Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2408 2412 [Chips]

Kudo Shinichi looked at the familiar scene of solving crimes in front of him and was so anxious that he almost wanted to scratch the wall: he finally changed back to his original body, finally got to act on the same stage with Xiaolan, and finally found someone who could solve crimes handsomely in front of Xiaolan. Opportunity... But now, how could things become like this?

"Yinren, we can't go out now." Kudo Shinichi took a deep breath, glanced at the murder scene with nostalgia, and silently shrank behind the curtain, "It turns out that weird heroine is Judy...could this suspicious woman notice? He knew my movements. What happened today was a trap targeting 'Kudo Shinichi'?"

"Fortunately, in order to pursue 'mystery', the hero's costume covered most of his face, so the woman couldn't see my appearance clearly immediately. Otherwise, the terrifying scene Haiyuan mentioned a few days ago might really come true. "Kudo Shin felt scared when he thought about it, "I hope that when Hattori dressed up as me, they would think that it was not me who was acting just now, but just a prankster high school student..."

The enlarged version of the detective who couldn't see the light was hiding in a dark corner and observing.

Next to the body, the investigation of the case continues.

Jiang Xia looked at the people gathered at the scene and said calmly: "As long as we use the little habits of the deceased, it is not difficult to achieve the current scene - thanks to everyone's rich experience, the people around the deceased were not allowed to leave the scene after the incident. So now, important physical evidence is still with the murderer."

The experienced passers-by in the audience glanced here after hearing this, and they all showed proud expressions: They are worthy of being famous detectives in their own school. They can see their importance at a glance... They will continue to help next time. Solve the case!

Memu Police Department arrived late and was not among the people being praised. His attention was focused on another thing: "Important physical evidence? Where is it?"

As he spoke, he couldn't help but look at Akai Shuichi: When he searched his body just now, it seemed that nothing strange was found...

Jiang Xia: "The poison chosen by the murderer was potassium cyanide, which is extremely difficult to dissolve in ice water. Before attending the campus festival, she made edible ice cubes in advance and drilled a cylindrical gap in the ice cubes.

“Then potassium cyanide is injected into the gap, and the opening is sealed with a small piece of ice, and the murder weapon is ready.

"Before the play started, the murderer put such ice cubes into the deceased's drink. The potassium cyanide sealed in the ice could not dissolve in the drink, so the deceased drank the entire glass of Coke without any harm - which was also his cup. The reason why potassium cyanide was not detected.”

The Mumu Police Department was stunned for a moment. He turned over the photos in his hand and saw the drink cup of the deceased: "But when we arrived, there was no ice in the drink cup of the deceased. It should have melted. If this is the case, The forensic department should be able to detect the toxins inside..."

Jiang Xia also looked at his photo: "The lid of this drink cup is open. Why do you think this is?"

Police Department Memu scratched his head: "Because... he dropped the cup lid when he fell to the ground?"

Suzuki Sonoko: "I must have squeezed the cup open while struggling in pain!"

Hattori Heiji knew the reason, but he also muddied the waters. He glanced at Akai Shuichi: "Maybe someone opened the lid of the cup and took away the evidence inside."

This speculation sounded decent, and the police's eyes suddenly focused on it.

Akai Shuichi: "..."

Fortunately, at this time, Zhengyi's good friend helped him out. Jiang Xia shook his head: "Whether it is iced coffee or iced cola, these drinks with ice cubes have one thing in common - if the drinker drinks it too fast, Then when you finish the drink, the ice cubes in the glass often haven’t melted yet.”

“Some people throw away the ice cubes and the cup after drinking, but there are also people who like to open the lid of the cup and chew the ice cubes inside.

"To put it simply, the deceased did not 'drink' potassium cyanide, but ate ice cubes mixed with potassium cyanide. When the toxin entered his mouth, the ice cubes in the cup had not completely melted, so the cup No trace of poison can be detected."

"So that's it!" Police Department Mumu, who also had the habit of chewing ice cubes, felt a chill in his mouth and was a little scared. "As long as he knew this habit of the deceased, the murderer could kill him in a targeted manner... So the murderer this time is not A member of the medical team, but an acquaintance of the deceased?"

When Judy and Akai Shuichi heard this, they relaxed a little silently: although entering the police station was not a big enough trouble for them, it was obviously not a pleasant experience, and if they received too much attention because of it, , their actions will also be inconsistent.

Now being kicked out of the scope of suspects, Judy couldn't help but wink at Akai Shuichi quietly: Look, just like she said, although the process is a bit difficult, as long as you believe in Jiang Xia's ability to solve crimes, this kind of The crisis of being framed can be perfectly resolved!

Akai Xiuyi looked calm, but his heart was not as relaxed as hers.

If you think about it, you will find that these cases are just like bad games with stakes: if Jiang Xia can solve the difficult cases set by "that person" and break through the difficulties, then they, the "unlucky passers-by", can solve the problem. Crisis, but if not...

This feeling of being put on the table as bets and prizes is obviously not a wonderful experience for a lone wolf who likes to control his own destiny.

And the more Wu Zuo watches, the more dangerous Jiang Xia's situation will be. With the success of "breaking through" again and again, it is not difficult to imagine that that person will definitely set up more complex and dangerous cases in the future.

This makes the FBI ace a little worried: he still owes Jiang Xia Longping a favor, and now that Jiang Xia Longping is dead, it seems that this favor should still be with his son.

Having said that, Akai Shuichi could not find the right time to contact Jiang Xia, and he always felt that facing that organization, blindly evading may not work - although many people who accepted the witness protection program spent the rest of their lives safely, But there are also some unlucky ones who were discovered and hunted by their enemies, and eventually died miserably.

And once you accept that plan, it means you have to keep a low profile for the rest of your life. But as the saying goes, gold always shines. Jiang Xia is still very young, and he is not the kind of character who shrinks from trouble. I want him to spend the rest of his life in obscurity... It doesn't sound like an easy task.

Especially now that the Internet is becoming more and more developed, more and more people like to take photos and videos casually, and it becomes more difficult to hide them. Even if people are sent for plastic surgery to look ordinary, what if? Tian Jiangxia passed by the crime scene and couldn't help but help the police solve a case. He might have to return to the public eye again.

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