Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2397 2401 [Fallen] Please vote for me

Chapter 2397 2401【Fallen】Please vote for me (`)

Akai Shuichi faced the sharp gazes of many police officers and had no choice but to say: "I just happened to be sitting next to the deceased and relatively close to him, so he grabbed me easily."

"Really? But with so many people around, why are they only arresting you?"

The more the Mumu Police Department looked at this guy, the more suspicious it became. As Jiang Xia whispered softly in his ear, the police department with ordinary eyes suddenly understood.

The Megure Police Department stared at Akai Shuichi and slammed his fist on his palm: "Yes, aren't you the passerby with the knitted hat in the bank just now?! I almost didn't recognize it because of the different hat... Wait, you Why did you change your hat? Are you trying to disguise yourself?"

Akai Shuichi: "..."

This change was hidden from the police, but it was not possible to hide it from Jiang Xia.

...Fortunately, his reputation is not in vain after so many years.

The FBI ace said calmly: "It was hotter inside the venue than outside, so I changed my hat."

Mumu Police Department: "..."

I always feel like this person is making excuses, but when I think about it carefully, it seems reasonable.

At this time, the detective next to him spoke up, Jiang Xia: "Don't worry, let's take a look at the scene first."

"Oh, this is the only way." The Mu Mu Police Department wishes that all the murderers would consciously admit the problem, but obviously, this wish is difficult to realize.

He gave Akai Shuichi a few final glances, and then secretly asked his subordinates to keep an eye on this suspicious person who looked a little dangerous while continuing to survey the scene. He squatted down and looked at the suspected poisonous coffee cup on the ground: "The coffee in it has been drunk. Isn't this the kind of poison that will act immediately?"

Jiang Xia also looked at the cup, then stood up and looked at the female nurse: "About when did the deceased fall to the ground?"

The female nurse quickly looked at her watch and tried to remember the time.

Then the memory failed: "I...I don't remember. I was so scared at the time that I didn't even bother to look at the watch."

At this moment, a voice from the side came: "He fell to the ground around 2:40, which is the time when Sonoko and I called the police and called the ambulance."

Jiang Xia turned around and saw Mao Lilan and Suzuki Yuanzi coming out.

He looked at these two classmates, and then at the "new doctor" who was not far away: "..." It always felt like something was missing...

Next to them, the police were also a little surprised when they saw these familiar high school students.

Officer Sato looked at Mao Lilan and then at the new doctor: "I remember that you seem to be the male and female protagonists of this drama?"

——If I remember correctly, these acquaintances often encountered various murder cases while rehearsing plays.

The chief director of this drama happened to be Suzuki Sonoko, a cheerful and talkative female high school student. This resulted in a murder case and the police were forced to understand the general situation of their script.

But now, Officer Sato discovered that the clothes on the two male and female protagonists were ordinary clothes, which seemed to have nothing to do with the gorgeous costumes.

It's okay not to mention it, but Suzuki Sonoko sighed when she mentioned it: "The new doctor encountered a case and was delayed. Xiaolan went out to find him, but met an old man who suddenly became ill. In order to send the person to the hospital, she was forced to Late... Well, everything has happened in a hurry, but looking at the bright side, since there is a murder today, the drama will not be able to proceed normally even if they are not late. Thinking about it this way, it seems that we have made a profit! "

Belmode: "..."

She went back and forth several times without understanding the logic. In the end, she could only look at the wealthy daughter with pity: "..." This child's brain circuit... has been completely contaminated by Uzo.

The police also scratched their heads and were a little confused by Suzuki Sonoko's calculation method, but fortunately it was not their first day dealing with Suzuki Sonoko. Soon, the experienced police officer put this topic behind him and turned his attention back to the murder case.

The Memu Police Department confirmed to the onlookers: "No one should have been close to the body before we arrived."

The onlookers hesitated to speak.

Jiang Xia was keenly aware of their abnormality: "What's wrong?"

The female nurse quietly moved two steps and hid behind Jiang Xia. Then she raised her hand and pointed in the direction of Akai Shuichi, and complained to Jiang Xia in a low voice: "Before you arrived, the gentleman walked to the side and made a phone call. At that time, He bent down and pulled his trousers out of the corpse's hands."

Although he was whispering, since the surroundings were relatively quiet, there was no doubt that the words also fell into the ears of other people nearby.

The Megure Police Department immediately looked at Akai Shuichi again: "Did you secretly take away clues or anything like that from the deceased?"

Akai Shuichi: "..."

It was because the deceased's hand was too tight. If he forced his feet away, he might appear too cold and arouse suspicion. With this in mind, Akai Shuichi tugged with his hand... Unexpectedly, he was also being watched.

He glanced at the female nurse a few more times, and then, under the sudden frightened gaze of the woman and the vigilant gaze of the police, he shook his head like an honest man: "Of course not, I didn't touch his hand at all, I just pulled it a little." The trousers he caught."

The Mumu Police Department was not fooled this time. He imitated Jiang Xia and touched his chin: "At the time of the incident, the other innocent spectators must have been very panicked, and the light in the auditorium was also very dim. If you really leaned down while I’m afraid no one can see clearly what you’ve done with your time - if you don’t mind, could you let us see what you’re carrying?”

Akai Shuichi thought of the gun he carried every day: "..."

...Fortunately, a real ace will never fall in the same pit twice - as early as when he was grabbed by the body's trousers, he had already prepared for the worst, and put the gun and other Things that cannot be exposed are hidden elsewhere.

At this time, Akai Shuichi, who felt that he had successfully predicted the movements of "that person", nodded calmly: "It's up to you."

After a pause, when the police came towards him, Shuichi Akai suddenly said: "Actually, I think the other gentleman is more suspicious than me."

"Huh?" The Memu Police Department is not surprised by this situation. After all, there is rarely only one suspect in the cases he encounters. Most of them will lead to two, and two will lead to three, like now. Then the three-choice situation begins.

He said: "Who is it?"

Akai Shuichi raised his hand and pointed at the painter in the corner who was painting.

"As early as when the performance started, that gentleman has been immersed in drawing something." Shuichi Akai looked at the guy who had caused a wave of fluctuations in his mood and was highly suspicious of Uzo's younger brother, "I took a curious look , and found that he was painting a sketch, and the scene in that painting was exactly the scene of a person dying from poison. The person in the painting was holding a cup of coffee in his hand, which was exactly the same as the coffee in the hand of the deceased.

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