and I just felt like I was holding a hot potato: "..." There is nothing to fear from a psychiatrist. If you have been tense for a long time, you can go to them to relax... But the problem is that this kind of thing is very attractive to people. Zoah!

He finally escaped from that island with a narrow escape. What if he ran into that guy again because of this business card!

Vodka was tempted to say no.

However, against the scrutinizing gaze of Gin next to him, his words changed in a different direction: "Okay, leave it to me."

After Conan finished taking notes, he walked around the area and discovered something bad.

"Where's the vodka?" He pulled Hattori Heiji, who was asked a few extra questions because he detonated the bomb, and asked in a low voice, "Where did that guy go?"

Hattori Heiji was startled. After Conan said this, he suddenly remembered that he hadn't seen that big guy for a while.

The two looked at each other for a moment, then turned to ask Officer Sato.

"Mr. Yamada?" Sato Miwako sighed, "He said he didn't feel very well and left early - think about it, he was actually threatened by such a cruel gangster with a bomb to kill people. He must have been very helpless and very worried at that time. Hesitant and scared, that experience is enough to leave a psychological shadow.”

Hattori Heiji: "..." Ordinary citizens? You call those kind of outlaws ordinary citizens? ...These Tokyo policemen really have no discernment.

Conan: "..." The cunning Vodka actually took the initiative to show weakness and deceive the police... This guy is flexible and flexible, and he is simply the most difficult type of person to deal with. Unfortunately, I thought he was just a follower behind Gin...

When two detectives compete with innocent vodka.

Jiang Xia was sitting in the police office, drinking coffee kindly provided by Officer Sato, and listening to the police telling the story behind the tragedy.

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