Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2447 2451 [Gin: Shuichi Akai! 】Ask for monthly ticket

Chapter 2447 2451 [Gin: Shuichi Akai! 】Ask for monthly ticket()

the other side.

After finishing his overtime shift early, Gin was about to return to his base to rest when he noticed the vibration of his cell phone and couldn't help but press his eyebrows.

He thought there was another unexpected task for him to deal with, but when he turned on the screen, a letter from Uzo popped up.

Gin: "..."

…It doesn’t seem to be much better.

Speaking of which, why did Uzo suddenly contact him at this time? Judging from Vodka's reaction, this guy seems to have worked on two cases in succession today. Hasn't he had enough?

He thought about it and opened the email with a frown.

Then I saw the two short lines of text above: [I have run out of bullets, and the boss said that all reimbursements can be reimbursed by the organization. You see...]

"?" Gin's eyes twitched: That bastard Bourbon has been teaching some nonsense all day long. Sooner or later, he will find a way to kill him.

No, wait.

After a busy day, Gin calmed down, moved his tired eyes away from the conspicuous word "boss", and focused on another place again.


What bullet.

What does it mean when it's finished?

A few flashes of thought swayed in his mind, and he pieced together the truth in an instant.

The veins on Gin's forehead pulsed. He picked up the phone expressionlessly, pressed the dial button hard, and asked in a cold voice: "Did you shoot?"

Vodka, who was feeling sleepy next to him, heard this and sat upright in excitement: "?!"


What shot?

"Judging from Brother Gin's expression, the person who sent the message just now is Uzo, but as far as I know, Brother definitely did not approve him to carry a gun with him. The only gun that boy had was taken from me. Vodka's mind raced and he suddenly came to a frightening conclusion, "That little bastard used my gun to shoot outside!"

Each gun has its own unique ballistics. The gun can be roughly locked by the bullet casings and bullets dropped at the scene. If Uzo really fired all the bullets in the gun and there are no traces of recycling, then he vodka Would not it be……

"Don't worry." The young colleague opposite seemed to have guessed what they were worried about, and comforted them warmly, "It's another gun."

Vodka, who tried to get closer to eavesdrop, breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this.

Then he sucked it all back in again.

"Another gun? What another gun! How could that little Yinbi tell such a horrifying ghost story in such a plain tone?!" Vodka's heart thumped, "And it's like a beast that bites someone. It's like adding human flesh to the recipe... Now that that guy has tasted the wonderful taste of shooting, I'm afraid he will be out of control in the future. In addition to various murders near him, do I have to always be on guard against him raising his hand? Give me a cold shot?"

Thinking about the bleak future, Vodka's eyes darkened and he fell into the driver's seat.

But soon he remembered something, stood up again, and looked at Gin expectantly: By the way, there's also big brother! As long as the elder brother confiscates all the weapons of that guy and gives him a stern warning...

Next to him, Gin did not ignore this point and opened his mouth to say something.

"I am sensible. The source of the gun is absolutely safe." The other person interrupted them, "Let's not talk about whether the police can find the bullet casing. Even if they find it, the matter will not involve the organization at all - compared to this, Did you read the news just now?”

Gin looked suspicious as he listened to the cheerful tone in the receiver. After a moment, he turned to look at Vodka.

"!" Vodka understood instantly, immediately opened his notebook, and started searching seriously: In fact, he had received the prompt just now, and knew that Uzo guy must have caused some troubles again and made it to the news, but because of the previous distractions, he was distracted by Gin. The eldest brother warned him, but he had no choice but to hold back and did not watch it immediately.

"I don't know if Brother Gin will turn a blind eye after this incident and let me fish with peace of mind... Well, let me gather relevant information about that kid with peace of mind." Vodka clicked on the keyboard while Sparks came out, while he was slightly distracted and muttered in his heart, "I have said before that when facing such dangerous elements, we cannot relax for a moment..."

While Vodka was busy checking the news, Gin was not completely distracted by the news.

"Unless you run away and become a pawn, there is no absolutely safe gun." He asked coldly, "Where did you get that gun?"

The well-informed cadres of the black organization think very long-term: even if the gun is taken away from Uzo this time, as long as the channel is still there, there will be another time sooner or later.

Therefore, it is better to directly ask the source and cut off that channel.

However, his intimidating tone was completely unable to break through the other party's psychological defenses over the phone.

Gin didn't hear any useful answers from the receiver. He only heard a familiar chuckle and a line that sounded familiar to him: "Shh, don't ask too many questions. Young people have their own secrets."


It took Gin a second to finally recall where the familiarity in Uzo's tone came from: "..." That bastard Belmode had time to promote her mysticism, so she might as well teach some disguise... ...No, forget it. Uzo's mastering too many skills may not be a good thing. Even if you want to teach him, you have to wait until his mind is stable.

Otherwise, judging from how bad that guy was, he was worried that Uzo would one day take advantage of the situation and disguise himself as him, and then find vodka to lure out all the strongholds he knew.

Just as he was about to continue asking, the sound of typing on the keyboard next to him suddenly stopped.

Gin turned to look at Vodka and saw the assistant's twitching eyes and extremely complicated expression.

"What's on the news?" He temporarily put aside his phone and took his notebook, "Let me take a look."

The small interface has been split into four small pieces by the hard-working Vodka Assistant. One of them is a live broadcast: a reporter is standing in front of the Tokyo Tower, saying something quickly, and there is an explosion behind her. From the remaining smoke residue, the shape of a sports car can be vaguely seen inside.

The other split screen is filled with a lot of text. This is the case report that the keen reporters quickly wrote and uploaded.

The other screens are all looping "sports car crash replays", which are relatively clear pictures picked out from the videos uploaded by passers-by.

Gin frowned deeply as he looked at this messy scene: From any angle, this was inconsistent with the organization's covert and low-key policy of action.

He took the phone and was about to speak.

However, at this moment, his eyes paused and fell on a skydiver slowly falling from the sky after the sports car fell.

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