Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2379 2383 [The smell of gin]

After a night of nightmares about high vodka concentration, Conan crawled out of bed the next day with a pair of dark circles under his eyes.

Conan: "..." This organization is far more terrifying than he thought. It's scary because of the hidden dragons and crouching tigers. Without in-depth contact, you won't know who is the most dangerous.

He decided that from now on, the words "people should not be judged by their appearance" should be firmly engraved on his DNA, and he would no longer be coerced by other people's evaluations, and would only rely on his own eyes to judge.

...Although in his initial judgment, vodka had a similar image... But no matter what, this incident was a good lesson. He would never fall into the same pit twice!

The deeply touched elementary school student secretly clenched his fists and made up his mind.

After eating, Conan went to school thoughtfully, thinking about where to use the antidote as he walked.

Suddenly, a car passed by him. Conan raised his head thoughtfully and saw an affordable vehicle with a hint of bright color inside.

——The driver was a blond woman, who was the English teacher who often hung around them a while ago, Teacher Judy.

The vehicle flashed past, and Conan was silent for a moment: "..." I didn't expect that after Teacher Judy's car fell into the river and was washed away by the current, it would be replaced by such a low-key and simple car.

But compared to this, the guy sitting next to Teacher Judy...

"Why does he look a bit like the kidnapper from back then?" Conan looked suspicious, "He could easily escape even if I hit him with a crane. That guy is anything but simple. Now he's actually mixed up with Teacher Judy... These two suspicious people What are we plotting together?"

For a moment, Conan wanted to throw a bug into the car and listen to what they were saying.

Unfortunately, although the car was of average quality, its racing speed was not slow. In the blink of an eye, it had whizzed past and completely disappeared from Conan's sight.

Conan: "..."

Forget it, I'm almost late, let's go to school first.

After all, he is just a weak and helpless primary school student now. He can no longer use the excuse of "I encountered a murder on the road, so I helped the police solve the case for a while" to block the teacher's mouth and be late openly... Damn it, the more The more I think about it, the more I miss the body of a high school student. When will he be able to change back?

Among the speeding vehicles.

The two FBI agents didn't notice the child passing by quietly. They were focused on other things at this time.

"That rotten apple has been acting strangely recently." Judy unceremoniously called the code name they gave Bellmode. "She seems to be particularly interested in the drama performance of Grade 2 Class B, and even took time off to talk to those children. We went out together and traveled to many places.”

Judy tapped her fingertips on the steering wheel and thought seriously: "At first, I thought it was because she was aware of our investigation and wanted to use these opportunities to escape our sight... But then I thought about it, that woman's purpose should be different. It could be so simple. There might be another reason for this - she won't be targeting Jiang Xia, right? She wants to use this detective's reputation to achieve some unspeakable purpose of her own, or is she targeting the daughter of the Suzuki Consortium? "

Akai Shuichi flipped through the long list of suspects in his hand and said casually: "Maybe her target is not these two prominent celebrities, but another one."

Judy was startled: "What do you mean?"

Akai Shuichi put down the thick book of suspicions, picked up the folder on the side, and pulled out a page: "When I was investigating the people suspected of having something to do with Uzo, I saw this - one of the stops that the bus passed by. "

Judy glanced in the rearview mirror and saw the place: Dorobica Amusement Park.

"I've been here." Judy was a little surprised, "Is there something wrong with this place?"

Akai Shuichi: "The class that Belmod often hangs out in, which is Grade 2 Class B, had another famous high school detective before Jiang Xia."

Judy: "Are you talking about Kudo Shinichi? He has a good relationship with Jiang Xia and the others, and the three children will occasionally mention him."

Akai Shuichi raised his head and glanced at her: "In your eyes, what is the state of this former famous detective now?"

"A detective is a detective, why do we have to add 'former', as if he is really dead."

Judy felt that Shuichi Akai spoke strangely today, but after all, this person was the absolute ace of their FBI team, and every word in his words might have a deep meaning.

So she had to think carefully and answered the question honestly: "Just... a man who was obsessed with solving crimes and stayed away from home every day. Outsiders always felt that he had died in the line of duty, but people around him still felt that he was alive... Schrödinger Detective?"

Akai Shu nodded: "Kudo Shinichi is a relatively high-profile detective. He never refuses interviews and is even willing to discuss case details with reporters. And the frequency of his own encounters with murders is also surprisingly high for some reason - in other words , he used to be a detective who frequently appeared in front of the media and had an astonishingly high exposure rate.”

Judy: "So..."

Akai Shuichi thoughtfully said: "So he disappeared suddenly, which is very abnormal - if he is really busy with some important case, it is impossible for no news to be revealed. In this situation, I am afraid that it is because of him I can’t speak anymore.”

Judy shuddered behind her: "In other words, he is really dead?"

Akai Shuichi shook his head again: "Judging from the attitudes of the people around him, it doesn't look like it. I think it's more likely because he is in some kind of predicament, so he has been unable to show his face and can only get close to people around him secretly. people are connected.”

Judy nodded repeatedly after hearing this, but then thought of something again: "Although what you said seems to make sense...but what does it have to do with what we are busy with?"

Akai Hide glanced at him: "Judging from records from various sources, Kudo Shinichi's last appearance was at Dorobiga Paradise - I asked Kamel to collect all the news that could be found on that day, including some of the information at that time. The reporters present discovered something.”

He turned back two pages of the document in his hand, revealing an enlarged photo.

Judy turned the steering wheel, glanced back curiously, and quickly looked away: "What's wrong with this car?"

Akai Shuichi pointed to the reflection on the car: "This shadow should be Gin."

Judy: "???"

She stretched her hand back twice, grabbed the document and brought it to her eyes.

After looking twice, Judy silently parked the car on the side of the road.

She lowered her head, picked up the piece of paper with a frown, and started looking at the ordinary car to find where the legendary "Shadow of Gin" was.

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