Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2384 2388 [Disappear]

When the male protagonist is busy preparing for the stage play.

On the other side, Judy was still dialing anxiously, but could not contact Shuichi Akai.

"Where have you gone..." Judy paced anxiously in the dressing room, the wide white gauze behind her fluttering.

After a pause, she suddenly remembered something and her steps froze.

After staring at the phone and pondering for a few seconds, Judy slowly exited the email interface. She opened the webpage in silence and began to skillfully search for any recent social news happening nearby.

"Except for the small car accident arranged by the FBI, there were no accidents?" Judy was ready to see the news that surprised her. However, what she didn't expect was that the news was far more shocking than she expected. surprise.

After scrolling back and forth for several seconds and refreshing it several times, she finally determined that it was not that she had missed it, but that there was indeed no important news at the moment.

"It's unexpectedly calm today." Judy nodded secretly, "It's a good sign... But what's going on with Xiuyi? Why is there no news until now?"

When a certain FBI agent was wondering from the bottom of his heart.

On the other side, Dongdu Bank Mihua Park North Branch.

This bank, which should have been open for business, now had a "maintenance" sign on it. Passers-by hurriedly passed by it, some casually glanced at it, and some did not notice it at all.

Only some people who came here specifically to handle business stopped to take a closer look, but they quickly turned around and left after seeing the word "repair" clearly - anyway, there is more than one bank nearby, if one is broken, just change to another.

At this time, no one was paying attention inside the bank.

The scene here has nothing to do with "maintenance". There is only a gunman sitting swaggering on a stool, waving a gun and directing bank employees to put money into bags.

Outside the counter, several customers were forced to watch this scene.

Belmode: "..."

Twenty minutes ago.

Belmode casually turned into the Mihua Park North Branch of Dongdu Bank. I want to remit the remaining money from buying props to the class's public account.

Such corner branches tend to be small, so the interior is always a little crowded during business hours.

Belmode was not picky about this. She took her number and casually sat down on a bench by the wall. On the way, the door opened and closed, and people kept coming in and out. She inadvertently looked up, and her eyes paused slightly.

——A man wearing a black jacket, a knitted hat on his head, and a heavy mask covering his mouth walked in.

From the corner of his eye, Belmode glanced at the black curly hair hanging down from the man's forehead: "..."

Akai Shuichi is really haunted. Having said that, in this guy's eyes, is this mask and hat his entire disguise?

...This guy underestimates disguise and disguise!

For a moment, Belmod wanted to teach this FBI what real disguise was... Fortunately, her reason told her that she should pretend not to recognize it now.

So "Shinde-sensei" just stretched, and soon he lowered his head again and continued to leisurely flip through the magazine in his hand.

Akai Shuichi glanced at her out of the corner of his eye and coughed twice realistically. Then he went to get his number and sat on the other end of the bench.

Belmode turned the page of the magazine in his hand: "..." He was quite good at choosing a position. He chose a position that was convenient for him to observe this side, but he couldn't look directly at him... but it was exposed. Everything has been exposed, so what’s the use of studying position selection now?

Two people who were enemies of each other sat on opposite sides, keeping a certain distance from each other. The atmosphere was strangely harmonious for a moment.

However, as the person handling the business left, the presence of the two people gradually became stronger and stronger. Akai Shuichi's coughing sound became more realistic. If you ignored his tall mixed-race figure, he looked like a pitiful sick man suffering from the flu.

"The recent flu has been very serious." The lobby manager came over and served the guests attentively, "Try this throat lozenge - I also had a slight cold recently. This lozenge is very effective for sore throats. "

"..." Akai Shuichi glanced at him, "Thank you."

The lobby manager smiled politely and handed him half a tin foil-wrapped throat lozenge. This is a brand that is not uncommon on the market. There are about three or four translucent square candies with a medicinal aroma left in it. This elite person in the service industry may feel that breaking them off one by one seems stingy, so he simply breaks them off. Some gave him half of them.

Akai Shuichi reached out and took it, then paused slightly.

——According to common sense, after accepting this kind of help, it seems that you should eat a piece on the spot to express your gratitude.

But on the one hand, he is the target being tracked not far away. Taking off the mask is tantamount to throwing yourself into a trap. on the other hand……

Shuichi Akai recalled the bizarre dangers he experienced after he began to understand and investigate "Uzo", and he couldn't help but question: Could this piece of candy... be poisoned?

After all, he had even encountered such bizarre accidents as "being in a car accident on the second floor", but now he was just poisoned once, which seemed normal.

Akai Shuichi: "..." Wait, if that's the case, then maybe you can use the mask as a cover up and pretend that you have eaten this lozenge.

In this way, on the one hand, you don’t have to take off the mask completely and your true face will not be exposed. On the other hand, you can also take the opportunity to hide the candy in your hand to avoid poisoning.

A plan quickly formed in his mind, but before the highly actionable FBI could implement the plan, the female salesperson at the front desk suddenly shouted softly: "Mr. Taniguchi!"

"Here we come!" The lobby manager quickly turned back to the counter and went to the female salesperson.

The female salesperson pointed to the computer in front of her: "There seems to be something wrong here..."

"Where?" The lobby manager leaned down and patiently helped her check.

"..." Akai Shuichi watched this scene and silently added: Of course, there is another possibility - for example, the lobby manager is just an ordinary good man, and the candy is not poisonous.

Having said that, he still didn't want to give Uzo unnecessary heads. Even if there was only a slight possibility, he didn't want to step into this unskilled trap.

So Akai Shuban took off his mask, pretended to throw candy into his mouth, and then casually threw the half pack of candy into his pocket.

On the way, he used his peripheral vision to observe Bellmode and the lobby manager, and then found that one of them was reading a magazine with his head down, and the other was concentrating on helping the female salesperson solve the problem, as if no one cared about what he was doing.

In a quiet atmosphere, another male salesman packed his suitcase and prepared to go out for business.

He said hello to the branch manager, carried his bag and walked to the employee passage.

The moment he opened the locked door, a gangster wearing a rider's uniform and helmet slammed the door, knocked down the male salesman with a punch, and broke in.

Akai Shuichi, who was watching quietly: "...?"

Belmode, who just wanted to finish his business as soon as possible and rush to the campus festival: "...?"

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