Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2414 2418 [FBI’s mole]

Belmod: "..." Vodka is a waste!

But to be fair, this may not be Vodka's gun. There are many organizations with similar models... Uh, wait, if it's not Vodka's gun, was it issued to Uzo by the organization? Did the organization allow him to hold a gun?

Belmode: "..."

...Compared to the fact that the organization has been captured by Uzo, let’s just think of it as Vodka’s gun.

Thinking of the frequency with which Bodega encountered cases recently, and the not-so-good day of Shuichi Akai... Combined with the experience of these two people being forced to throw away their guns, Belmod suddenly had the urge to hand over his gun to Uzo. , it seems that this way you can skip the process and avoid some disasters.

...But just thinking about it, putting your gun in the hands of others will only be more dangerous no matter how you think about it.

After a moment of silence, Belmode silently covered the gun hidden in his body disguise and tried to persuade: "This is not a good thing for you. As a famous detective with a high exposure, there is no need to take such a risk." So quickly put the gun away.

Jiang Xia waved his hand: "This is just my collection. I brought it out today because I wanted to return the vodka, but unfortunately, 'Mr. Yamada' said he was going to see a doctor before the show started and let me go."

Belmode: "..." Vodka guy is pretty lucky. If he comes here and meets Shuichi Akai and those FBI, things will be interesting... But on the other hand, the existence of this guy will have a big impact on Cool. It's extremely dangerous for Guy, so it would be better if he didn't come.

A few high school students were walking in front, vaguely feeling that something was missing.

Hattori Heiji looked around, then looked back, and found that Jiang Xia was having a pleasant chat with the "new doctor", and the latter seemed to be thinking about something wrong, and his expression changed a little.

Hattori Heiji:"……"

"Why do these suspicious people like to chat with Jiangxia?" Hattori Heiji turned around and walked back, muttering in his heart, "Sure enough, gold will shine wherever it is, and even evil people will covet their outstanding reasoning talents. It seems that in the future I have to be careful... Speaking of which, why didn't these guys come to me? Well, maybe it was because they were based in Tokyo and I was in Osaka, so they were forced to give up... Wrong, that must be the case!”

Soon, the Kansai detective with a sense of mission returned to the two people who had fallen further and further away, and forcefully joined their conversation, interrupting the possible conspiracy of the new doctor.

Then he saw the "new doctor" looking at him with a complicated look, and then his gaze actually became quite friendly.

Hattori Heiji:"?"

He is really a cunning guy who is good at disguise. I need to pay more attention to this guy in the future.

The high school students had finished their busy day and were getting ready to have lunch.

On the other side, the FBI's temporary base.

A gray-haired old man finished his day's work, returned home and sat down on the sofa exhausted. He looked out the window in silence for a moment, and his toes in his slippers suddenly curled up tightly, as if he was caught in some bad memory.

After a while, James sat up straight, took out his phone with trembling hands, and stared at the screen in confusion.

Two seconds later, he took a deep breath, quickly opened the web page, entered keywords, and pressed Enter while holding his breath.

The page refreshed, and one piece of news about Miwa Town popped up. Half of them were bank robberies, and half were the murder cases of Teidan Middle School's drama... And in the face of this general trend, a white-haired old man was carried by a young girl. The scene on the road did not stir up any splashes.

"so far so good……"

James breathed a heavy sigh of relief, and his heart that had been hanging all the way finally fell back into his chest.

But soon, he felt that something was wrong.

James picked up the phone again: "..." Although he hasn't clicked on the details yet, there seem to be some familiar faces on the covers of these news stories?

What are Judy and Akai doing?

James turned on the news tiredly and quickly browsed the details to confirm whether he should rush to the police station to arrest the person.

Then he discovered that after a certain righteous detective solved the case, his two capable subordinates had successfully gotten rid of the suspicion, and he finally no longer had to be busy with this matter.

"What a good kid." James looked at Jiang Xia in the news photo, and his eyes became kind. "If it weren't for him, I should have applied for a commuter card to go to the Metropolitan Police Department. Judy and Xiuyi's abilities are beyond compare. Doubtful, but it’s really a bit aggressive, and the years of fighting against lawbreakers have sometimes made them less respectful of laws and regulations... But it’s okay! Although the process was a little bumpy today, the ending is good.”

When the matter ended successfully, James stood up relaxedly, planning to give himself a cup of hand-ground coffee after a long absence.

He walked to the cabinet, opened the door, reached into the bottom and touched it, and then made a movement.

James: "..." Why is it empty?

Where's the coffee?

What about the coffee he spent his own money to have flown in?

Could it be that the coffee can fell to the bottom because it was not placed firmly when it was placed?

James turned his body sideways and pushed down as far as he could, but even after tracing the corners of the cabinet with his fingers, he still couldn't find his precious cans of coffee.


James lit the flashlight and rummaged in disbelievingly, but still found nothing.

"Strange, did I put them next to the coffee pot after finishing the last drink?" The confused old man closed the cupboard door, stood up, and turned to the kitchen.

When he reached the door and glanced around, he paused again: "..."

Where's his grinder and coffee pot?

Why is that position vacant?

...Has your home been robbed?

Which thief stole into the FBI's stronghold and escaped unscathed?

Just as I was in a daze, suddenly, the door rang and someone walked in.

James turned around while squeezing the empty porcelain cup, and saw that his two capable subordinates, Akai Shuichi and Judy, were also back. These two young people, who were always energetic, showed a rare hint of exhaustion at this time. , I don’t know what happened.

Thinking about the overwhelming news, James expressed his deep understanding: "Sit down first, I..."

He originally wanted to make some coffee to comfort his subordinates, but after he said the words, he remembered that he no longer had any coffee.

Then his voice took a turn: "Have you seen my coffee machine?"

Akai Shuichi glanced at the empty kitchen, was silent for a moment, and then turned to look at Judy.

Judy slapped her forehead: "Oh, in order to sneak into the campus festival today, I used them to set up a stall."

James: "...?"

After tasting these words, he suddenly had some bad premonition in his heart: "Since I brought a coffee machine, the coffee beans..."

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