Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2417 2421 [Hunting Time] Please vote for me

Chapter 2417 2421 [Hunting Time] Please vote for me ヽ(〃〃)~

Jiang Xia nodded: "Then you are quite nice, but why are you hiding from Teacher Judy? I think she is quite nice, not like the kind of person who would empty out the old man's things."

Kudo Shinichi: "..." You see, everyone thinks he is good. When you met Gin, you thought he was a good person.

He sighed: "Anyway, you can't be careless. So don't tell others about your encounter with me today - as soon as 'Conan' disappeared, Kudo Shinichi appeared. This sounds too coincidental. I'm worried Someone guessed that I became bigger and smaller."

Jiang Xia: "Although I don't think it's necessary, if you insist, that's okay."

Kudo Shinichi: "..." Is it an illusion? I always feel that Jiang Xia is dealing with him like a naughty child. Damn it, I have to admit that this idea of ​​protecting patents does sound a bit delusional, but he can't tell anything about the organization...

Fortunately, Jiang Xia is not the kind of person who likes to get to the bottom of things in this regard. He seems to be more concerned about the future than the past: "Then what are you going to do now? Find Dr. A Li and become a child again?"

"The doctor doesn't have any medicine that can make me smaller immediately. I can only wait for the time to end." Kudo Shin had a headache when he mentioned this. "I will go home first and change out of this exaggerated costume, and then hide in the change room." Let’s go back to Conan—by the way, lend me your coat, I don’t want to be watched on the street.”

Jiang Xia: "..." I gave you my coat, but my two pistols will be exposed.

Fortunately, the mature and steady psychic was well prepared. Jiang Xia rummaged through the bag he was carrying and pulled out a coat: "Here." - He passed by the "new doctor"'s office on the way here just now. , I think Belmode won’t mind.

Kudo Shinichi: "..." Why do these clothes look familiar... Forget it, go home and hide first. Didan Middle School is too dangerous.

With a normal coat, Kudo-san finally felt a little more at ease when he returned to adult society.

The two of them walked in the less crowded direction and soon left Didan Middle School, getting closer and closer to their residence.

Returning to the familiar street, Kudo Shinichi looked at the couples passing by in twos and threes on the road, and his mind became active again. He wavered in his decision to "hide at home and wait for the medicine to wear off."

After hesitating for a moment, he asked Jiang Xia in a low voice: "Tell me, since we haven't seen you for such a long time, should I invite Xiaolan out for a meal?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Kudo Shinichi's face turned red and his toes curled up slightly as he remembered what he had just said: "How could it be! What's wrong if I hug you casually?"

Fortunately, the kind neighbor didn't seem to have the habit of poking people's feet. Jiang Xia lowered her head and clicked on the map on her phone and started to pick a place: "There are many people in this area, so it's a good place to go."

"..." Kudo Shinichi was moved in his heart: He is indeed a good brother! She didn't point out his wavering, but skipped the topic to save face, and started to help him find a suitable date place... No wonder those ladies looking for cats and dogs didn't want to think about it as soon as they entered the Amuro Detective Agency. Go, he doesn't want to leave now.

Of course, this was just a casual thought. In the next second, Kudo Shinichi showed his human nature of valuing sex over friends, and happily started a fight.

"Huh? This hotel..." Certain memories surged in his mind, and Kudo Shinichi decisively decided, "Let's go here!"

Jiang Xia took a look at the place he chose and found that it was a restaurant with very high per capita consumption.

Jiang Xia: "..."

It's good. There are fewer people and more waiters in this kind of place. Under the gaze of strangers, Xiaolan will be more measured even if she wants to do something.


Jiang Xia looked at the neighbor who was penniless but had Kudo Yusaku's credit card, and then remembered Kudo Yukiko, who had complained to him that Kudo Yusaku had spent a lot of money in the middle of the night and must have had an affair: "..."

...I hope it is not midnight in the United States when Kudo-san swipes his card this time.

Not long after, Mao Lilan's phone buzzed while she was shopping and received a message.

She pressed it open and looked at it, her expression changed slightly. Under her slender fingers, there was a faint cracking sound from the phone case.

"What's wrong?" Suzuki Sonoko poked her head curiously.

At the same time, a little girl who had just come out of a nearby coffee shop stopped and looked over inquiringly.

Mao Lilan took a deep breath under the gaze of the two people and kept smiling: "Xinyi asked me if I was free tonight and planned to treat me to dinner."

"Isn't this a good thing?" Suzuki Sonoko, "But why..." Why do you look like you want to use him as a sandbag hammer.

Mao Lilan put away her mobile phone and looked sharply: "I did not admit my mistake. Since he is really nearby, then the 'hero' on the stage just now must not be Hattori pretending to be, but himself - that guy must have done it What kind of shame did he have to let the innocent Hattori-san take his place? It’s so shameless!”

At that time, she almost punched Hattori Heiji in the face... Thinking about it, she felt sorry for that Kansai friend.

Suzuki Sonoko looked at her best friend's slender but indestructible fist, and patted her: "Since he dares to come forward to invite you, he must have something to tell you. Why don't you go and listen first?"

Two female high school students were discussing a sudden dinner invitation.

Next to them, a female elementary school student tightened the hood on her head, quietly passed by their legs, and trotted back to Mihua Town.

Haibara Ai gritted her teeth as she ran: "..." She just said how Kudo changed his gender... Now it seems that "wanting to change back" is just a false understanding. Once out of the dangerous situation, the guy instantly regained his previous optimism and confidence, and began to repeatedly test on the edge of death.

"Although after scaring him last time, Kudo will probably not tell others about the black organization and the real reason why he became smaller, but his own existence is a source of danger."

When Haibara Ai thought about the consequences of Kudo Shinichi being seen by Gin and Vodka, she couldn't help but feel panicked. The terrifying scene of the black organization's bloodbath in Miwa Town appeared in her mind: "This can't go on... By the way, let's discuss it with Jiang Xia. If it doesn't work, ask him to knock Kudo unconscious, find a warehouse and put him inside, and then release him after the antidote wears off."

Thinking like this, the mini version of the outlaw ran home and took out his cell phone to dial Jiang Xia's number.

But before pressing the call button, she looked up and saw Jiang Xia standing at the door of his house next door. The detective took out the key and opened the door slowly, looking in a good mood.

"Jiang Xia!" Hui Yuan Ai waved and trotted towards him.

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