Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2415 2419 [Invitation letter from Uzo]

Judy: "I found some in the corner when I was cleaning up the cabinet, so I took them with me to avoid them being expired and wasted..."

Halfway through her words, when she saw James's expression, she realized something was wrong.

Judy faced the gaze from her boss and scratched her cheek in embarrassment: "I see that you don't drink coffee often, so you probably don't like drinking it...well, you don't like drinking them, right?"

James: "..."

He took a deep breath and chose to endure like a mature old man: "Since the drama was interrupted by a murder not long after the opening, the coffee must not have been sold out yet. Where is the remaining coffee?"

Judy's voice trailed off: "It was taken away by the police, along with the machine, and it was said to be physical evidence..." Seeing her boss's face, she immediately changed her words, "But it's not a big problem! It should be back soon."

James: "..."

Judy glanced at him quietly and used a move to surround Wei and save Zhao: "Well, there is some bad news..."

James' hand holding the cup trembled slightly, and he said calmly: "You tell me."

Judy pointed at Akai Shuichi: "We lost a pistol at the venue just now."

James fell silent.

The person involved, Shuichi Akai, was relatively calm: "If I had known this, I should have added a locator to the gun. Maybe I can try it next time."

James' eyes twitched: "..." You still want to have a next time! I haven't figured out how to explain this matter to the Tokyo police yet!

He pressed his forehead hard and silently reviewed the glorious experiences of these two agents ten thousand times, and finally suppressed the irritation in his heart: people make mistakes, horses make mistakes, no matter how strong the agents are, they will always make mistakes. When there are mistakes. As a boss, he must learn to tolerate...

James took a deep breath and temporarily put his precious coffee behind him: "How could you lose a good gun?"

Akai Shuichi: "It's a long story..."

At first, he thought that Uzo wanted him to be shot in the head by the bank robber, but later, he felt that the other party just wanted to involve him in the case and name him a suspect.

Later, he thought that Uzzo was trying to get him involved in the case and become a suspect, but in fact, Uzzo wanted to expose his covered fingerprints.

He thought that Uzo wanted to expose his suspicious behavior of covering fingerprints in front of the police, but now it seems... that person actually took advantage of his mentality of avoiding the search, and after attracting most of his attention with the painter and the case, he effortlessly The ground took his weapon away, and he didn't know anything about it.

Then here comes the problem.

"What does he want your gun for?" Judy recalled the information she knew about the organization. "It's just some smuggled pistols. The organization has as many as they want. Uzo definitely didn't go for the gun itself... took it away. The weapon you used to keep close to you, is this a provocation and warning from him? "

"What a guy with a bad personality." James sighed. He suddenly remembered that Shuichi Akai had been investigating Uzo recently, so he turned to him and asked, "How is the progress of your investigation?"

The list of names that was still growing suddenly appeared in Akai Shuichi's mind: "..."

If you think about it optimistically, there are actually quite a few that have been eliminated.

He nodded: "There is some progress."

"That's right." James was a little pleased. "That person's identity was hidden so well that we felt like we couldn't start. But in fact, as long as a person keeps moving, he will definitely leave traces - although It seems that the progress is very slow now, but in fact, as long as we seize these traces and successfully uncover his true identity, victory will be close at hand. "

The two FBI agents nodded sympathetically.

At this moment, Akai Shuichi's phone vibrated and he received an email.

He opened the mailbox casually and glanced at it. After seeing what was above clearly, the FBI ace's eyes suddenly froze - there was a photo attached to the email, and on that photo was a pistol of a familiar style.

Jericho 941, microstrip wear...this is the gun he just lost!

Seeing that his expression was wrong, Judy glanced here curiously. When she saw the picture clearly, her expression also changed: "This... is this a message sent to you by Uzo?! How does he know your email address?" address?"

Akai Hide opened the mail again to the beginning. He looked at it carefully without missing any details, and said: "This is the mailbox I just left for the police as a witness - maybe his subordinates peeked at it. The content above may also be..."

He didn't finish speaking, but his experienced colleagues all understood what he meant. James looked a little ugly: "There is Uzo's spy in the Tokyo police, and he is quite well-informed!"

If this is the case, then the impact of Akai Shuichi's throwing of a gun last time was far greater than they thought - if Uzo had only doubted the identity of their group before, then James had gone to the street for Akai Shuichi before. After negotiating with the Tokyo police about the gun possession, Uzo must have confirmed their origins.

"If that's the case, has our surveillance of Belmod...has been completely exposed?"

Judy's heart thumped, and then she tried to make herself optimistic. She comforted herself, and also comforted James who looked unhappy: "That time when the gun was thrown, you and Xiuyi were the only ones who came forward, the rest of us The identity is still hidden, so it shouldn’t be a big problem. And there’s an insider in the police station. It’s just a conjecture—maybe the painter peeked into Shuichi’s mailbox?”

Akai Shuichi shook his head: "I registered after him, and he did not touch the notebook that recorded the witness's contact information. However, he was detained because of the album and went to the Metropolitan Police Department. Maybe he read it there. Maybe it will arrive.”

After a pause, he added: "Even if there is really a mole in the police station, this may not be a bad thing."

Judy was startled at first, not knowing why he said this, but then she quickly remembered Akai Shuichi's notebook filled with names of people: "Do you want to..."

Akai Hide nodded: "The scope of the investigation from the public is too wide, but it is different within the police station - there must not be many people who can enter and leave the Metropolitan Police Department and have access to the witness register. It is not difficult to screen out the ones we want to The target you are looking for.”

Judy: "..." But before that, your list of suspects will probably be thicker... Forget it, Shuichi is the FBI's ace, and he has his own reasons for doing this.

She quickly turned her attention away from the suspect list and looked back at Akai Shuichi's phone: "Besides that photo, what else did Uzo say?"

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