Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2374 2378 [Anonymous Scientist]

"The Toyo shipwreck incident..." The Megure Police Department sighed when they mentioned this incident, "It was truly a human tragedy. As a person who was not at the scene, I can only listen to other people's descriptions and imagine how terrible the scene was at that time. "

He browsed the relevant information on the desktop and returned to the present: "We haven't been able to recover the murderer's body yet. The lake is not small, and there are rivers connecting it on both sides, and the delay in the middle was a little longer. There is probably little hope of finding him... Alas, this young man graduated from a prestigious school, so it is a pity that he has gone astray. "

As he spoke, he didn't know what he saw, and his expression became a little complicated.

Jiang Xia: "What's wrong?"

The Mumu Police Department hesitantly confirmed to him: "The murderer this time and his childhood sweetheart, the girl who drowned three years ago, had a secret crush on each other?"

Jiang Xia nodded.

The expression on the Mumu Police Department suddenly became more complicated: "But judging from the registration information of that charity institution, they, they are brother and sister!"

Three female high school students eating melon not far away: "?!"

"No wonder..." Yuan Shan and Ye suddenly realized, "No wonder that guy likes the legend of Sad Love Lake so much - men and women who fall in love but can never be together, it is simply tailor-made for their situation."

Suzuki Sonoko sighed and said with emotion: "I seem to have new inspiration! Unfortunately, our stage script has already taken shape..."

The "new doctor" who was also quietly eavesdropping not far away said: "..." Don't say such things. It doesn't matter if you have new inspiration, but don't let other things suddenly have inspiration.

This case happened deep in the mountains, and there were a large number of victims. Almost the entire island needed to be searched and evidence collected. Mu Mu's police department was so busy that he didn't have much time to communicate with his brothers, so Jiang Xia didn't bother this dedicated police officer who was like a spinning top, and went home voluntarily after finishing the transcript.

Everyone else also returned to their own places. Although this journey was safe physically, it was very tiring mentally. It's the school festival soon, and they have to brace themselves to perform on the stage in front of the public. They must have a good rest.

Maori Detective Agency.

Although Conan didn't have to participate in a high school drama, he was no less stressed than the actors.

"What on earth is director Yuanzi doing?" Conan muttered: "Our class's drama should of course be performed by our classmates! Xiaolan deserves her title as the heroine... But why is the hero the new doctor? Responsible?

"That guy is not from the class at all, he is just an unfamiliar school doctor. Could this guy Yuanzi have accepted a bribe from the new doctor..."

He was secretly suspecting some unknown role deal between his classmates and the school nurse. Suddenly, there was a clang on the ground and something fell out of his pocket.

Conan was startled, looked down, and found that it was actually a small glass bottle.

Inside the bottle was a red and white capsule and a small folded piece of paper.

"This is……"

Conan was stunned for a moment, suddenly having some weird premonition in his heart.

He quickly knelt down to pick up the vial, then turned his head and glanced furtively. Finding that Maori and his daughter were doing their own thing, and no one was paying attention to him, a primary school student, Conan took the bottle and quietly slipped back to his room.

He closed the door, unsealed the cork, took some time to dig out the note from the small bottle like a drift bottle, and unfolded it to check.

I saw a line of small words written on it:

[If you were given a chance to become an adult again, what would you do with it? ]

A question without beginning or end.

It is followed by a complicated "Z" symbol.

Conan's eyes fell on that symbol, and his heart beat violently: If I remember correctly, this is the symbol of anonymity!

"When did this thing get into my pocket?" Conan thought about it and suddenly locked on a suspect, "Xiaobai... I was wearing this coat when I saw him!"

After clarifying this point, and then looking at the red and white capsule in the glass bottle, Conan suddenly became excited, and his heart could not contain the joy and expectation:

"According to my speculation, many members of Anonymous were once victims of black organizations. They turned into children after taking APTX4869, but later, they mastered a method to temporarily transform back into adults - Ms. Anonymous is An example! I remember Hattori saying that he saw the lady transform from a child to an adult and take down something hanging from a tree.”

"Could this pill be the antidote to Aptx4869? Can I finally change back to my original body?" Conan held the pill like a treasure and was so happy that he almost wanted to jump.

But soon, the detective's reason reminded him of a cruel fact.

"The note said 'Give you a chance to become an adult', not 'Let you become an adult'... It seems like this is just a temporary antidote."

Conan held the small medicine bottle religiously with both hands, and his eyes turned into love and hate for a moment: "It can only be used once? Even if it is limited by technology and cannot develop a complete antidote for the time being, organizations like Anonymous should have more than Is this a temporary antidote? Isn’t one a little too much? If I ask them for a bottle... well, then I might get a bottle of anesthesia to be injected into the blood vessel."

Thinking of the difficulty of communicating with Anonymous and the speed of Xiaobai's injection, Conan had no choice but to give up this plan.

"However, there is more than one way." Conan had a flash of inspiration, "Huiyuan, Huiyuan is an expert in this field. If she can reproduce this medicine..."

Ten minutes later.

Dr. A Li's home.

Haiyuan Ai looked at the mysterious Conan, and then at the small red and white capsule he handed over mysteriously: "..." Why does this medicine look familiar?

She lowered her head and looked at the capsule, then looked at Conan suspiciously: "What's the matter?"

Conan lowered his voice: "Anonymous gave me a temporary antidote to APTX4869. I'll break some of the powder and give it to you. You can see if you can develop something similar in batches. If successful, we can change back to our original bodies!" "

Haibara Ai:"……"

No wonder it looks familiar, it turned out to be the medicine I made.

She picked up the coffee and took a sip silently, hiding her strange expression.

After the anonymous Xiaobai provided her with the information that "drinking Laobaigan after a cold can temporarily transform you back into an adult", she quickly found an idea, developed a temporary antidote, and got in touch with the anonymous person.

After that, she followed Anonymous's arrangements and kept the matter of the temporary antidote a secret, and did not reveal similar information to Conan.

Haibara Ai: "..." It's a good thing I didn't say it, otherwise judging from the fanatical look of this guy in front of me, if Conan knew that she could make the antidote... I'm afraid he would be stationed at Dr. Ali's house 24 hours a day like a ghost. Make a sound like "Give me the antidote."

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