Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2448 2452 [Case closed]

"Akai Shuichi?" Gin instinctively showed a look of disgust, but after linking the cause and effect, he soon sneered, with a hint of schadenfreude in his eyes: It turns out that "the source of the gun is absolutely safe" means this... If this is the case, then as long as It is indeed very "safe" to shoot with this gun without being seen by a living person.

Gin: "..." No, you can't be fooled by this. Even if Akai Shuichi is the one who suffers this time, it can't erase Uzo's unauthorized actions.

But before that, there is one thing that is concerning...

Gin looked at the notebook again, frowning at Akai Shuichi who was dangling in the air.

Even across the screen, this convenient position and state for aiming made his hands itchy and wanted to stand under the tower to empty the magazine - the opportunity was so rare, and such a convenient target, Akai Shuichi was not able to turn into a corpse and stay there on site?

He originally wanted to question him like this, but just as he was about to open his mouth, an idea suddenly struck him.

Gin: "..." Wait, if he asked this, wouldn't it mean that he acquiesced in Uzo's behavior today, and even thought that the other party didn't make enough trouble?

...This little bastard is indeed the same as before. He seems to act casually, but in fact he has a careful plan. He has pierced countless birds with one arrow and even had the audacity to try to trick him into it.

Now it seems that what happened tonight was actually a deliberate temptation. And if there is this precedent, then with Uzo's audacity...

Thinking of this, Gin snorted coldly and silently swallowed the words "Why didn't Akai Shuichi die?"

He calmed down and ignored the young colleague on the phone who once again started to play with people's hearts. Instead, he pretended to light a cigarette leisurely, then pressed the video playback button to re-examine the two sports car explosions tonight, planning to watch them first. Let’s talk about other things clearly.

The surveillance inside the watchtower has been destroyed by the FBI, and there are no remaining images from the outside world. Therefore, the videos collected by Vodka are more of unusual movements captured from the perspective of passers-by.

The sound of breaking glass, the sound of the roaring engine of the sports car, the sound of the parachute opening... until finally the sports car exploded into a blaze of flames. In the light of the fire, the Phantom Thief walked away gracefully, leaving only a parachute spinning lonely in the sky.

Gin stared at the embarrassed man in black in mid-air, the corners of his mouth raised.

Next to him, Vodka's eyes fell silently on the car: "..."

Vodka looked at the corpseless sports car on the screen and couldn't help but think of his new car that was scrapped not long ago.

——On that day, under the trick of Uzo and the little yinbi he trained, he was forced to sit in his car and "heroically" crashed into Shuichi Akai with the car.

"I used to think that nothing would be more terrifying than that, but now..."

Something even more terrifying happened!

And it’s a plus version of what he experienced that day!

Vodka stared at the blown-up sports car with lingering fear: Fortunately, he was only on the second floor when he hit Akai Shuichi, and he and his car didn't fall into this horrible state.

"Speaking of which, why is it a car?" Vodka touched his chin suspiciously, a sharp and wise light flashed in his eyes behind his sunglasses, "According to that little yin's hobby of essay writing, people who are targeted by him tend to Similar accidents have been experienced repeatedly. Therefore, these incidents around Akai Shuichi are not accidental, but there is a common theme behind the seemingly scattered cases. "

When you think about it in this direction, the answer seems obvious.

"A car accident, it's a car accident!" Vodka quietly hit his thigh with his fist, and suddenly realized, he thought to himself, "If I remember correctly, that guy Akai touched Miyano Akemi's car, and then used that woman to infiltrate the organization. It must be because In this way, Uzo kept hitting him with the car, which was a secret mockery of Akai's soft rice! "

"Speaking of which, that kid commandeered me and my car when he hit Akai last time. This time he cheated Akai and scrapped another antique car."

Vodka tried to find patterns in Uzzo's disorderly actions, and couldn't help but sneak in some private goods: "In other words, he likes both organization members' cars and antique cars... If this continues, next time Isn’t he going to do something about this Porsche? It’s both my brother’s car and a precious antique car, which perfectly meets his selection criteria!”

"...From now on, when my eldest brother gets off the bus, I will get off, and I will get in the car only after my eldest brother gets on the bus. I will never stay alone in the car." Vodka quickly added an important guideline to his survival manual, "I don't want to be a hero again. The unlucky cannonball that hit the silver bullet, whoever wants to be a hero like this should tell the big brother as soon as possible and let him be careful about that little bastard!"

With this in mind, Vodka turned to Gin and began to speak.

But before he could figure out how to apply the eye drops, he saw Brother Gin suddenly smile with understanding, as if he understood everything: "Sure enough."

Vodka: "...?"

Although he didn't know what Brother Gin meant by "sure enough", his intuition and experience told him that now was not the time to talk about his speculations.

Vodka decisively said, "What did you find?"

Gin knocked the ashes from his cigarette and raised his hand to point at Shuichi Akai on the screen: "Why do you think Uzo didn't kill him on the spot?"

Vodka: "..." No need to guess, of course it's because the kid hasn't had enough fun yet.

Vodka: "Why?"

Gin looked at Akai Shuichi's posture at that time and speculated based on experience: "Although he was a little tense because he was exposed to everyone's cameras, he didn't have the vigilance that he had when he was about to die - this guy must be wearing bulletproof clothing. Yi, unless someone can shoot him in the head with a very accurate shot in the night, it will be difficult to kill him smoothly.

"According to my understanding of Shuichi Akai, this person is extremely observant. When you see him in the scope, he has probably seen you already. And even if he is in mid-air, he can move his head in time. evade."

"In addition to the difficulty of killing him, there are other annoying flies around." Gin raised his hand and clicked on the screen a few times in disgust, "This, this, and this. Their demeanor Their behavior was different from that of the passers-by around them—the group of bugs that liked to cuddle together did not let Akai appear alone, and the whole team came together. "

"Mark their faces." Gin sneered silently, "No wonder Uzo didn't take action on the spot. Rather than shooting recklessly when surrounded by that group of people, it would be better to let the FBI mistakenly think that their plan was effective. Today’s happiness and joy will eventually become their swords to destroy them in the future.”

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