Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2381 2385 [FBI’s Trap]

After admiring the grand scene of the crowd of people in the audience, Suzuki Sonoko suddenly remembered something.

"Why hasn't the new doctor arrived yet?" Suzuki Sonoko put down the Coke, picked up the phone and took a look, "There were still a few props that were missing before. He said he would buy them and bring them over... he should be here soon now, but he is so The leading actor in a stage play."

Conan lurking in the background: "..."

Damn it, why do you let that guy with doubt written all over his body be the leading actor? He is not even a student in our class. Is it because of his acting skills and good looks? ... There must be a shady secret!

The director, who was immersed in the script, did not know about the resentment of a certain fake elementary school student. Suzuki Sonoko opened the address book and dialed Dr. Shinde.

However, no one answered until the ringing ended.

Suzuki Sonoko sighed and looked at the chaotic crowd below the stage: "There are so many people and the noise is loud. He probably didn't hear it."

Mao Lilan looked at his watch: "Is it possible that the props are too heavy for the new doctor to move? I will go to the parking lot to see if he is there - besides, there are many people coming today, and there will definitely be a traffic jam nearby. He Maybe he’s stuck on the road. If there’s no one in the parking lot, I’ll go to a nearby intersection to help him move the props.”

Jiang Xia glanced at the venue, thoughtfully, then turned to follow Mao Lilan: "I'll accompany you."

Conan was startled and quickly followed.

However, as soon as he took a step forward, he was suddenly grabbed by the back of his collar by a black hand.

With quick hands and eyes, Suzuki Sonoko reached out and lifted this guy back: "Don't run around! There are so many people in the venue, if someone with a bad look steps on you, you will spend the school festival in the hospital. "

Conan: "..." I am a primary school student and not a gopher. How can I be stepped on so easily? Let me go, I want to follow you and take a look!

He tried his best, and during the struggle, Suzuki Sonoko easily carried him into the backstage lounge.

After several people left the background.

Under the stage, a man wearing a suit and dressed like a social worker quietly turned around from the drink stall.

He quickly glanced behind the stage curtain, then took out his cell phone and whispered into the receiver: "The target has left, and he went with the famous detective."

On the opposite side, a female voice responded calmly: "Copy that, leave the rest to me."

Jiang Xia and Mao Lilan arrived at the parking lot together. The place was indeed full at this time, but looking around, it seemed that there were no new vehicles inside that doctors often drove.

"It seems we're really stuck on the road." Mao Lilan sighed, "Let's go to a nearby..."

Before he finished speaking, someone suddenly said in surprise: "Jiang Xia, Xiaolan!"

The voice had a thick foreign accent. The two of them were startled, and turned around following the direction of the sound, and sure enough they saw Judy happily waving to them.

"Teacher Judy!" Mao Lilan smiled at the teacher she hadn't seen for a while. She remembered that this foreign English teacher seemed to have a good relationship with the new doctor. She usually liked to stick to the new doctor when everything was fine, so she asked casually. , “Have you seen the new doctor?”

"Oh! I've seen it." Judy casually pointed outside the school, "I seemed to have seen his car on the way here, and it was blocked at the intersection."

"As expected." Mao Lilan was glad that she came out to find him, "Then let's first..."

"That's right!" Judy interrupted her casually, and waved to Jiang Xia, "It's a rare encounter, and I just happened to help the teacher move things - the festival here is very interesting, and I also set up a stall. I plan to join in the fun.”

"Really?" Jiang Xia rolled up her sleeves and approached, looking into her trunk. "What do you want to sell?"

Judy patted the coffee machine in the car and said, "Just sell some drinks."

Jiang Xia nodded and helped her move a bunch of boxes and folding tables down.

Mao Lilan also wanted to come and help. But thinking of the new doctor who might still be stuck on the road, and seeing that Jiang Xia was here now, he could basically get everything in one trip, so she said: "Then I'll go to the new doctor first to check on the situation. "

Judy nodded: "If you need help, call us over at any time."

"It's okay!" Mao Lilan recalled the list of props from the new doctor and felt that it was not a big problem. She patted her slender arms and said, "I can handle it."

Mao Lilan set out to go outside the school.

In the parking lot behind her, Judy reached out and pressed a few times on her phone before Jiang Xia saw it, and quietly sent a message.

"Is it coming?"

In an alley outside the school, a white-haired old foreigner tidied his clothes, then looked down at the unclean ground next to him, with a strange expression on his face.

"This is my first time doing this kind of thing..." The white-haired old man circled the selected ground twice. While reviewing the video of "falling to the ground due to illness" that he had temporarily searched for, he assessed the appropriate posture for falling to the ground.

James Blake, male, in his fifties or sixties, senior FBI investigator.

Although his sense of existence is far inferior to that of a certain silver bullet who has been an undercover agent in the black organization, and even inferior to Judy who broke into the third middle school, in every sense, he is the leader of this Tokyo FBI team. Commander.

As a good boss with a gentle temper and good will, James rarely questioned the suggestions of his capable subordinates. However, this time, it took him a long time to make up his mind before he finally reluctantly agreed to the proposal.

"Using the kindness of the Maori girl to trick her away, leaving her too late to take the stage, and then letting the talented teacher Judy who 'read the lines carefully because she was very interested in the script' to play the heroine in her place, just like 'the new teacher 'He also played the leading role in the students' drama. This plan is really, uh, brilliant."

After all, James still criticized his role in this plan, but thinking that Shuichi Akai had also acquiesced to this plan, he could only comfort himself in his heart:

"If you think about it carefully, this is indeed the fastest way to find out Belmod's purpose - that woman has put a lot of energy into this stage play. She has rehearsed and arranged so many murders. She must have something. Some kind of unspeakable conspiracy. Unfortunately, we have not been able to understand her purpose so far, but one thing is certain. We cannot let her act too smoothly, at least we must keep everything within our control.

"Cheating that Maori lady is like taking away a chess piece in the Bellmode chess game without leaving a trace. Only through her reaction can we see the importance of this chess piece, and then plan future plans and work. The point.”

After doing some mental construction in this way, James finally wiped his face and made up his mind.

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