Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2407 2411 [Gathering the FBI boss’s wool] Please vote for me oo

Chapter 2407 2411 [Gathering the FBI boss’s wool] Please vote o(〃▽〃)o

"Kudo?" Akai Shuichi heard this and spoke at the right time. On the one hand, he helped his colleagues to cover up, and on the other hand, he also tried to find out the information he wanted to know. "Is it that excellent detective? I used to always I saw his name in the newspaper. Who played the leading role just now? "

Suzuki Sonoko nodded and was about to speak, but at this moment, Hattori Heiji, who knew the inside story next to him, suddenly became alert.

The Osaka detective teleported over, used all his acting skills, interrupted Suzuki Sonoko, and squeezed into the conversation: "Ah haha! Don't mention my dark history just now! I was clearly disguised when I was on the stage. So perfect, but who would have thought that once I get on stage, all of you will recognize me..."

As he spoke, he turned his back to Akai Shuichi and blinked crazily at Jiang Xia, hoping that this classmate who knew part of the inside story would help fool him.

Jiang Xia understood his look. He glanced to the side and suddenly said: "Teacher Judy is back."


When the police heard Jiang Xia's words, they suddenly looked up and saw a young foreign woman looking back at something while holding up her skirt and walking over.

The police looked sternly and stepped forward to surround the people - although the deceased might have committed suicide, for some reason they always felt that there was little hope. And if you want to pick one among this group of suspects... Judy, who is currently moving around strangely, is obviously an important candidate.

Judy didn't expect to receive such a warm welcome as soon as she came back. She was stunned for a moment: "What's wrong?"

The Mumu Police Department looked at this old acquaintance in a sense, with suspicion in their eyes: "I would like to ask, you haven't shown up since the incident. What have you been busy with?" Could it be that you are hiding somewhere to destroy evidence? Bar.

"..." When Judy heard this, she couldn't help but want to curse: The knight hero was so slippery that he was even harder to track than the most cunning criminal she had ever encountered - the backstage of this venue was obviously not big. , it's just that the road is a little roundabout, but even so, she, an excellent FBI agent, actually lost him in a few minutes... This made her a little frustrated.

The only gratifying thing is that she locked the side door in advance, so the man should not have been able to run out, but was still lingering quietly in a corner of the backstage.

"Give me a while, I should be able to catch up with him and see who that person is."

Judy was full of regrets: "But this dress is too much in the way, and the police are pressing me very hard - based on my experience, if I ignore them and insist on looking for someone in the background, then I may not be able to do it very quickly." Something bad would happen. For example, the male protagonist died suddenly, and I, who had left many traces behind the scenes, became the only suspect... Damn it, I am obviously a righteous party, why should I be so sneaky? Like a villain."

While she was lamenting in her heart, she had to deal with the questions raised by the Mumu Police Department: Although there was a reason for the incident, she couldn't open her mouth and say "I was busy chasing the male high school student just now and didn't have time to come here." Judy had to try her best to make it up. Nonsense: "I was nervous as soon as I went on stage, and even more nervous when there was a murder. And when I was nervous, I wanted to go to the bathroom. It was my first time in this venue, and it took me some time to find a place."

Mumu Police Department: "..."

He had some doubts about this statement, but he couldn't bear to pursue a young and beautiful woman to get to the bottom of her going to the toilet.

The police officer, who was not thick-skinned enough, cleared his throat and had to ask elsewhere: "Why do you suddenly want to set up a stall to sell drinks?"

Judy has been in and out of the police station, and has become very proficient in fooling around: "On a whim, and I also like to drink something every time I watch a play, so I just joined in the fun and set up a stall."

The Mumu Police Department remembered the dean Qianjin’s theory of “mixed substance poisoning”: “I heard that when the stall was first opened, you were also very busy there - you only made coffee and didn’t touch other machines? "

Judy also forgot whether she had touched it, but she was very sure that she had not poisoned it: "Of course not!"

"..." The Mumu police department was doubtful, but could not find any evidence for a while. In the end, he had to say casually, "The coffee you brought is very different from the ones on the market. It smells strange. Where are you?" bought?"

It was originally just a sentence to cover up embarrassment, but when the words fell, the Mumu Police Department suddenly noticed that Judy seemed to stiffen slightly, and actually seemed to feel guilty.

After two seconds, the female foreign teacher seemed to calmly say: "It was given by someone else."

Akai Shuichi: "..."

Mumu Police Department: "..."

He became more and more suspicious, but now that there was no evidence, he really couldn't say anything.

Just as he was thinking about it, suddenly, a group of policemen ran back.

"Police Department!" Officer Takagi held an evidence bag and seemed to have gained something. "I extracted a small amount of potassium cyanide residue from the dashboard of the deceased's vehicle!"

Almost at the same time, there was news on the other side.

Sato Miwako put down the phone and walked quickly towards the Jiangxia and Megure police departments.

She looked at the suspects, then at the deceased on the ground, and whispered: "The Forensic Department said that no toxins were detected in all the drink cups, and among them..." Her expression became a little strange. , as if in disbelief, "It also includes the deceased's paper cup."

The Mumu Police Department was stunned at first, and after a few seconds, he integrated the information from both sides: "Potassium cyanide was placed in the deceased's car, but there was no poison in the drink... In other words, he directly put the poison in it. Put it in your own mouth and kill yourself by taking poison? Only in this case will the poison not stick to the cup!"

After going around in circles for so long, he still committed suicide?

The police were at a loss, but they breathed a sigh of relief: If it was suicide, the follow-up process would be much simpler.

Judy also secretly breathed a sigh of relief: Once the investigation process is simplified, the coffee and coffee machine should be able to be returned. I feel really guilty for stealing my boss's things... Fortunately, judging from the position of the coffee, James probably doesn't drink these often. As long as he can get the things back as soon as possible, he probably won't notice.

Judy: "..." But, having said that, in a place like Didan Middle School where "that person" is watching, is it really possible for someone to commit suicide?

Just as she was thinking suspiciously, a voice from the side suddenly interrupted her thoughts.

Jiang Xia thoughtfully said: "The conclusion of 'suicide' is indeed the result that the murderer wants to see."


The police who had just been shocked were shocked again: "You mean, this case is still a homicide?... But there is no trace of poison residue in the paper cup. How did the murderer do it?!"

The police officers all looked at the detective, waiting expectantly for the answer to come out.

In the corner, a vicissitudes of life slipped out from the background silently. The man parked furtively behind the curtain and quietly looked over.

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