Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2391 2395 [Didan Middle School Campus Festival]

Soon, the lobby manager was handcuffed and put in a police car.

In the chaos, the two passers-by at the scene quietly left, and then went to Didan High School one after another.

Didan Middle School, the venue where the stage play is held.

Although Judy was not in the audience, the booth and equipment she brought with her seemed quite popular.

"I didn't expect to be able to buy such mellow coffee at a campus stall like this." The short-haired woman ordered a few drinks and returned to her companions with them in her arms. "You guys who didn't order coffee will be at a big loss this time."

"Then what can I do? I just don't like coffee." One of her companions, a fat white man, propped himself up from his seat and helped her take the things in her hands. "I drank coffee every day during the night shift. Now I see I feel uncomfortable when I get to coffee. Alas... we are so busy at work and it is rare to have such a leisurely day. "

The four people who came with me this time all work at Mihua Hospital. The short-haired woman is a clerk in the hospital, the fat man is a security guard, and the other two are nurses and doctors respectively.

They all graduated from Didan Middle School. They went to the same school and worked in the same place. The four of them had a harmonious relationship and often did many activities together. At this time, the four of them were sitting in a row, waiting for the stage play to start.

The female clerk put down the four drinks in her hand: "You guys share one point, I'll go to the bathroom first."

On the other side of the fat white security guard, the fashionably dressed female nurse heard this and looked at her watch: "Then you have to hurry up, it's almost the opening time... huh? It's already the opening time, and the stage play hasn't started yet. "What are these students doing?"

The female clerk laughed: "Young people, it is inevitable that they are a bit procrastinating - I ordered iced coffee, remember to leave a cup for me."

After saying that, she turned and left.

"Iced coffee..." The fat white security guard looked at the four drinks on her seat, "They are the two cups with milk and sugar on the lids."

The fashionable female nurse was also looking for her own drink across him: "I just ordered orange juice."

"This should be the orange juice." The fat white man picked out a glass and handed it to her. Then he picked up another glass. "I remember that Gengping also asked for iced coffee, so I passed it to him."

On one side of the female nurse is a fat white man, on the other side is a tall and thin man - this is the only doctor among the four of them.

The nurse took the two drinks, kept her own orange juice, and gave the coffee and accompanying sugar milk to the tall and thin man: "Here, it's yours."

"Well, okay." The doctor took the drink and opened the lid of the cup. He was about to add ingredients to it, but he was suddenly stunned.

After a moment, he seemed to understand something, closed the lid of the cup again, and turned to look at the drink stall nearby.

At the stall, several senior students from Didan Middle School were busy.

The doctor's eyes stayed on one of them - a beautiful girl wearing glasses and quiet.

As he looked at it, he couldn't help but show extremely resentful eyes.

The female nurse was about to talk to him, but when she turned around and saw his expression, she was startled: "...What's wrong with you?"

"Ah, ah?" The doctor came back to his senses and quickly smiled, "It's nothing."

Female nurse: "..." Really? But your expression just now was so scary.

The doctor turned to look at the stage and hurriedly changed the subject: "Okay, let's watch the show first."

Chief director Suzuki Sonoko racked her brains to delay the opening time, hoping that the hero and heroine would come back - after all, compared to the temporary protagonists, the original Mao Lilan and the new doctor are more reassuring.

Unfortunately, we don’t know what happened, so the two of them were unable to arrive.

As doubts gradually floated from the audience, Suzuki Sonoko looked at her watch and had no choice but to let the performance begin.

"Fortunately, other characters have to be laid out first before the hero and heroine will appear on stage. You, an extra, still have a little time now."

Suzuki Sonoko rolled up the script and knocked on the table in front of Kudo Shinichi. She asked suspiciously: "Do you really remember the lines? Why don't you let Jiang Xia do it? After all, Jiang Xia has read the script several times. With his memory, You won’t say the wrong word for sure.”

Conan hummed against the body of a high school student that he was not used to, "Of course you remember, don't forget that I am also a detective."

Besides, he must have read the script more times than Jiang Xia: Jiang Xia was distracted during rehearsals, but he kept staring at the new doctor trying to usurp the throne - no one is more familiar with the script than him!

Thinking of this, Kudo Shinichi straightened his knight armor and puffed up his chest proudly.

Beside her, Lingmu Yuanzi didn't argue with him, because she later remembered: Jiang Xia didn't seem to come back after he left.

Suzuki Sonoko: "..." What's going on? Why has everyone lost contact one by one? Is the outside world more interesting than her stage play?

She took out her phone in confusion, intending to send a message to ask. At the same time, she waved her hand to the side: "Okay, then you should prepare first. It should be time for you to play."

When Kudo Shinichi heard this, he felt excited from the bottom of his heart.

He took a deep breath, managed to calm down, and then looked in the mirror and began to think about what kind of handsome expression he should use when he appeared in front of Xiaolan... That's right! You also need to think carefully about your lines.

This is a rare opportunity, he must give Xiaolan a surprise and leave a deep enough impression on her!

The women's locker room next door.

When the male protagonist is uneasy and excited, the heroine here is also not at peace.

When the plot in Judy's mind had progressed to finding corpses in Tokyo Bay, finally, a voice came from her earphones - colleagues in the audience excitedly said: "Mr. Akai sent me a message!"

"?!" Judy suddenly became excited, "What did he say? Where are the others? Do we need to rescue him?"


The colleague opposite saw the content of the email clearly and suddenly fell silent.

FBI agent: "..." Why did another list come, and the list hasn't been pulled through to the end?

He didn't bother to reply to Judy for a moment, and typed a message to Akai Shuichi first: [Mr. Akai, is the growth rate of this list... inappropriate? ]

Akai Shuichi: [This bank robbery is very important. Don’t underestimate it. We may be able to catch traces of that person. ]

FBI agent: "..." You said the same thing last time! And last time!

He took a deep breath and typed hard with an objection: [Okay, I understand. ]

...Forget it, forget it, Ace's decision should be right.

Isn't it just overtime investigation? This isn't the first time I've worked overtime... I hope I can get some results this time.


The tip of his nose twitched slightly: The coffee that the people next door were sharing smelled so familiar. ——It was very similar to those collected by their immediate boss James, and the smell made him want to have a drink.

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