Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2386 2390 [The bullet hit the silver bullet]

The frightened gangster looked on the verge of breaking out, as if he was ready to take away the entire crowd with random shots.

Belmode and Akai Shuichi once again felt the deep pressure. They were determined to stop them, but they were concerned about each other, so their actions were inevitably delayed.

At this moment, a figure suddenly turned around and pounced on the gangster - the lobby manager had just been putting money in his bag under the threat of the gunman, and he was the closest to the gangster.

Now, while the gangster was in chaos, he made a prompt decision, swooped up and held down the gangster's arm, and used the knowledge he received from the company's training when he entered the industry to force the gangster to the ground.

During the struggle, the gangster clenched his fingers nervously. The trigger is pulled, and the gun responds with a "bang" sound.

Shuichi Akai's knitted hat suddenly smelled of burning. A bullet grazed his hat, hit the wall, and bounced to the side with a ding.

Akai Shuichi: "..."

Belmode: "..." So it turns out that it was not her who was targeted today, but the FBI? ...This is not bad. She is very supportive of Uzuo’s righteous deed today.

It's just a pity that the bullet missed a little, if it could have hit the forehead...

Thinking of this, the corners of Belmod's lips moved and she almost smiled, but she quickly came to her senses and forced down the corners of her lips, trying to maintain the appearance of a frightened guest.

Before he could completely adjust his expression, there was another "bang" - during the scuffle, the lobby manager threw the gangster to the ground, but the fight between the two was obviously not over. In the chaos, the second shot was fired suddenly and hit the ceiling diagonally.

Belmod suddenly felt something and instinctively took a step back. Almost at the same time, a warhead that bounced off the ceiling came with hot wind, hit her feet hard, and bounced to the side with a clang.

Belmode: "..."

The corners of her eyes twitched, and a sweet murderous aura rose up in her body... Then she took a deep breath and skillfully calmed herself down.

"Normal, this is normal." Belmod grinded his teeth, "That kid Uzo doesn't need allies in the first place. He prefers enemies who can torment him... and obviously, compared to Akai Shuichi's direct and deadly One hit, my weak ammo, just a little prank, it doesn't matter even if it hits."

"And no matter how good you are at weaving the stage, it's difficult to control such stray bullets. It's probably just a random accident."

Although this reason may seem a bit far-fetched at first, when I think about the difficulty of revenge on Uzo, and the consequences of arguing with Uzo over such a trivial matter...

Belmode decisively chose to believe.

But that didn't stop her from staring behind the counter intently, in case of the next attack.

Not long after, the gun indeed "bang" again. Belmod looked in all directions and immediately prepared to avoid stray bullets. However, this time, no bullets seemed to fly out.

"How, how, how could this happen..."

At some point, the scuffle subsided and was replaced by a terrified male voice.

The next moment, behind the counter, the lobby manager stood up in panic. He looked down at the people on the ground, and then looked for help at the president of the branch and his immediate boss, and said blankly: "...he suddenly stopped moving. "

A few minutes later, a message popped up and silently entered the Mihua News webpage.

"The bank employee acted bravely, but the murderer suffered the consequences!" 》

On the way, Jiang Xia, who was wandering around in the name of "finding a new doctor", turned on her mobile phone and glanced down.

"Something happened." Jiang Xia said to the ghosts on his shoulders, "I have nothing to do. Let's go over and take a look."

The police and doctors arrived at the same time as the enthusiastic detectives.

Amidst the blaring flutes, the male salesman who tried to attack the gangster from behind with a stool but was discovered by the gangster was put on a stretcher and carried into the ambulance.

The gunman was far less lucky and was transported away by the police in a horizontal position.

Two people are missing from the bank entrance.

The Mumu Police Department looked at the messy scene and sighed heavily.

——It’s barely a busy place, with shootings and robberies happening. You don’t even have to look outside to know that reporters must be queuing up outside again.

Just as I was feeling worried, suddenly the police cordon outside the door was raised, and someone generously passed over the police officers guarding there and walked in.

"Wait, there is still an investigation here, it is prohibited..." The Mumu Police Department was angrily scolding his subordinates for being distracted. However, when he saw the person clearly, his eyes lit up - it was Jiang Xia.

"Brother Jiang Xia!" The majestic voice of Mumu Police Department suddenly changed and became full of kindness.

He came over affectionately and was about to ask the customary question, "Brother Jiang Xia, what do you think?" However, before he spoke, the police department was stunned for a moment.

Mumu Police Department: "..." What do you think? Today is not a murder case. Today is just an ordinary bank robbery. The context is clear and the result is's just that the incident itself is not easy to handle.

But even though Jiang Xia was here, he still didn't keep his mouth shut. Before he came to his senses, he had already instinctively introduced the previous situation.

Finally, the Megure Police Department pointed to the stretcher that had gone away: "Mr. Maejima, who wanted to attack the gangster from behind, but was shot by the gangster, was hit in the side. Fortunately, the shot missed the vital point. It’s not fatal. As for the others, they were just a little shaken and not injured, and they are still inside for questioning.”

Jiang Xia nodded: "Go in and take a look before talking."

The Mumu Police Department was startled: "..." "Say more"? What does "say it again" mean? Could it be that... Brother Jiang Xia thinks there is something wrong with this?

After thinking about this, when he looked at the bank hall again, the eyes of the Mu Mu Police Department suddenly became sharp.

At the same time, thinking of the bunch of reporters outside, he felt that his head hurt even more.

When they returned to the bank lobby and saw the witnesses clearly, the police suddenly realized that this matter might not be simple.

The hall was in chaos just now, but he hadn't noticed it yet. Now when I took a closer look, I saw that there was an acquaintance here - that is, the school doctor from Didan Middle School, a new doctor.

Although there is no evidence, there seem to be many bizarre cases surrounding the school doctor recently. Could it be that this bank robbery case is also...

When the police department's thoughts changed.

Next to him, Jiang Xia suddenly noticed something. He knelt down and straightened his shoelaces, then picked up a ball of colorless and transparent murderous aura and put it into his arms.

After taking this unexpected little gift, Jiang Xia stood up, patted the hem of his clothes, and looked at the people sitting and standing aside with satisfaction.

Then, in the most inconspicuous corner, I saw a passerby in a knitted hat who wanted to sneak away before the police came, but suddenly remembered that the bank had cameras covering all directions, and finally had to stay.

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