Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2395 2399 [On the verge of being arrested]

For Judy, who has been through many battles recently, the sudden murder around her can no longer cause too many waves in her heart.

...This is how it should have been.

However, in fact, the moment she saw it clearly, Judy's heart still thumped violently.

——When the strange corpse fell to the ground, he was holding the coffee cup in one hand, and the other hand, perhaps because of pain, was unconsciously holding the trouser leg of his neighbor.

And his neighbor...

Judy looked at the tall man wearing a baseball cap with a lock of black curly hair sticking out from under the brim: "..."

...What are you doing standing there in a daze? Move aside! At least take your trousers out of the hands of the poisoned person first. Otherwise, with your current appearance, you look like the murderer of that man... Do you want to be taken into the police station as a suspect again? !

As a seasoned suspect with rich experience in the police station, Judy hated iron for a while.

However, it turns out that even if Akai Shuichi wants to retreat now, it is probably too late - the scream that someone didn't know just now has successfully attracted the attention of everyone present. If Akai Shuichi simply pulled out his trouser legs in front of them now, not only would he not be able to stay out of the matter, but his calm and rational attitude would make him even more suspicious.

Judy pinched her forehead with a headache and tried to calm herself down: "..." Having said that, why did Shuichi change his plan and stay in the audience? and……

She suddenly remembered something and turned around to look backstage.

Then Leng Buding discovered that there were two more people there.

——Not only the new doctor, but Mao Lilan, who was supposed to be delayed in the hospital by James, also came back.

"...This is all a mess." Judy fiddled with her fluffy skirt blankly, feeling melancholy in her heart, "Obviously the plan went very smoothly at the beginning, everyone who should be dragged was dragged, and I also managed to get in. Stage. The right time and place, this should have been a very successful trial, but now... why did things become like this? "

"And the weird male protagonist just now, since he is not a 'new doctor', then who is he??"

Everything about the scene was chaotic, but there was something timeless about it.

——Hearing the screams and looking out to see something happened under the stage, Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko instinctively took out their mobile phones, and then in tacit agreement, one called the police and the other called an ambulance.

In just a few seconds, the operator on the other side understood the situation and said he would rush to the scene as soon as possible.

The two female high school students who had finished shaking hung up the phone and looked at each other in confusion for a while before reconnecting with their thoughts.

Mao Lilan was a little worried about the condition of the stranger who fell to the ground in the audience, but at the same time, another thing inevitably attracted most of her attention.

Mao Lilan looked around, trying to find the "black knight hero", but could not see his shadow.

She was suspicious for a moment, then pulled Suzuki Sonoko to the corner and asked in a low voice: "What happened to the 'hero' who just took the stage for Shinde-sensei?"

"You recognized it, right?" Suzuki Sonoko chuckled, hiding his merit and fame, "Yes, the guy who disappeared is back! - How about it, this is a good surprise, isn't it?"

Mao Lilan: "..."

Surprised, but happy...

She smiled, slowly closed her slender fingers, and made a clicking sound.

Kudo Shinichi, who was hiding outside the door and was about to explain, said: "..."

"I, I'd better solve the case first. This is the detective's main job. Human lives are at stake, and we can't be delayed by distracting thoughts."

Kudo Shinichi turned around lightly and sneaked to the audience. At the same time, he had an unprecedented longing for a certain classmate: "Speaking of which, where was Jiang Xia at such a critical time? If he was around, what would have happened? If we can stop him, there won't be too many accidents..."

Sneaking all the way to the corner, he was about to run off the stage quickly, but at this moment, Kudo Shinichi stopped: on the stage in front of him, a woman in a white dress suddenly stood.

Kudo Shinichi: "..." Why hasn't she left yet? This guy is too haunted!

Wait, this hair color...

Kudo Shinichi looked at Judy who had taken off her veil at some point, and his heart skipped a beat: "..." Yes, it was that very suspicious foreign teacher!

Damn it, if this woman is also a member of the organization, then with his current "Kudo Shinichi" status...

Kudo Shinichi didn't have time to think too much. His feet swirled and he quickly retreated backstage.

Behind him, Judy narrowed her eyes: "..." Something is wrong, very wrong, there must be something fishy about this guy... We have to find a way to see his face and find out who he is!

With this in mind, she lifted up her skirt and, relying on her appearance as a "cheerful foreigner who loves to make friends," said "Hi~" and chased after him without hesitation.

When Kudo Shinichi heard the click of high heels on the ground behind him, the hair on his body almost exploded. His steps became more and more hurried. At this moment, the door in front of him creaked, and two female high school students pushed the door open and walked out.

Kudo Shinichi: "?!"

He braked hard again, then made a sharp turn, turned around and went into the deserted side road at the T-intersection: "..." No, he can't talk to the two classmates, and he can't let Judy know that he and Xiaolan They are very familiar with Yuanzi, otherwise they might be killed.

So is this the risk Haihara Ai mentioned before? He, he didn't pay attention to it at first. but……

Kudo Shinichi gritted his teeth: But he didn't expose too much just now, not even his face. There's still time to make amends now!

First of all, never get caught by that woman...

The desperate high school student pricked up his ears and listened to the footsteps chasing death behind him. He quickly recalled the terrain of the venue and began a hide-and-seek game that cost his life.

The bizarre pursuit backstage has just begun.

The murders in the audience continued.

Akai Shuichi, who was vaguely surrounded by everyone: "..."

Although it is not difficult to escape from the siege of this group of ordinary citizens, the disguise on his face now is carefully thought out by him. If this face becomes a wanted criminal, he will have one less usable identity, and It is also easy to cause trouble because of similar looks.

Rather than that, it is better to pretend to cooperate first - after all, he did not poison anyone, and even if someone wanted to use this to frame him, he was confident that he could see the flaws and solve the case.

...Having said that, remembering the unpleasant experience of entering the police station last time, Akai Shuichi walked to the corner and made a call to his boss so that the elderly leader could be mentally prepared in advance.

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