Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2441 2445 [The Romantic Legend of Akai Kidd]

Chapter 2441 2445 [The Romantic Legend of Akai Kidd]

The boss in black looked at the uncooperative thief with dissatisfaction: "Now that we have reached this point, you still want to pretend to be stupid with me? - Of course, 18 years ago, the man who committed a crime in Paris disappeared and was known as the Twelve Faces of a Woman. 'The Phantom Thief Lady'."

Kidd's expression changed slightly: "The Phantom Thief Lady..."

...This seems to be my mother?

18 years ago, compared to "Phantom Thief Kidd" who only ran away without beating people, the codename "Phantom Thief Lady" was obviously more hated by the police - although she did not kill people, she would not be merciless when beating people, and often let some The police who went to pursue him were beaten to death.

At that time, a wealthy businessman held an exhibition on the top observation deck of the Eiffel Tower in Paris. The Phantom Thief Lady made a high-profile appearance there, and this became her last appearance in the world.

...It's not that she died, but that she was saved by the previous Kaitou Kidd hero there. From then on, she washed her hands, started a family and withdrew from the world.

"No wonder I always feel that this scene is very familiar." Kidd suddenly realized it and thought to himself, "This is exactly the same as the love story my mother told me! In order to track down a batch of counterfeit goods that used her fame, she tracked down I arrived at the motorcycle show on the top of the Eiffel Tower, and because of the organizer’s plot, my hands were handcuffed to a motorcycle—just like the unlucky guy next to me.”

"Theft is also a business. I heard that the organizer at that time deliberately let the Phantom Thieves steal the treasures, and then forged a large number of fakes of the same model in batches, and sold them on the black market under the pretext that 'this is an authentic product stolen by the Phantom Thieves', making huge profits. …

“But neither my father nor my mother will return the stolen goods to the Metropolitan Police or the owner in a high-profile way after they obtain it, which undoubtedly makes this shameless practice go bankrupt.

"So the original organizer focused on the 'Phantom Thief Lady' who was the most active in Paris, and planned to take the opportunity to get rid of her, and then find an impostor to 'steal' in her name."

Kidd was thinking about it, and his thoughts suddenly stopped: So, didn’t my mother fall into the same trap as the knitted hat next to her? ...It’s such an embarrassment to the family!

"Fortunately, in that incident eighteen years ago, my father suddenly appeared, took my mother on a motorcycle, crashed through the window and ran away from the sky. Then came the love-making incident that my mother repeatedly talked about - the falling in the air At that time, while kissing her, my dad took advantage of her daze to pry open the handcuffs on her wrists... Well, it's just a trick used by magicians to divert attention.

"Then the motorcycle fell to the ground and exploded into a ball of sparks. My dad opened his hang glider, hugged my mom and walked away leisurely against the background of fire, attracting a large crowd of onlookers...'Phantom Thief Kidd' was also on the scene. It was then that he made his official debut and helped the 'Prait Thief Lady' attract all the attention, and finally let the lady Phantom Thief get away with it safely. "

After thinking about it, Kidd couldn't help but change the protagonists in this romantic story to himself and Nakamori Aoko.

However, soon, reality was like a basin of ice water, coldly splashing him awake.

——The hero is already in place, but the possible beauty is swept away by the wings of a monster that suddenly appears. Now, the only people handcuffed and waiting to be rescued were the rookie knitted hat who secretly pried the handcuffs for a long time without being able to pry them off, and a bunch of men in black looking at him eagerly in front of him.

Kidd: "..." It's also the story of Kaitou Kidd. Why does the second-generation Kidd only have this configuration!

Thinking of this, his eyes turned somewhat resentful when he looked at Akai Shuichi.

However, there were still several pistols pointing in front of him. The Phantom Thief, who was focused on his career, could only take a deep breath, try to forget about the romance between his unreliable parents, and concentrate on business.

Kidd looked at the big brother in black across from him: "Speaking of which, with your gnashing tone...could it be that you are the organizer who sold fake products eighteen years ago?"

"Grinding your teeth? Haha, I am obviously happy that I am about to get my revenge." The big brother in black showed a sneer, "Eighteen years ago, you relied on that motorcycle to rush out of the siege and smash the window, and you were able to successfully escape with a hang glider. ”

He raised his hand and pointed at the sports car disguised as an antique car in front of him, determined to use this method to erase his psychological shadow:

"So this time, I specially prepared this car for you. Its body is much wider than the window frame here, and it cannot rush out of the window. Of course, the more important thing is that it is just a fake model. Unable to start - you escaped successfully 18 years ago, but today, in the same scenario, victory will be tilted to our side. "

Kidd: "..." The same scene? The most critical tool cart has been tampered with by you. How is this the same!

He was silent for a moment because of the thick skin of the other party. Originally, it seemed that he should say some cool lines to ridicule the other party, but after looking at the only two viewers at this time - a black and white cat suspected of being a monster and an annoying knitted hat, Kidd suddenly felt like a deflated balloon and lost his mood.

In the end, the Phantom Thief just silently took out a few smoke balls and threw them in the hall with lightning speed. His whole body seemed to be filled with the aura of just wanting to end it all as soon as possible.

The smoke exploded, and Kidd listlessly took off his disguise and put on his white suit and top hat.

The boss in black's laughter stopped suddenly, and he sneezed due to the rising smoke. He quickly covered his mouth and nose and directed his younger brother: "Don't panic, go to the elevator! That's the only exit. As long as you guard it, that kid Kidd won't be able to escape!"

The boys were about to run over there with all their strength, but at this moment, the smoke dissipated, and the boy with glasses was suddenly startled: "Kid...Why did Kidd disappear with the car!"

"How is this possible?!" The boss in black was stunned, "That's just a model car!"

On the "model car" running wildly.

Jiang Xia used the cat puppet to scratch the back of the chair, while the ghosts scratched him like a train.

Hearing the angry roar of the boss in black, Matsuda Jinpei couldn't help but let go of one hand, and pushed up the illusory sunglasses on the bridge of his nose to hide his merit and fame: "..." The model car can be driven, of course, because Enthusiastic Uzo's men stopped by and modified it - what's the point of a complete dead end? What comes and goes is a real good show.

After thinking about it, Matsuda Jinpei suddenly fell silent: "..." Wait, why does it call itself Usa's subordinate?

After thinking for a moment, the industrious ghost felt that he understood: It was probably because he had been coming and going under the identity of "Uzuo Death Soldier" recently, which caused the role to penetrate deeply into the ghost's heart. And I have to admit that the false image of the "Uzo Faction" created by the black organization is indeed somewhat handsome, which makes ghosts unable to stop...

Just as he was thinking about it, the car suddenly accelerated, and Matsuda, who had quietly slipped away, slipped and was pushed backward by the strong wind.

A whole list of other ghosts who were implicated: "???"

The mermaid pushed it away dissatisfied, swam faster and hugged the dark clouds and snow cat's furry tail again.

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