Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2393 2397 [Deadly Stage]


Bellmode tasted the word and felt that something was not right: Suzuki Sonoko who proposed the "surprise" was certainly just a simple-minded rich second generation, but because of this, people could not rest assured - she was the closest to Uzo. One of the people, and the more simple-minded she is, the easier it is for her to be influenced unknowingly, and even completely become Uzo's puppet. Rounding things off, this surprise was sent by Uzo... What on earth could this be?

Belmode: "..." The more I think about it, the more disturbing it becomes. Although that kid was pretty good to Angel and Cool Guy, his own thinking was different from ordinary people. The surprise in Uzo's eyes...could it be that he wanted to give one to his dear classmates on this festive day? It's a big and confusing case.

With his mind spinning, the "new doctor" said worriedly: "Then let's go back and take a look."

Mao Lilan nodded, and the two of them hurried towards the direction of Didan Middle School.

Didan Middle School Gymnasium.

In addition to the two protagonists who met outside, Shuichi Akai, who knew the inside story, couldn't help but be a little surprised when he saw the opening of the play - if I remember correctly, the male protagonist "New Doctor" should still be on the road at this moment, but the stage changed just now During the scene, he clearly saw a person dressed as the leading actor making a low-key appearance.

"Could it be that they randomly found someone to come on stage to temporarily take Belmod's place?" Akai Shu glanced at it and stopped paying attention. He turned to look at the audience. He didn't know if it was an illusion, but he always felt that there was someone nearby. There was a strange rustling sound, with inexplicable urgency and excitement in the sound.

After looking around for a moment, he quickly paused and looked diagonally in front of him.

There was a thin, middle-aged man sitting there. Although his face could not be seen clearly with his back turned, judging from the wrinkled clothes and messy hair, this was not an audience member who paid too much attention to his image.

What is even more eye-catching is the circle of gauze wrapped around the back of the middle-aged man's head - it looks like his head has just been injured, but instead of recovering from the injury, he came here to watch a drama.

This subtle uniqueness and abnormality immediately caught Akai Shuichi's attention.

What's even more concerning is that in this scene where everyone else is watching the play, this middle-aged man rarely raises his head to look at the stage: he is holding a sketch book in his hand, and he is drawing something excitedly with his head down. . The strange sound Akai Shuichi heard just now was the sound of the pencil in his hand rubbing against the sketch paper.


I ran to the scene but didn't watch the drama, but painted in this dimly lit place. It was inexplicable... By the way, what on earth was this person painting?

Akai Shuichi moved his body, and relying on his height, he quietly reached over the middle-aged painter's shoulder and easily saw his sketchbook.

The next moment, a familiar figure suddenly ran into his eyes, in the form of a black and white sketch.

——On the screen was actually a corpse with bleeding from the mouth and nose. The tall corpse was slumped on a stool in the auditorium, holding a deformed coffee cup in his hand. The black baseball cap on his head was tilted to one side. His eyes were half-opened and looking at the sky. Anyone could see it. It was seen that he died in a miserable state, as if he had been poisoned.

...What is even more concerning is that the corpse has the face of Akai Shuichi.

Akai Shuichi squeezed the coffee hand and said: "..."

For a moment, he wanted to slap this guy down, drag him back to the headquarters and ask him if he was Uzo, or one of Uzo's subordinates.

...Fortunately speaking, strictly speaking, what is depicted on the drawing paper is not his true appearance, but his disguised appearance - he did take off his mask just now in order to blend in with the crowd more perfectly. It seems that it was because of this The painter saw it.

But there were so many people at the scene, why did he have to be drawn?

Akai Shuichi's eyes became sharp again. He suspected that this was some kind of provocation or intimidation from the mysterious opponent, but he had no evidence.

But the problem is not big. What the FBI is best at is finding evidence.

Akai Shuichi took out his mobile phone and silently sent an email to his colleagues.

At the same time, he glanced at the painter diagonally in front of him, always paying attention to the other person's sketchbook - if this guy was really the microphone sent by Uzo, he would like to see what the person hidden in the shadow curtain wanted to say. .

In the audience, the FBI ace was in a mood swing because of the inexplicable picture of death.

On the stage, another FBI was performing hard.

The "bride" Teacher Judy, wearing a white wedding dress and a mask of the same color, huddled in the cave, while on the other corner of the stage, a group of people dressed as villains were slowly approaching her with knives.

After some dealings, the man in black discovered the woman hiding here. He took the bride's hand and pulled hard: "Come out!"

Judy, who staggered out of the cave, said: "..." Oh, it's so boring. It's said to be some kind of suspense romance drama, but in fact it's not very similar to either. But occasionally, you can see the traces of the previous murders. You can tell at a glance. Suzuki Sonoko admired those murder cases very much and secretly borrowed many techniques.

In short, for her, a heroine who knows the suspense involved, this stage performance makes people drowsy... but fortunately, it is about to be the time for the "hero" to fall from the sky, and she must remember Bellmore carefully. De's subsequent change in attitude revealed the woman's anger and confusion when her plan was broken, and then she could speculate on the purpose of her deep participation in this campus drama as a "school doctor" and "hero"...

Just as he was thinking about it, suddenly, the area around the stage darkened, leaving only a bright beam of light falling from the sky.

In the light pillar, pitch-black feathers came from nowhere and fell in the wind.

The villains obviously knew what this kind of feather meant. They were shocked and loudly prepared for the upcoming male protagonist: "Could it be that that person is here?!"

Judy: "..." This thing is a bit like the pigeon feathers that occasionally fall down at the crime scene of "Phantom Thief Kid", but the color is reversed... Well, speaking of it, Suzuki Sonoko seems to be a fan of the Phantom Thief. This stage The drama is about Uzo's murder case and Kidd's same feather. Isn't the concentration of crime a little high?

Before he could come up with any results, suddenly, a figure wearing a helmet and black robe descended from the sky and landed on the floor illuminated by the light beam with a duang.

"Black Knight!" the villains exclaimed in unison, "Oh no, why did he come? - Everyone, get out!"

A group of people were frightened and ran away.

Suddenly there were only two people left on the stage, and the soundtrack was changed in time, from the underworld music that made people dare not breathe, to a romantic and elegant tune.

Amidst the music filled with pink bubbles, Kudo Shinichi straightened his helmet that was shaken when he landed on the ground, and stood up gracefully from a half-kneeling state.

Then he took a deep breath, raised his head, turned around and looked behind him in the most handsome pose he could think of.

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