Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2406 2410 [Kudo Shinichi’s elopement]

The dean's daughter nodded: "We have been dating for a while, and we have agreed to marry him as soon as I graduate. But now as graduation approaches, I feel more and more uneasy... So last week, I called him and said no to the upcoming marriage."

She sighed: "Since then, he has been unwilling to see me. Even if I go to the hospital to find him, he always avoids me - I just don't want to get married so early, and I don't plan to break up with him, but he …”

Jiang Xia touched her chin when she heard this: "..." 18-year-olds cannot buy alcohol or cigarettes, but they have reached the legal age for marriage... Is this reasonable? This is not reasonable at all, and the age limit for the former should be adjusted downwards - although now he can drive Matsuda Jinpei's puppet into the bar and order as much as he wants, but this is not the same as going there in person, sitting next to the bar and slowly The feeling of tasting wine is completely different, and you can also chat with many murderous groups of different flavors and witness their wonderful experience with your own eyes... This sounds much more comfortable than simply packing a few glasses of wine and going home.

When members of the organization secretly condemned this unreasonable rule.

Beside them, other people didn't have so many thoughts. They just muttered in their hearts that high school girls are so easy to deceive.

Several colleagues of the deceased were also a little bit sad. Unexpectedly, their friend almost jumped over the dragon's door. But soon, their attention returned to the case in front of them.

"No wonder - my cup was actually filled with Coke." The female clerk suddenly realized, "I was shocked when I drank it, but the play had already started and I couldn't walk around in the dark at will, so I had to finish it. ”

She patted the unopened creamer and syrup in her pocket and said, "I almost poured them in."

The female student tucked her short hair behind her ears and said wilfully, "I'm sorry."

"There are actually these inside stories." Megure Police Department sighed and turned to his subordinates, "In this case, let's take the drinks and syrups of the four of them for testing first. The drinks and utensils on the drink stalls should also be tested. Check them one by one.”

The young police officer nodded and went to work.

The Mumu Police Department had nothing to do for a while, so they couldn't help but look at Jiang Xia again.

Jiang Xia looked at the painter: "What do you think?"

Mumu Police Department: "..." Brother Jiang Xia still likes to train detectives.

Akai Shuichi: "..." As expected of a subordinate who was suspected of following "that person" for at least five years, he actually became familiar with Jiang Xia so quickly... The ability of this group of people to control people's hearts is really worthy of vigilance. It seems that there will be more internal screening within the FBI in the future to avoid being infiltrated by that cadre unknowingly.

The painter did not expect Jiang Xia to ask him this question. He was silent for a moment and said sincerely: "I hope there will be more things like this."

Mumu Police Department: "..." Although everyone knows about your little hobby, in front of so many police officers, can't you just hide it a little bit? ?

He silently rolled his eyes at the painter, feeling that all Jiang Xia's hard work was in vain.

Fortunately, brother Jiangxia not only trained a detective, but Suzuki Sonoko was solving the case very actively and correctly next to him.

The rich man from the consortium thought hard for a while and suddenly realized something: "Potassium cyanide took effect immediately, but the deceased did not fall down until he finished drinking the drink - since no one drugged him in advance, could it be him himself?" Did you take the poison while taking the time?"

The eyes of the Mumu Police Department lit up: "You mean, he might have committed suicide?"

"That's right!" Suzuki Sonoko followed Jiang Xia's example and showed a calm expression, but she couldn't help but take a few steps happily.

She adjusted her posture and said seriously with her hands behind her back like an authority: "As we all know, being dumped is a very shameful thing - the deceased was able to become the chief physician of a large hospital at the age of 28. It can be seen that He is a proud man, but this kind of person was rejected by a high school girl who seemed to be very capable. "

Suzuki Sonoko seemed to have seen many similar people and confidently reasoned: "This will definitely frustrate his self-esteem and stimulate him a lot, and he will decide to take revenge. So he deliberately brought poison to today's campus festival, and then in front of He committed suicide in front of his ex-fiancée, trying to shock her! Besides, since his fiancée is the owner of a beverage stall, he might be able to frame her up and make himself angry. "

The Mumu Police Department couldn't help but nodded repeatedly: In fact, according to his idea, "suicide" can indeed solve many unreasonable problems, but...

He couldn't help but look at Jiang Xia next to him.

At this time, several other suspects also realized this blind spot belatedly.

"Yes!" If the deceased committed suicide, wouldn't everyone be safe?

The short-haired female clerk suddenly remembered something and asked the hospital security guard next to her: "I remember that on the way here, Gengping seemed to have been looking for something?"

The security guard nodded: "It seems that his driver's license has been lost."

Officer Takagi was busy taking notes: "What driver's license?"

Female nurse: "We came here together in Gengping's car today. Now that I think about it, he has always had a weird expression on his face since we were halfway there, and he is always tossing and turning in the car."

The Mumu Police Department whispered to his policeman: "Go and check."

The police officers from the forensics department who had just been idle were busy again.

Suzuki Sonoko sighed and looked out the window: "It actually started to rain again. Today is really not going well. First there was a car accident on the street outside, the hero and heroine were late, then there was a weird murder, and this ruined the mood. The light rain..."

As she was talking, she suddenly thought of something, lowered her voice and said furtively to Jiang Xia: "Tell me, did the drama I adapted touch the soul, so it attracted something bad?"

Jiang Xia: "..." If this is the case, I will give you the Haixin Theater under construction and let you write plays there every day.

However, it was difficult to say these words in front of the police and FBI. Jiang Xia had to tactfully say: "Your drama is very good. It's the murderer's problem."

"It's a pity that we didn't finish the performance this time." Suzuki Sonoko said more and more regretfully, "My mystery has just unfolded, and the answer has not yet been revealed... The hateful murderer, he must be jealous of my talent in writing dramas!"

Akai Shuichi, who was secretly listening in, said: "..." No, maybe it's because you don't have any talent for writing dramas that some people have forcibly commandeered your stage to perform their own bloody dramas.

"Oh, I don't know who the murderer is." Suzuki Sonoko was unaware of the FBI's instigation. She looked at her watch and suddenly remembered something, "Why hasn't Teacher Judy arrived yet? And Kudo, they were there at that time He should have been here long ago. Especially Kudo, that guy is obviously the kind of person who can't help but rush over when he sees a murder, so why did he disappear this time? "

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