Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2446 2450 [Change in Policy]

Akai Shuichi: "Think about it carefully. Until now, we still know nothing about Uzo - he is hiding and we are hiding. We want to pluck out such a mysterious element from the dark while the other party is prepared. Coming out is very difficult.

"But on the other side, Belmode is not like this. Now she is in the light and we are in the dark. Unless she voluntarily gives up her identity as the school doctor of Didan Middle School, the advantage and initiative will be on our side.

"In short, instead of continuing to be led by Uzo, it is better to postpone the pursuit of him and focus on Belmode - compared to that shadow-like opponent, this Thousand-faced Witch can actually allow us to catch him Something in the hand.”

Several FBI agents were a little confused by his previous words, but they understood his subsequent conclusion "in short".

——In other words, it seems that we don’t have to deal with Uzo anymore, and we only need to concentrate on dealing with Belmod?

...Is there such a good thing?

Although they had already seen how difficult and ruthless the Thousand Faced Witch was, but comparing the two of them, at this moment, they suddenly felt like their souls were relaxed.

"It should have been like this a long time ago!" The agent with dark circles under his eyes said excitedly. After the words fell, he came back to his senses, quickly cleared his throat and said seriously, "That... I mean, Mr. Akai is wise!"

Akai Shuichi glanced at him: "..." A few days ago, he felt that the way this boy looked at him was a bit strange, but he never understood what was so strange about it... Now with such a comparison, he suddenly understood everything. ——The look of admiration and support now seems to be the look he is used to from his colleagues.

...instead of the silent prayer a while ago that she wished he would have a car accident and stay in bed for a few more days.

This unexpected discovery made Akai Shuichi wake up from a dream, and a layer of cold sweat silently broke out on his forehead.

Backstabbing from companions is the hardest to guard against, just like when he was only one step away from catching Gin as his partner - if any of his colleagues secretly betrayed him, then Akai Shuichi might also fall into the trap without knowing it. Uzo's claws brought an end to this half-long life.

This made him feel a little lucky that he discovered the problem in time and didn't completely fall into that person's trap.

Akai Shuichi: "..." Having said that, no matter how timely it is discovered, it is difficult to fill the cracks in people's hearts... It seems that before Uzo is arrested, he must minimize his activity time in the base and act cautiously. The snacks and drinks here are I can't eat it anymore.

In addition, Akai Shuichi silently swallowed the second half of the plan he just wanted to say: the FBI team was responsible for investigating Belmode, and he himself, after getting rid of Uzo's gaze, returned to the darkness and continued to collect clues about Uzo. Wait until the time is right before taking action.

Of course, you will inevitably need the help of colleagues when you take action... But we will talk about the future. By that time, colleagues will probably have got rid of Uzo's little psychological trap, and everyone can return to a harmonious cooperative relationship.

Several FBI agents who learned about the new direction were overjoyed and wanted to go back immediately to burn through the thick pile of investigation lists.

Judy thought of one thing: "But on the Bellmode side... Since Uzo knows about our existence, she must also know about it. Can this still be regarded as 'she is showing us and hiding it'?"

Akai Shuichi came to his senses and shook his head: "Didn't I say it before? The members of that organization are far from as harmonious as you imagined. There are many desperadoes who cooperate while sincerely hoping that the other party will die suddenly in the next second. Now, even if the time is right, they don’t mind contributing to each other’s death.”

"To take a step back, even if the relationship is not so tense, they rarely share information internally - as far as I know, Belmode's life has not been too smooth recently, and he has had several unlucky experiences."

Not to mention, in today's bank robbery alone, Belmode was exposed to the gunpoint of the gangster along with him.

No matter how powerful Uzo was, he couldn't prevent the bullets from going to Belmod at all... It can be seen that even if the two people cooperated, they were far from close enough to exchange various information.

in addition……

"Even if Uzo tells Belmod about our existence, as long as Belmod is unwilling to give up her identity as the school doctor of Emperor Dan, we can pretend to leave, and then lurk around her again after getting out of her sight."

Speaking of this, Shuichi Akai touched his chin, and his spirits were obviously better than before. After the experience of fighting Uzo a while ago, now the matter of "dealing with Belmod" is as easy as... Leisure:

"Even if Belmod gave up her identity as the school doctor and used her disguise to blend into the crowd again, we already have enough clues - she spent so much effort to sneak into that school, it must be because there is the target she wants to find there. As long as she has spent so much effort to sneak into that school. We keep an eye on Didan Middle School, and no matter how many times she disappears, she will only come back to our sight."

Saying this, it seemed as if Belmode had it all under control.

The demoralized FBI agents were excited to discuss this new target, or the old target.

Unlike the FBI members who were in a great mood, a certain detective was in a normal mood.

In the corner near Tokyo Tower.

Jiang Xia looked down at the gun in his hand, weighed it up and down a few more times, and fell into deep thought.

Why is this gun so much lighter than when he sent it out?

Where are the bullets?

What about the filled magazines that Akai Shuichi kindly gave him, enough bullets for him to play with for a long time?

When Kidd returned the gun to the "Fog Sky Dog" just now, Jiang Xia was busy sorting out the colorless murderous aura of tonight's harvest and didn't notice too many details.

By the time I notice it now, it seems to be too late.

"Kaitou-san is so rude. You think of me as one of your own, so why are you so unscrupulous in using detonators?"

Jiang Xia was very touched by this kind of sentiment. He rummaged through his inventory and took out a special smoke from Miss Mermaid, which can make the smoker temporarily turn into a mermaid: "As a courtesy, let the mermaid be a guest at his house tomorrow and give it to Let’s give him some specialties..."

Although a return gift was arranged in time, the lost bullet could not be returned.

After thinking for a while, Jiang Xia took out her mobile phone.

"At this time, you should learn more from your boss. If you can find an organization to pick up the goods, give priority to the organization to pick up the goods, and patronize your own business."

While muttering, he sent a message to Gin:

[I ran out of bullets, and my boss said that all reimbursements should be reimbursed by the organization. You see...]

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