Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2385 2389 [Shooting Incident]

The gangster knocked down the salesman at the door and whipped out a pistol. He pointed his gun at other staff and customers: "Raise your hands! Whoever dares to move will be shot immediately!"

The bank employees stood up and raised their hands in cooperation.

A few sporadic guests had the same reaction.

A certain black organization member and an FBI agent mixed in among the guests: "..."

Although they didn't think that a mere bank gangster could be very accurate with his marksmanship, the place was small and the shooting distance was short, so they didn't want to get shot out of nowhere.

Soon, the two capable outlaws raised their hands and blended perfectly into the group of guests.

The gangster looked around to make sure everyone was empty-handed, then left the door and walked around to the counter.

He lowered his head and glanced at the stacks of cash inside, clicked his tongue, and cursed: "These are all the money deposited by the guests here, huh, the poor are poor, the rich are rich, this world is really unfair."

Others didn't dare to say anything and didn't talk to each other.

The gangsters only complained a few words and did not beat up the suspected wealthy guests on the spot. He pointed to the lobby manager casually: "You, pack the cash for me."

Then he looked at the other female salesmen: "You guys go and stand against the wall. If you dare to move, I will shoot them in the head right away!"

The lobby manager was wiping cold sweat while putting money into his bag.

In comparison, the guests seemed much calmer - what did the gangsters robbing the bank's money have to do with their group of guests. Anyway, this is just a small branch. As long as the head office remains, their money will not be wasted.

However, Belmode couldn't calm down in her heart. She glanced at the dial out of the corner of her eye and sighed in her mind: "..." It doesn't matter if you encounter a bank robbery, it doesn't matter if you encounter a gunman... But why did you meet him at this time?

At this point in time and the way she was being held up, it was really hard for her not to think too much.

Belmod: "..." Uzo, did he think that a dark creature like her shouldn't have anything to do with Angel, so he interfered so that she couldn't get there on the spot?

Thinking of this, she felt resentful and entangled in her heart: That child actually had some protectiveness towards Angel, which was obviously a good thing...but she was the one being targeted, which made people very unhappy.

After all, she has been looking forward to this campus festival for a long time, and she wants to participate in it far more than any international big production. It's a pity that looking like this, I'm afraid I won't be able to make it on time...

But if you think about it carefully, judging from Uzo's character and habits, even if he cares about Angel, it is unlikely that he would create a stage just for this. There must be other factors that allowed him to make such a plan, such as...the haunting FBI next to him?

Belmode: "..." So everything is the FBI's fault!

Next to him, Akai Shuichi stood quietly by the wall, secretly observing the situation.

Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he noticed that the young male guest next to him quickly put down his hand while the gangster was not paying attention, and clicked on the Walkman at his waist.

Akai Shuichi glanced at him and then looked at the gangster, worried that the gunman would notice something strange here, fire a shot in this direction without any explanation, and then "accidentally" injure him, a passerby.

It's not that he is paranoid, it's just that as an FBI agent who licks blood, he has encountered all kinds of strange dangers, and after coming to Tokyo, this kind of danger has intensified.

Of course, he had reason to suspect that this change was related to the guy codenamed "Uzo".

But at this time, contrary to expectations, what Akai Shuichi was worried about did not happen.

The gunman's attention was not there at all - he reached into his pocket with his free hand, took out a lump, looked at it, and dropped it to the ground in annoyance.

Then the gangster sat down on the stool next to the coat hanging on it, put his hand into the coat and groped for it.

Although his face was completely covered by the helmet and his expression could not be seen clearly, Akai Shuichi still keenly discovered that the gangster's attention was completely shifted to the coat behind him at this time - this man was concentrating on looking for something.

This made his eyes move, and he realized that this was a good opportunity for a sneak attack: the distance between the two sides was not far, and it didn't even take him two seconds to rush in front of the gangster, and there was a small table next to the path, which he could use when sprinting. Block bullets and sights, or throw it as a weapon at gangsters.

In just a moment, a complete plan had taken shape in his mind.

However, before executing it, Akai Shuichi was silent for a moment and stopped where he was.

...As a "passerby with the flu", it seems that he should not have that level of skill.

So now there are two ways in front of him - one is to fly over and subdue the gangster, then expose himself, and ruthlessly alert the snake in Belmode.

And the other thing... is that he can only continue to be a passerby and wait and see what happens.

After hesitating for a moment, Akai Shuichi closed his eyes and chose to endure.

——Taking down the black organization is his ultimate goal. Now the gangsters are just robbing money and not killing anyone. There is nothing intolerable. The overall situation is more important.

And maybe this is another test by that person. If he really flies over, there is no telling what consequences will follow: scenes with pistols are always much more dangerous than usual.

Just as I was thinking secretly, something suddenly changed.

——The salesman who was knocked unconscious by the gangster just woke up. He obviously also observed the current situation. At the moment when the gangster was distracted, he turned over and climbed up from the ground, grabbed the stool next to him, and quietly approached the gangster from behind.

The gangster was still sitting on the stool, pointing his gun at everyone. The heavy helmet blocked part of his vision, leaving him unaware of what was happening behind him.

However, other customers and salesmen discovered what was going on here. They watched this scene with bated breath, clenching their fists nervously, secretly praying that this sneak attack would succeed.

However, contrary to expectations, just when the brave male salesman was about to strike a righteous blow, "Ding Bell——" a harsh ringing sound rang around them.

——The call happened to come at this critical moment.

The movements of the male salesman and the gangster froze at the same time. The former froze, while the latter turned sideways. The change in posture made the gangster suddenly see the figure behind him. He was startled, and while screaming, he quickly raised the gun in his hand.

There was a "bang" and gunfire, and the male salesman fell to the ground.

The two female salesmen on the side were so frightened that they instinctively held their heads and let out a piercing scream.

"Shut up, shut up!" The gangster was more frightened than them. He turned around suddenly and pointed his trembling gun at the crowd.

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