Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2396 2400 [James’ Dark Day]

The phone rang for a while before it was connected, and a weak voice came from the other side: "Hello? This is James, how are you doing over there?"

Akai Shuichi was silent for a moment because of the other party's rare state. Then he realized belatedly: Today's plan was not only an accident on his and Judy's part, but maybe even James's part was not smooth sailing.

This immediately attracted Akai Shuichi's great attention: there must be clues behind the anomaly.

He walked to the corner, away from the crowd of onlookers, and lowered his voice: "What happened to you over there? I remember that according to the original plan, Mao Lilan shouldn't have come back so soon - could it be that when you tried to hold her back, you were Something else is holding you back?"

"..." James' voice stiffened slightly, and after a few seconds, he finally spoke, "It doesn't really matter, it was just a little accident."

Akai Shuichi frowned and asked: "What specific accident was it?"

James wiped his face hard: "...Is this important?"

Akai Shuichi couldn't help but look at his phone: "Needless to say, of course it's important. Have you forgotten the most common method used by 'that person'? - What happened to you today?"


There was another long silence.

This time, after half a minute, the old man on the other side of the phone said dryly: "I, I originally wanted to pretend that I couldn't walk and spend more time on the road. But who knew that the child saw that the hospital was approaching, and he suddenly He picked me up and rushed across the road."

"There are cars everywhere and pedestrians everywhere... Can you understand what it feels like for a mature and steady old gentleman to be carried across the road by a girl under 18 years old? Can you feel the way everyone is looking at you? The torment that stabbed you?"

Akai Shuichi: "..."

The FBI boss's voice was full of pain: "Now that the matter has come to this, I originally wanted to keep her for a little while longer, but when I got to the hospital, the doctors and nurses looked at me differently... If I continue to pester her, after you After that, I’m afraid I’ll have to lie down in the police station, and on the most unbearable charge.”

Akai Shuichi: "..." Well, the situation is not what he imagined.

...However, there are many murders around Mao Lilan, and she is probably one of the targets of Uzo's "care". Whether what happened to James today was an "accident" or inevitable is open to debate.

With this in mind, Akai Shuichi sorted out his thoughts and planned to ask in detail.

However, before he could speak, there was a click. The boss opposite, who had always been gentle and waited for others to hang up first, actually hung up the phone on his own initiative.

Akai Shuichi: "..."

Forget it, the scene in the description is indeed a bit heavy for someone like James. Let’s wait until they meet and ask in detail. I hope that my calm and rational attitude can help the boss get rid of his shameful mood.

Speaking of which, according to James's habit, when he is stressed, he seems to like to make a pot of fragrant coffee, then sit on the balcony and look into the distance and think quietly. But if you guessed it right, the old gentleman likes coffee...

Akai Shuichi's eyes moved and fell on the drink stall in the distance.

——On a stall made up of several long tables, many instruments are placed side by side. Next to the ordinary juice machines, there is a coffee machine with a different style of painting quietly placed there, with faint sounds of water floating in the pot. A familiar aroma.

Akai Shuichi looked at the machine and was silent for a moment: Forget it, James is old after all, so I'd better not tell him this news until he calms down a little.

Just as this thought flashed across his mind, Akai Shuichi looked at the corpse on the ground and the paper cup that fell next to the corpse, and suddenly remembered another thing.

Akai Shuichi: "..." If I read correctly, the paper cup held by the deceased... should be the cup used by the stall to hold iced coffee.

And this person happened to be poisoned and died, so the person who provided the coffee, and the person who set up the stall...

A certain FBI ace took a deep breath and silently clutched his cell phone.

Jiang Xia was leisurely taking notes in the police station. Suddenly, the phone on the police desk rang.

"Hello, who's there?" Police Department Mumu answered the phone calmly, "It's me, Mumu."

After a few seconds, his expression twitched slightly and he looked towards Jiang Xia.

Jiang Xia responded with doubtful eyes: "?"

"..." The Mumu Police Department hung up the phone and sighed, "Something happened to your Didan Middle School."

Jiang Xia blinked slowly: "..." If something happens, something will happen. It wasn't me, so why are you sighing at me?

Anyway, since something happened, of course, we should go and check the situation.

Jiang Xia stood up without any surprise, and soon came to his school with the police.

The police officers of the Forensic Section were busy skillfully, and soon, the preliminary information was summarized by Jiang... and it was summarized by the Memu Police Department.

"The deceased, Kohei Kamata, was 27 years old. He worked at Mihua General Hospital during his lifetime and was a formal doctor holding a professional qualification certificate."

The Mu Mu Police Department briefly flipped through the report and handed it to Jiang Xia.

Then he looked at the female nurse aside: "Are you the closest witness to the deceased? What was the specific situation here at that time?"

The fashionably dressed female nurse was so frightened that she looked away from the body and thought hard: "At that time... he suddenly fell to the ground. At first, I thought he was uncomfortable somewhere. , but who would have thought that when he squatted down and touched him, he was actually dead. "

The Mumu Police Department took a look at the paper cup in the deceased's hand and strongly suspected that the unlucky man died of poisoning: "Did he drink this drink first and then suddenly fall to the ground?"

"Well..." the female nurse shook her head in embarrassment, "I have been watching a drama and haven't looked around much, so I don't know very well."

Memu Police Department nodded: "Did you notice anything unusual at that time? Any details will do."

When the female nurse mentioned this, she suddenly thought of something.

She turned her head and glanced at Akai Shuichi, and was so frightened by this tall man that she retracted her sight - for some reason, she always felt that this guy was particularly scary, and seemed to be more scary than the one she accidentally encountered while walking at night. Knife-wielding robbers are even more dangerous, and they are lawless gangsters who come out of nowhere.

This made her a little afraid to speak out, but soon, brave and enthusiastic people spoke loudly on her behalf.

"When the deceased fell, one hand was tightly holding the man's trouser leg!" A student pushed up his glasses, raised his finger and pointed at Shuichi Akai, showing no fear of power, "I suspect he was poisoned, so The deceased tried his best to leave us a message of death!”

Akai Shuichi: "..."

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