Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2380 2384 [Running on a horse]

A minute later, Judy finally realized something.

She stared at the car lights carefully, looking at the alien figure reflected in it that looked like a ball, and asked uncertainly: "Is this what you are talking about...?"

Akai Shu nodded: "Don't you think it's very similar? As long as you compare the concave and convex degree of the reflective surface and restore the shadow according to a certain proportion, it will be a silhouette of gin."

Judy: "..."

Of course, it doesn’t feel like it at all!

Are you really just making this up based on your intuition?

And Shuichi Akai continued: "According to the organization's habits, they will definitely climb to a nearby high point before trading to observe the general situation - that is to say, combined with the time and location of Gin's appearance, the roller coaster head-cutting case He and Vodka were probably on that roller coaster when it happened and were unlucky enough to be involved in the case."

While listening, Judy frowned and stared at the enlarged image: "..." Wait, let me first tell you how this shadow resembles gin... No, you should explain it carefully first, how does it resemble gin? people?

Next to him, Akai Shuichi obviously did not intend to dwell on this issue that seemed very obvious to him. He continued his reasoning: "To put it simply, I suspect that the disappearance of Kudo Shinichi is related to the organization-for example, this person is very curious. The detective noticed something suspicious about the gin and vodka, so he took some actions without fear of danger, which eventually led to some undesirable consequences. "

Seeing that he had no intention of explaining, Judy had to put down the question temporarily and tried to follow Akai Shuichi's current thoughts: "That is to say..."

Shuichi Akai: "According to the organization's style of conduct, if Kudo Shinichi really discovers something, they will definitely not verbally threaten the high school detective to shut up. They will only take physical measures so that the insider can never reveal it. The secret he saw - and this is probably the reason why Kudo Shinichi disappeared.

"But on the other hand, Kudo Shinichi's acquaintances and relatives are not too worried about his situation... This shows that Kudo Shinichi has somehow escaped the organization's annihilation and is living somewhere safely."

When Judy heard this, she probably understood Kudo Shinichi's current situation.

But she still didn't understand how this had anything to do with the topic they were talking about just now - weren't they talking about Belmode's recent behavior?

Akai Shuichi glanced at her and saw the problem from her blank expression: "Don't you understand? Organizations have their own set of standards for extermination. They will only do it if they watch the corpse sink into the bay or be burned into ashes with their own eyes. Clearly register people as dead.

"In other words, if Kudo Shinichi is really still alive, then his records in the organization are likely to have certain flaws. Belmod may have sneaked into Teidan High School to confirm whether the detective was really dead, and contacted him. Here are some of Kudo Shinichi’s acquaintances.”

Only then did Judy realize, and she was shuddered: "Isn't that bad? As long as you get familiar with those three children, Belmod can find out whether Kudo Shinichi is still alive with a little testing!"

Akai Shuichi frowned, obviously feeling that something was not good.

However, as a silver bullet that is feared by the organization, of course he will not lose his position so easily.

He thought about it carefully: "Belmod's status in the organization is not low. If it is just to confirm whether a witness has been silenced, sending her here is really overkill - so I think she is more likely to come here specifically to do other things, but On the way, I discovered something was wrong with Kudo Shinichi, so I paid extra attention.

"In addition, she probably hasn't found anything useful yet, otherwise the organization would have taken action long ago. Since she hasn't found anything now, it's still too late."

The more Judy listened, the more she frowned. She had also been a victim of the organization, and she had a grudge against Belmore for killing her father, so she could understand this kind of crisis.

And a few days ago, she often went out to play with Jiang Xia and the others: although the process of playing was a bit tiring, mentally and physically tiring, and they always encountered various dangers... But overall, they were some good children. .

Jiang Xia, in particular, helped her get rid of police suspicion countless times and cleared her name. If such a righteous detective was brutally silenced by Belmode...

Judy was worried about a certain famous detective for a while, and suddenly an idea flashed: "How about this! Let's pretend that the news that 'Kudo Shinichi is still alive' is a trap specially set by the FBI to trap Belmod."

She raised her hand and gestured: "If Belmode is really here for Kudo Shinichi's matter, then we will predict her investigation route and take the opportunity to arrest her.

"In this way, she and the people behind her will think that 'Kudo Shinichi is still alive' is just a fictitious bait created by the FBI. The reason why other high school students think that Kudo Shinichi is still alive is because they were arrested by our FBI The fake news released is misleading - how about this?”

"Not bad." Akai Shuichi glanced at her with a slightly surprised look: This colleague didn't think often when he was with him, but he didn't expect that there would be something useful if he thought about it occasionally.

After all, Judy is also an experienced FBI agent. With a general idea of ​​action, she quickly planned out more details: "In this case, we must increase our presence in front of Belmode without leaving any trace. In addition, according to what you just said, that woman is likely to have Another purpose - no matter what she wants to do, as long as we try to disrupt her plan, we will definitely force her to reveal her flaws. "

Akai Shu nodded: "You seem to have an idea?"

Judy snapped her fingers: "Campus Festival! - That woman doesn't know why she is so interested in this event. In this case, let's start here."

Soon, the campus festival kicked off.

"Fortunately, because of the heavy rain, the festival was postponed for a few days, otherwise I would not have had time to rehearse the revised script."

Suzuki Sonoko was holding a Coke and standing backstage on the stage. She glanced from the curtain down to the stage, then returned her gaze cheerfully, and said to Jiang Xia and Mao Lilan beside her:

"There are more viewers than I thought. It's time for them to see Sonoko-sama's script talent! - I got a lot of inspiration from the recent murder case. The new script will definitely be a very shocking plot!"

Jiang Xia nodded and took a look outside.

The stage of the campus season is set in the gymnasium. At this time, the venue is bustling with people and a lively scene - not only the teachers and students of Didan Middle School come to participate in the campus festival, but most of the alumni who have graduated from the past have also returned here to cheer for their alma mater. .

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