Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2416 2420 [Phantom Thief]

In addition to the photos, the email Shuichi Akai received also contained a few short lines.

[I will seal your treasure on the spotless pile head on Saturday night when the moon comes late. ]

"Saturday night when the moon comes belatedly? Today seems to be Saturday." Looking at these mysterious words, Judy seemed to understand, "Is he going to give you the gun back?... No, he is I want to lure you there, this is a trap!”

James looked at these sentences and felt they looked familiar: "This style is very similar to those preview letters that the Phantom Thieves like to release... However, both are Riddlers, so it is normal for them to speak somewhat similarly."

Akai Shuichi looked at this email as if he was deep in thought.

"What should we do, do we want to go?" Judy was very worried, and suddenly she had a flash of inspiration, "Why don't we send more people to surround the place, and when he comes, try to catch him on the spot?"

James felt something was wrong: "Is this also his trap? He will send more people over and then surround us?"

After a pause, he vetoed his own proposal: "This doesn't seem like the style of that organization. Rather than sending people to counter-siege, they are more likely to plant a large number of bombs at the target point and then detonate them in the chaos... But bombs always If someone installs it, as long as we go there in advance to ambush, we can hopefully catch them in one fell swoop.”

Judy felt that this suggestion was reliable, but soon, she remembered something: "Speaking of which...where is this spotless pile?"

When the FBI are busy solving mysteries.

On the other side, a group of people from Didan Middle School also finished their meal and were busy doing their own things.

The "new doctor" said goodbye to the high school students with a smile and got into his car.

When the car door slammed shut, the smile on her face disappeared. Belmod immediately took out his cell phone, planning to tell Gin about the two guns and let him handle this difficult matter.

However, his fingers were placed on the call button. After a moment of pause, Belmod finally did not press it.

Belmod: "..." If it's just vodka, forget it, but the other gun belongs to Shuichi Akai...

"'Akai Shuichi has appeared at Teidan Middle School.' This kind of news will definitely draw Gin's attention to this school." Bellmode rubbed his phone with his fingertips, "In the eyes of these Teidan Middle School students, Cool Guy is still alive and well. Although this can also be explained by other students not knowing the truth and making random guesses, this is a flaw after all..."

After thinking about it, Belmode paused briefly: "..." Could this be part of Uzo's plan?

That's why he showed the gun to her openly?

Belmode's expression changed several times, he hesitated when pressing the call button, and finally withdrew.

"It feels good to go shopping with two guns." Jiang Xia held her pockets and walked arrogantly on the street imitating Gin Jiu. She felt that the surrounding scenery had become different, but...

"It's so lonely to have a gun but not be able to show it to others." Jiang Xia sighed against the not so bleak summer wind, and then began to think, "Apart from Belmod and Kidd, who else is suitable?" Audience? The boss probably doesn’t mind seeing Akai Shuichi’s gun, but after showing it to him, I’m afraid this gun will never come back…”

While thinking about it, Jiang Xia felt as if she had forgotten something.

After a few seconds, he suddenly stopped and turned back to look at Didan Middle School in the distance.

Jiang Xia: "..." Speaking of which, where did Kudo-kun go?

It's rare for him to become older, but he is so low-key, and he didn't suddenly fall from the sky with a handsome posture when he was solving the case... It's really not something people are used to.

"You're already here, what's the point of hiding it all the time." Jiang Xia turned around and walked back: This is a rare opportunity. He has to take out the high school student version of Conan that he has been hiding for a walk, and by the way, try out his bigger event physique. .

Didan Middle School.

When everyone was almost gone, the side door of the theater creaked and someone pushed it open from the inside.

A figure wrapped in the hero's clothes quietly poked his head out.

Kudo Shinichi looked around furtively and found that no one was around. He breathed a sigh of relief and walked out quickly.

He turned around and locked the side door of the theater again. At this moment, a voice came from diagonally above: "Walking on the street wearing this Western-style clothes, I'm afraid the rate of turning heads will be high."

Kudo Shinichi: "?!"

He was so frightened that he had the urge to open the door and rush backstage to play hide and seek again, but before that, he recognized the voice of the person behind him.

"Jiang Xia!" Kudo Shinichi turned back quickly, feeling as if he had met a reliable teammate when he was trying to survive in a desperate situation.

Behind him was a teaching building. He raised his head following the sound and looked towards the corridor on the second floor. Sure enough, he saw Jiang Xia behind the window.

"You only have yourself, right?" Kudo Shinichi stood on tiptoes and tried to look behind Jiang Xia, "Is Xiaolan gone?"

Jiang Xia nodded, turned over and jumped down, landing opposite him: "I heard from Hattori that you have turned back into a high school student - it's rare to return to your original appearance, so why have you been hiding?"

Kudo Shinichi was silent for a moment, and suddenly found that he could not explain to Jiang Xia that "there was a mysterious organization that killed 'Kudou Shinichi', so 'Kudou Shinichi' could not appear alive."

He sighed and said half-truth: "You came back late, so maybe you didn't see that I acted as the stand-in for the 'heroine' at that time. I originally wanted to surprise Xiaolan and other classmates, but who I know that the heroine has been temporarily replaced by that teacher Judy."

Kudo Shinichi originally just wanted to find an excuse, but as he talked about it, he began to feel sad from the bottom of his heart: "I didn't think much about it at the time, so I just hugged him. After hugging me, I realized that the person seemed wrong. But still Before I had time to explain, a murder occurred in the audience. Xiaolan was busy calling the police and ignored me. "

Jiang Xia didn't seem to agree: "So you ran away?"

Kudo Shinichi cleared his throat shamelessly: "How could it be! This is just acting, so what if you hug me casually? I won't run away because of this kind of thing, mainly... because of Teacher Judy!"

Kudo Shinichi had an idea. He approached Jiang Xia and lowered his voice: "The doctor's research and development of this drug has reached a critical stage, and it needs to be kept confidential. At this time, I am worried that someone will see me getting bigger and smaller. Focusing on this miraculous drug, and then shamelessly stealing Dr. Ali's research - you know, the doctor usually doesn't care much about these, and rarely guards against malicious intentions from his colleagues, so as his neighbor, I must take the initiative to help. He worries about this to avoid having his research stolen!"

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