Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2387 2391 [Disguise] Asking for monthly votes

Chapter 2387 2391 [Disguise] Please vote for me ヽ(〃〃)~

Good news, Shuichi Akai hasn't left yet.

Bad news, as the gunman disappeared, Shuichi Akai's attention returned to "Doctor Shinde" at this time, and he began to smell murderous apple smell again.

Jiang Xia: "..."

It's not impossible to add more apples to the stock, but in comparison, the colorless murderous aura has wider applicability - for example, you can use it to mix with sweet and sour fish. That taste of murderous aura is very popular with him... very popular with ghosts, and there aren't many left now.

But the matter has come to this, and there is no way to resurrect the gunman who heroically exploded a ball of colorless murderous intent. Jiang Xia sighed inwardly, and had no choice but to stop worrying about these things, and just silently prayed that Akai Shuichi could encounter more wonderful scenes that made him risk colorless murderous intent.

In any case, with the comparison, Jiang Xia's eyes couldn't help but become a little complicated when looking at Belmod, the source of apples.

Belmode: "..." What's that look in this kid's eyes, does he dislike me? He really didn’t want Xiaolan and I to act on the same stage... Wait, could it be that all the twists and turns and murders we encountered during the previous rehearsal were actually Uzuo trying to persuade me to quit, but I couldn’t understand it? ?

Belmode is wary of review times.

Next to him, a certain organization cadre had perfectly integrated into the police force.

"If Maeshima's cell phone hadn't suddenly rang, he would have successfully attacked the gangster."

The branch president pointed to a mobile phone that had been put into an evidence bag and said sadly to Jiang Xia and Memu Police Department: "Unfortunately, the ringtone exposed him, and the gangster shot and wounded him. After that, Taniguchi acted bravely and rushed forward. To stop the gangster, the guy fired several shots randomly during the scuffle."

He tried to put in a good word for his lobby manager, but the latter still looked depressed. Seeing everyone looking over, the lobby manager had no choice but to press his forehead hard and cheer up to add the details at that time:

"After the gangster shot and wounded Maejima, he became very excited and even pointed the gun at our salesman. I realized that I couldn't continue like this, so I rushed up to grab his arm while he wasn't paying attention to me. The hand tried to snatch away the pistol.

"There was chaos at the time. He wanted to shoot me, and I tried my best to push the muzzle of the gun to the side. I don't know how many shots were fired in the middle. I just know that by the time I came to my senses... the guy was already lying on the bed. On the ground, motionless."

The Mumu Police Department scratched his head: "..." This sounds like an ordinary self-defense. Follow the process and wait until relevant evidence is completed before the case can be closed. But……

He quietly glanced at Jiang Xia next to him, then at the "new doctor" who had been involved in recent incidents, and silently closed his mouth.

Mumu Police Department: "..." No rush, no rush. Let’s observe it first.

It didn't take long for the police officers from the forensics department to make progress.

The young police officer came over with the gun used by the murderer and showed it to Jiang Xia: "This pistol was modified from a model gun. It is less powerful than a real pistol, so the salesman who was shot was injured." Not heavy - but the gangster was not so lucky. He was too close to the muzzle when he was shot, and he was hit right in the vital part, so he was killed on the spot. "

Jiang Xia nodded. Next to him, the Memu Police Department also listened carefully, while tiptoeing a little to look at the pistol in the box.

Belmode, who was watching: "..."

It seems that not only the police officers who often come into contact with Jiang Xia, but also the junior police officers below are used to this pattern... The Tokyo police are really going to be finished.

But for the members of the organization, is a search lesson shrouded in Uzo's shadow a good thing or a bad thing?

The "new doctor" touched his chin and fell into deep thought for a moment.

The context of the whole incident seems very clear. The only flaw is that the scuffle between the lobby manager and the gangster was blocked by the table, so the scene of the gangster's death could not be recorded.

And this happened to involve a human life. In theory, the police had to figure this out first, and then they could withstand the vigorous questioning of the reporters at the door.

Jiang Xia quickly watched the surveillance of the scene, and then looked at the evidence collected by the forensics department police officers.

While wandering around, suddenly, a cell phone rang in the quiet hall.

This is a very common default bell. Many people instinctively look at their pockets, and so does the Memu Police Department.

However, the police officer soon discovered that the call was not from his cell phone, but the cell phone of the injured salesman in the evidence bag.

He quickly picked up the answer: "Hello, who are you?"

The female salesperson next to her saw the incoming call notification and whispered: "It should be a customer that Maejima is responsible for."

"Oh?" The Memu Police Department suddenly had an idea and asked the caller, "Did you make this call about 10 minutes ago?"

"No..." The Memu Police Department failed to get the information they wanted, so he asked a few more questions and finally hung up the phone.

After that, he flipped through the phone, and then frowned in confusion: "There really is no corresponding call record. But ten minutes ago, Mr. Maejima's location was clearly exposed because of the call... Could it be that someone took advantage of the police before they arrived? Did you secretly delete this call record?"

Akai Shuichi stood low-key in the corner, silently listening to the situation at the scene, and vaguely understood something.

Just then, a man came over and stopped next to him.

Akai Shuichi raised his head and suddenly met Jiang Xia's eyes.


The FBI, who was pretending to be tracking the target, paused for a moment, then quickly returned to normal. Like a passerby looking at each other normally, he nodded towards Jiang Xia as if nothing had happened and looked away.

Jiang Xia: "..."

He couldn't help but mutter to the ghosts in his mind: "Although after this guy put on the knitted hat and mask, it was true that only his eyes were covered... but doesn't he know that his knitted hat is very iconic?"

The ghosts nodded in sympathy while grabbing the murderous spirit from the confident FBI.

Suddenly, Matsuda Jinpei realized something. It moved up and floated to Akai Shuichi's shoulder. Then he put his hand through the membrane into the mask and patted the man's face.

After a moment, it retracted its hand: Akai Shuichi's face under the mask had some rough disguise, and his appearance was different from usual.

Jiang Xia: "..."

No wonder Shuichi Akai's name is not on the police witness list... It seems that during registration, Shuichi Akai took off his mask and showed his face, and then successfully deceived the police with a crude disguise that he had just learned.

Thinking about it this way, the FBI is indeed a bit cunning - first using a knitted hat and a mask to make the insider guess that he is Shuichi Akai, and then inadvertently taking off the mask to reveal a completely different face, making the insider mistakenly think that he just made a mistake. People... use this to cover up the fact that he is really Shuichi Akai.

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