Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2442 2446 [My gun is in your hand? 】Please give me a monthly ticket o

Chapter 2442 2446 [My gun is in your hand? 】Ask for monthly ticket o(〃▽〃)o

Jiang Xia was concentrating on racing when he suddenly felt a heavy weight on his tail. He drove the cat puppet and turned around in confusion, and saw that the ghosts originally lying on his back had changed to hug his tail for some reason.

Jiang Xia: "..."

What to do? Want to rebel?

He shook it twice but didn't shake it off, and turned around silently: Forget it, maybe they thought the ride was too stable and not exciting enough, and wanted to experience the joy of a roller coaster.

Unlike the ghosts who were having fun, the situation for others seemed to be very tense.

"Shoot! Shoot! You must leave him to me!" The boss in black yelled, while he was also shooting.

Under the muzzle of the gun, the sports car turned sharply, its tires screeching and rubbing against the ground. The bullets that followed created a trail of sparks on the ground, but none of them hit.

Kidd gritted his teeth and stepped on the accelerator while looking out the window into the night, trying to determine the direction.

Just as he was watching, Akai Shuichi suddenly said calmly: "Turn back and hit him."

Kidd: "...?"

Although they are a group of scum, they are still living people, and you actually managed to get rid of them with just "bump them over"... My intuition is correct, you are indeed an outlaw, and he is also the most dangerous one. kind!

He silently moved away from this guy and turned a deaf ear.

When Shuichi Akai saw that he didn't respond, he wanted to try to sneak up on him and get the steering wheel. However, at this moment, Kidd seemed to suddenly have an idea - he showed a winning smile, turned the steering wheel hard, and the sports car turned accordingly.

The wheels rolled over the gradually rising counter, and with a violent roar of the accelerator, the entire car stood upright like an anti-gravity force. The sports car, which was originally too wide to pass through the window frame, also fits the shape of the window.

With a click, the sports car smashed into the picture window, drew a handsome arc, and carried the two of them resolutely into the air.

"You bastard, how can you drive like this!" The boss in black never expected that such a thing would happen, so he couldn't help but cursed. After scolding the thief who acted out of common sense, he turned to his younger brother, "A bunch of trash, even just two people... Not even a monster thief can stop him!"

The boys all lowered their heads to reflect, but at this moment, the boy with glasses suddenly discovered something. He said in horror: "Fishing lines, there are a lot of fishing lines here!"


Several people looked up in shock, only to realize that at some point, there were actually many fishing lines dancing in the hall.

One end of them was tied to the rear of the sports car, and the other end was fixed to the stone pillar. The lines went around the pillar and all the members of the black gang at the same time. As the sports car fell, the fishing line suddenly tightened, pulling the people in black in the hall toward the center and tightly tying them to the columns in the exhibition hall.

The younger brothers struggled with all their strength at first, but as the matter settled, they were at a loss for a moment, but they all breathed a sigh of relief.

"It turns out they just wanted to tie us up with fishing lines... I told you earlier! You scared me for nothing." The boy in black sighed with half relief and half regret, "Every time I watch the murder news, there are fishing lines in it. When I appeared on the scene, I thought I would finally encounter him once, but I didn't expect it was just a simple trick of the Phantom Thief... Alas, those murder cases on TV are really not that easy to encounter. "

"Ah sneeze!"

Kidd was sitting in the falling convertible when he suddenly felt an itch on the tip of his nose and sneezed.

He was in a strong wind and thought it was normal, so he didn't pay attention.

And instead of sneezing or not, all his attention had to be focused on another person at this time.

"Even if you stare at me murderously, I will not despise human life like you do!"

The international thief who refused to hit someone with his car looked upright. While guarding Shuichi Akai, he took out the hairpin he had just used when he played "Aoko Nakamori": "Aren't you just afraid that you won't be able to remove the handcuffs and fall with the car?" —Don’t worry, it’s just a pair of handcuffs in front of me..."

Kidd: "..."

Kidd: "..." Who blocked the keyhole? It's so wicked! !

Cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and he suddenly understood why Akai Shuichi didn't jump off the building when he hit someone just now: "You, why didn't you tell me earlier! If you had told me earlier, I would have tried to rush into the elevator with the car. That elevator is for transportation." It’s really spacious, and even if you try hard, it won’t be able to accommodate a sports car.”

Akai Shuichi, who was about to use dislocation to get rid of the handcuffs, took a look at him and felt a slight change in his mind towards this strange thief: Although he had been tricked just now, this person seemed to be really worried about him now. Having such a kind heart means that he is not one of Uzo's subordinates. He was probably just being used this time.

Just as he was thinking about it, Kidd's eyes suddenly lit up, as if he had an idea: "Fortunately..."

——Fortunately, the reliable monster brother lent him such a thing!

He threw away the useless hairpin in his hand, reached into his arms, and took out a slightly old pistol.

——All he had to do was break the handcuffs with a pistol, and the incident happened so suddenly that he was so busy that he forgot to consume bullets. Now he could kill two birds with one stone and eliminate the hidden danger after returning the gun.

Kidd glanced at the rapidly approaching ground, trying hard to keep a smile, and aimed at the past: "Don't move your hands, I can't guarantee that I won't miss in such a bad environment."

Akai Hide nodded, glanced down, and when his eyes fell on the gun, he made a move: "..."

Akai Shuichi: "...?"

The familiar Jericho 941, the familiar handle, the familiar signs of wear and tear... This old gun that belonged to him a few hours ago unexpectedly fell into the hands of the Phantom Thief at some point.

Moreover, the thief didn't hide anything and used it openly in front of him. He even used his magic power for a brief moment to empty all the bullets.

...The first shot had clearly broken the handcuffs with precision, but what were the subsequent shots full of deliberate intent?

Akai Shuichi looked at the bullet casings scattered like flowers, and then thought about the gun information he was forced to register with the Metropolitan Police Department, and he had the answer in his heart: "... # "

...As we all know, Phantom Thieves are very good at disguise.

For example, they may be Uzo's subordinates, but they can pretend to be innocent and decent, and even briefly deceive the experienced FBI ace.

Akai Shuichi, who was provoked face to face, turned to look at Kidd, with a cold light in his eyes.

Keen Phantom Thief: "?!"

This guy actually wants to repay kindness with revenge! ...But forget it, they are all outlaws, how can we expect him to have any conscience.

"Looking at the look in his eyes just now, I thought he would suddenly shoot me twice. Fortunately, he didn't have a gun on him."

Kidd was still frightened. At the same time, he suddenly remembered something and looked at Akai Shuichi with complicated eyes: "Speaking of which, he can't even get a gun. This guy's channels are not even as good as some of the robbers in Rice Flowers." …His vicious temperament is really in vain.”

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