Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2378 2382 [Dark Nightmare]

Haibara Ai: "After I left the organization, the research on Aptx4869 began to stagnate, so..."

"I see." Combined with the abnormal vodka, Conan felt that he understood everything, "So they want you to go back and restart this research. And the head on my project is your vote to return to the organization?"


Haibara Ai felt relaxed for a moment: It's really easy to pretend to be a riddle with such a brain-loving detective. He even saves his lines. If necessary, he will make it up himself.

"Yes, but it's not comprehensive." Haiyuan Ai kept in mind the purpose of "let Conan taste the consequences of revealing his identity, and then carefully transform", and continued with a sad smile, "Not only you, your parents, know about the organization The Osaka detective who exists... before the sun rises, the insiders of these organizations will also disappear from this world. "

Conan couldn't hide his shock and looked at him: "Forget about my parents, how did the organization know that Hattori also knew this...did you tell them?!"

Haibara Ai:"……"

Damn detective, don’t ask questions that you shouldn’t!

She snorted in her heart and said, "Yes, Dr. A Li was also taken hostage by them - I'm very sorry, with my current status as a prisoner, I only have enough strength to save him."

She loaded the "pistol" with a click, admiring Conan's shocked and angry expression: "But if it really comes down to it, maybe you have to thank me - at least I helped you avoid being dragged away by the organization for human experimentation. It will make your death painless, and it will also allow you to go ahead of your parents and friends and prevent you from seeing their tragic deaths.”

With these cold words, Haiyuan Ai slowly tightened his finger on the trigger.

Conan's blood ran cold, but he was unarmed and had no confidence to dodge the gun. And even if he escaped this would he save other people targeted by the organization?

A feeling of despair slowly emerged in his heart, and he watched helplessly as Hui Yuan Ai pulled the trigger.

The next moment, there was a sneer and water splashed all over his face.

Conan: "..."

The mini detective's expression changed from despair to confusion, and then from confusion to questions.

Hui Yuan Ai looked at his dazed look and felt happy.

But suddenly, she remembered that she looked the same in front of Jiang Xia not long ago, and the smile on her face gradually disappeared.

Haibara Ai: "..." No matter what, I was scared and scared people again and again. It was not a loss, but Kudo Shinichi was the only one who suffered a loss.

Thinking of this, she put away the water gun gracefully and got to the point: "How are you, are you scared? If your identity is exposed, what happened just now may become a reality."

After a pause, Haiyuan Ai rigorously changed his words: "No, strictly speaking, it will only be more cruel than that - an excellent experimental subject like you will never die easily if it enters the organization's sight. And others There will be no way for those who know the truth, they will all be silenced.”

Conan: "..."

It was only then that he came to his senses and raised his hand to slowly wipe the water from his head.

Then he took a look under the light of the street lamp and fell into silence: "..." Well, it was indeed water and not blood. No wonder the top of his head felt cold just now. He thought it was caused by the hot blood splashing on his skin. illusion.

After finally digesting the fact that "he was still alive", Conan breathed a sigh of relief and sat down on the ground.

"If you really have nothing to do, can you go home and type code?" Conan calmed down his violent heartbeat, "Why are you coming here to scare people in the middle of the night?...Wait, how did you get in?"

Hui Yuan Ai thought of Jiang Xia who had sent her here and helped her climb through the window, and her eyes drifted to the side guiltily.

She wasn't going to answer the question, so she pulled the trigger again and shot a stream of water on Conan's forehead.

While the detective was hurriedly wiping away, Haiyuan Ai said, "I'm just here to remind you that even if there is an antidote, it doesn't mean that you can act arbitrarily with your identity as a high school student. If you dare to act recklessly, what happened just now will happen." That's the end.

"In addition, I don't know why you revealed the existence of the organization to that black detective in Osaka so easily, but you'd better keep this kind of thing secret in the future - this is not an interesting secret at all, but a death Invitation, the more you know, the closer you may be to death.”

...especially don't tell Jiang Xia about this. Jiang Xia has his own reasons for pretending not to know. If you talk nonsense to him, it might be difficult for him to handle it.

After Haihara Ai finished what she wanted to say, she lowered her head and glanced at Conan.

Seeing the detective's frightened look, she secretly breathed a sigh of relief: Mission accomplished! With this kind of foreshadowing, Conan should not easily use the antidote given to him by Anonymous to get bigger.

Before Maori and his daughter were alerted, Huiyuan Ai left Conan who was busy wiping his face, returned the same way, met up with Jiang Xia, and then the two figures sneaked back to their home.

After sending Hui Yuan Ai back to Dr. A Li's house, Jiang Xia looked up at the house and sighed in disappointment.

Jiang Xia: "..." Haiyuan's acting skills seemed to be a bit lacking. Not to mention the real murderous intention brewing. If I read it right, she almost couldn't hold back her laughter. But Conan's look...well, I can't blame her.

"I don't know what the murderous aura of 'Shirley' smells like." Jiang Xia took one last look with slight curiosity, then turned around and crawled back to her home through the hole in the fence. "It's not a big problem. As long as you have patience, sooner or later, one day can see."

Although the two of them went to bed late, they had a good night's sleep because they were in a happy mood.

And sleep seemed to be conserved. On the other side, a certain primary school student who had slept soundly for half the night was holding the quilt and tossing and turning.

After an unknown amount of time, Conan, who was so startled, finally collected his thoughts and reluctantly let himself fall asleep.

But within a few minutes of falling asleep, a tall figure appeared in his dream with a sinister smile, pushing up his sunglasses and reaching out to him. Conan kicked off the quilt and woke up from his dream with a jolt.

He sat up, took a few breaths, and finally recovered from the nightmare.

"I actually dreamed about vodka." Conan tapped his forehead wordlessly, "It's really unimaginable. Not long ago, I thought he was just an ordinary follower who was easy to deal with..."

"Calm down, it's not too late to know his danger now - after all, Vodka didn't discover my identity, and what just happened was just made up by Haiyuan to scare me." Conan comforted himself in his heart, "But then again, then This guy keeps appearing around us, what’s his purpose?”

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