Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2392 2396 [FBI, complete defeat] Please vote for me

Chapter 2392 2396 [FBI, complete defeat] Please vote for me ()

The confused FBI agent was about to go to the coffee stand, but at this moment, someone tapped him on the shoulder.

"?!" The FBI agent was startled, looked up suddenly, and suddenly saw a familiar knitted hat.

"Mr. Akai?" He was extremely surprised and lowered his voice, "You're back so soon?"... Fortunately, I didn't secretly scold him behind his back just now.

Akai Shu nodded. He was originally responsible for tracking the "new doctor", but after experiencing the bank robbery just now, and after spending some time together in a confined space, he knew that a "passerby" like himself would definitely attract Belmode's attention.

If he followed her on the same road at this time, his intention would be too obvious, so Akai Shuichi simply took a gamble: he took a shortcut back to Teidan Middle School in advance and pretended to give up tracking. On the one hand, this can hide oneself, and on the other hand, it can also allow Belmode to relax his vigilance.

Of course, in order to prevent Belmode from cooperating with "that person" and making false claims, Shuichi Akai contacted other colleagues and asked them to keep an eye on Belmode's movements for him, lest the fake school doctor did not come to the campus festival but took advantage of the chaos. Turned around and went somewhere else.

Judging from the information fed back by the new stalker, Belmode did not run around and was still heading this way.

Akai Shuichi was slightly relieved.

He glanced at the slightly chaotic auditorium and found that it was easy to hide here, so he patted his colleague and whispered: "Change your position. I'll keep an eye on this while you go check out the new suspects first."


Can you swap jobs so that you can check those boring lists full of uncles while I sit here drinking coffee and watching beautiful young high school girls perform in dramas?

He muttered in his heart, then stood up with a determined face: "Okay, I'll leave it to you."

Passerby FBI agent regretfully left the scene, and Shuichi Akai took his place.

The play was just about to start, but due to the previous delay, there were still many people walking around in the audience.

Shuichi Akai took advantage of the chaos and took off his knitted hat, put on a black baseball cap, and then followed the crowd to buy a cup of coffee from a nearby stall.

Returning to his seat with the paper cup, he looked down at the cup of coffee, looked at it again, and finally couldn't help but open the lid and take a serious look at the dark liquid inside.

Akai Shuichi: "..." This taste, and this color... How come it looks so much like the coffee that James spent his own money to fly from the UK and hid at the bottom of the cupboard, never wanting to drink it?

Just as he lowered his head to study, suddenly, a "ding bell——" a bell rang.

Akai Shuichi raised his head and saw that the lights above him dimmed. Immediately afterwards, with this narration, the stage curtain slowly opened.

"Next is the play "Weird Love" brought to you by Class B of the second year of Didan Middle School - please enjoy it!"

The lights came on, revealing the gorgeous props above. Just looking closely, you can find that some props near the corners are slightly rough.

Shuichi Akai rubbed his coffee cup and thought about the undelivered props in Dr. Shinichi's trunk, and he felt something clear in his heart.

While he continued to observe the situation on the stage, he looked around, ready to catch possible abnormalities at any time.


A certain heroine who stayed in the dressing room and did not go out was anxiously waiting for her colleague to reply. The colleague just whispered a few words to her, and then there was nothing more. She strained her ears and tried to listen. After a while, I vaguely caught some sounds, and I vaguely knew that Akai Shuichi had rushed back.

"What happened? We lost contact for so long." Judy was so curious that she wanted to rush off the stage immediately and grab her Riddler colleagues to ask about the situation.

However, before that, someone rushed over and grabbed her: "Teacher Judy? Why are you still here? It's time for you to go on stage!"

Judy looked at Suzuki Sonoko who suddenly appeared, her eyes twitching slightly: "..." How can I be in the mood to act now? I just want to beat people up.

But she agreed. According to the persistence of this group of high school students in rehearsing dramas, if she gives up her job now, then she, "Teacher Judy", may have no goodwill and credibility at all.

For the sake of long-term development in the future, a certain FBI agent had no choice but to endure the humiliation and smile: "Okay, I'll go right away."

Suzuki Sonoko looked around and whispered furtively: "The veil can cover your hair color. You don't have any lines in the first few minutes of the play. You just need to move quietly - Xiaolan said she has settled Well, that old man is on his way back from the hospital. As long as you survive this period, the crisis will be solved! "

Judy was stunned: "..." So fast? How did she settle James? She clearly made an appointment to delay for a while... Forget it, this is not the point now. The point is that since Shuichi has returned, Belmod should be arriving soon.

"Don't forget the main goal of today." Judy patted her face gently and reminded herself in her heart:

"Although the time is a little rushed, it is enough - I don't know what kind of expression the 'new doctor' will show when he debuts as the male protagonist and sees me opposite him... Humph, this is a good opportunity to find out. Her latest goal, the Women's International Award, is soft, but now she is inexplicably so interested in a school drama, she must have a lot of ambitions. "

While thinking about it, Judy followed Suzuki Sonoko. The two walked quickly through the backstage. Judy bent down and got into the props on the stage.

While Mao Lilan hurried back, she took a moment to look at her watch: "Oh no, it's already this time... I hope I can still catch up."

As soon as she lowered her head and then raised her head, she happened to cross a fork in the road. Unfortunately, someone happened to come out on the other side of the fork in the road. Mao Lilan couldn't react in time and bumped into that person.

"Sorry, sorry!" Mao Lilan was startled. She stood up hastily, and then hurriedly helped the person who stumbled back after being hit by her.

After seeing the other person's face clearly, she was stunned: "Shinde-sensei?!"

"Doctor Shinde" quietly touched the painful chest and smiled: "It's me, why are I running so fast?"

As soon as she finished speaking, she was startled and suddenly realized that something was wrong.

The "new doctor" looked at his watch: "According to the time, hasn't the play started now? Why...wait a minute, is it because we are not here, the start of the show has been delayed?"

Mao Lilan shook her head blankly: "I don't know either. Yuanzi just asked me to rush back as soon as possible. She said the problem was not big and she would give me a surprise."

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