Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2383 2387 [Kudo Shinichi’s Bigger Experience Card]

Chapter 2383 2387 [Kudo Shinichi·Growing Experience Card]

By coaxing the innocent director, a certain FBI quickly got the role she wanted.

Judy thought of something, moved closer, and whispered furtively: "Remember to keep the change of heroine a secret. If Xiaolan comes back in time, she will continue to play." Don't spread this matter in advance. In the eyes of Belmode.

In the past, Suzuki Sonoko would have thought this foreign teacher was a little strange. But now, she has already made the discerning teacher Judy a confidant.

Suzuki Sonoko slapped her chest: "Don't worry! I'm a professional at keeping things secret. I'll tell them in a moment that Xiaolan is back and is putting on makeup backstage."

Judy nodded with satisfaction, and with the help of the director, she avoided everyone and went backstage to change into costumes.

But after changing her clothes, she suddenly realized a problem.

Judy: "..." Where is Belmode?

Why hasn't the woman disguised as the male school doctor arrived yet? Isn't she the leading actor in this drama?

"Is it because I've been hiding in the background and didn't notice her position?" Judy murmured in her heart while contacting her colleagues who were mixed in at the venue, "Have you seen the rotten apple?"

The colleague answered neatly and decisively: "No."

Judy: "..."

... Something's not right. The play is about to begin, but the leading actor hasn't arrived yet?

She couldn't help but said: "Are you sure she's not there?"

"Not sure." The colleague scratched the back of his head and lowered his voice, "I am only responsible for observing the girl's movements. Isn't Mr. Akai in charge of the 'new doctor'?"

Judy remembered it and thought: "I'll ask him."

Shuichi Akai is very reliable most of the time, especially when it comes to dealing with the black organization.

However, this time, the call Judy dialed kept ringing until it automatically hung up, and no one picked up the call.

"?" Judy's originally calm heart suddenly began to beat uneasily: What happened, these two people were late at the same time and lost contact? ...They shouldn't have died together where no one else could see them, right? Today’s plan doesn’t include this part!

She paced back and forth anxiously, suddenly thinking that Shuichi Akai might be following him and making it difficult to speak out, so she exited the dial-up page and sent an email instead.

After sending it, I stared at my phone and waited, but still no reply.

Judy: "..."

Damn it, what happened over there? !

While Judy was staring at her phone and thinking wildly.

The men's locker room at the other end of the corridor.

A certain fake primary school student was quietly staring at the slightly chaotic backstage, with heaven and man at war in his heart.

At the end of his gaze, a group of students from Class 2 B were anxiously discussing something.

"Isn't the new doctor here yet?" The classmates in the class sighed repeatedly. Some even thought of some of their detective classmates and speculated with experience, "Maybe he was suddenly involved in a murder case on the road and couldn't get away. Bar."

Suzuki Sonoko also had a headache: Unexpectedly, the play that she had finally rehearsed was about to start, and the two male and female leads were in trouble at the same time.

The heroine has Teacher Judy as a guest star, but the male protagonist...

"We have to replace him first." Suzuki Sonoko clenched her fists and looked at the other boys in the class, "Which one of you will go?"

Everyone looked at me, and I looked at you, and at the same time took a step back: "The male protagonist also has too many lines, and they are all difficult to remember. If we usually play by ourselves in the class, it would be fine, but now, in the audience, There were so many spectators…”

If this is an impromptu performance, and then the performance fails because of not remembering the script, it will be embarrassing in front of the whole school and even Mihua.

A vein popped out of Suzuki Sonoko's forehead: "What does it mean to be difficult to pronounce and remember? Those are the exquisite lines that I carefully wrote, and many people praised them!" - For example, her very tasteful teacher Judy!

"That's right!" Suzuki Sonoko suddenly thought of a way. She looked around and couldn't find Jiang Xia, so she took out her phone and planned to shake people remotely, "Jiang Xia must be able to do it, he remembers things very quickly, and he has praised me before. The script..."

"No need to bother."

A calm male voice with hidden excitement interrupted her.

This voice made Suzuki Sonoko stunned for a moment. She looked over as if she saw a ghost: "???" Kudo? Isn't this guy said to be out handling a case? Why did he suddenly come back!

The others were not that familiar with Kudo Shinichi, and they were too busy to recognize the person's identity.

They followed the sound and saw a guy wearing knight armor and a helmet covering the upper half of his face standing at the door, smiling confidently at them.

"Who are you? Why did you sneak into our costumes?" The students condemned one after another.

But soon, the smart guy changed his eyes and thought of something: "Could it be want to play the leading role for a new doctor?"

——That’s pretty good. As long as someone takes over the hot potato of "playing the leading role", others won't have to go on stage to embarrass themselves!

At the door, Kudo Shinichi maintained a calm smile, but embarrassing cold sweat was quietly flowing down his back.

Conan used the temporary antidote to temporarily transform back into a high school student: "..." He didn't want to be so "familiar", but whenever he thought about the school festival recently, he couldn't help but imagine that the new doctor and Xiaolan were both the same. Acting on stage, pretending to be real, getting closer and closer...but I can only watch the bitter scene behind me silently.

He knew that getting bigger was risky, so he comforted himself a lot and allowed himself to endure it. But just when he was about to mentally build up, suddenly, the new doctor let others go and gave up the throne of the leading actor.

"That school doctor is by no means as simple as it seems." Kudo Shinichi nodded secretly, "A school festival for just a student should be nothing to him, so he will definitely prioritize his own affairs... hum. , Fortunately, I read a lot of scripts and have already memorized the actor’s lines.”

In short, the opportunity is really rare, and Conan has really been thinking about this role for a long time. When he came back to his senses, his hands had already given him the antidote, and his legs had already brought him here.

"My intuition must be telling me that this is the most appropriate time to use it." Kudo Shinichi thought to himself guiltily, "Anonymous asked me to use it at the right time, and this should be considered the right time... probably."

Guilt is temporary, but happiness seems to be long-lasting.

The other students did not express any objection to the role change, so soon Kudo Shinichi went into battle and became a happy male protagonist.

While he was reviewing the lines and scenes in his mind, he couldn't help but think about it: He was passing by the women's locker room just now, and he saw Xiaolan sitting there with her back to the door. That back view is really beautiful... But I don’t know if it’s an illusion, but Xiaolan seems to have become a little more mature than before.

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