Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2450 2454 [Romantic Legend]

Thinking of the legend of the foggy dog ​​and his monster friends who were not friendly to humans, Kidd's fatigue accumulated from staying up late was suddenly wiped away. He tried to open his eyes wide and moved his hands a little faster.

Seeing her son's abnormal appearance, Kuroba Chikage hesitated for a moment before choosing her words: "Well, actually, regarding the Tokyo Tower, I watched some videos uploaded by netizens."

Kidd thought of that unpleasant experience and said listlessly: "What are you doing?"

Black Feather Qianying was about to speak but stopped.

She heard that her son was going to take action again, so she immediately bought snacks in advance, turned on the computer, and prepared to appreciate her son's heroic appearance.

After discovering that this operation was actually on Tokyo Tower, Kuroba Chikage remembered her own experience 18 years ago and immediately had a premonition. And after learning who was holding the exhibition on the top of the tower this time, the former female phantom thief was convinced that her premonition had come true.

"I met your father on the Eiffel Tower 18 years ago, and we sealed our love with a kiss." Kuroba Chikage chewed potato chips. She looked at the tower on the screen, as well as Nakamori Aoko and Nakamori Aoko who walked into the tower. My son blushed and said, "Perhaps 18 years later, you will continue our love legend on another iron tower."

Sure enough, similar things happened one after another: the black market forces came on the scene, gunshots and engine roars came from the roof, followed by a sports car smashing the window at a weird angle and rushing out of the house, followed by two figures. Falling together with the sports car...


Kuroba Qianying was stunned, and the potato chips in his hand fell to the table.

Black Feather Qianying: "..."

...Where is the cute seventeen-year-old girl next door?

...What about the beautiful reincarnation-like love legend of the Kuroba family?

...Who is this man with a fierce look who looks taller than her son? ! !

With a snap, Kuroba Qianying slammed down the laptop screen.

"... Calm down and think about it carefully. The higher the terrain, the lower the temperature. Maybe it's too cold at the top of the tower. Is that child Aoko wearing the coat Kaito put on her?"

Kuroba Qiankage rubbed her eyes and reasoned rigorously: "Yes, that should be the case. That tower is too high, and it's night in Tokyo, and the camera is too far away. It's normal for the dark mass to be unclear. ——Besides, the coat to keep out the cold is so thick that even a slender girl will change into the shape of a coat when she puts it on, so I just mistakenly thought it was a boy. Haha, Kaito has really grown up and is old enough to wear it. The age when girls wear coats.”

Kuroba Qiankage quickly admitted her small mistake. She adjusted her mentality, re-opened the notebook in front of her, rewound the video, and watched it again with a smile on her face.


Close the screen and expand it. Again.



After five repetitions, a female phantom thief with excellent eyesight silently pulled out the power source of her laptop, and then closed her eyes in pain.

Maybe it was because he had seen it too many times. Until now, when Kuroba Qiankage closed her eyes, she could still see her son driving away with an unknown person at the holy place where she and her husband made love.

At this time, seeing her son mysteriously making something like fireworks, Kuroba Chikage got even more headache. She confirmed: "This gift is for Aoko, right."

Kidd, who was modifying bullets, was stunned: "How is that possible! Then Uncle Zhongsen can't arrest me immediately!"

"??" A string of question marks appeared above Kuroba Qianying's head, and his originally determined heart was shaken, "If you don't give it to Aoko, who are you going to give it to? Wait, what does it mean to be arrested and brought to justice, and what exactly did you do? !”

Kidd: "..." Make some non-lethal bullets and give them to a monster... Would you believe me if I said that?

Kuroba Qianying looked at his evasive eyes, her fingers trembling: "You, you... mother doesn't agree!"

"?" Kidd looked suspicious and began to wonder if Grandpa Terai had leaked the secret. "I haven't said anything yet. How do you know what I want to do?"

"Because I've seen it all." Kuroba Qiankage took a deep breath and remembered something later, "Mom clearly remembers that you entered the tower with Aoko, why did you change when you came out? By the way. ! Did you disguise Qingzi as a man and then dance with her? "

If so, rounding it all off, the love legend of their Kuroba family has still been passed down!

"What a mess..." Kidd frowned, temporarily stopped what he was doing, and spared his brain cells to try to restore his mother's thoughts.

The next moment, he shuddered, with a look of horror on his face: "How could I make bullets to give to that kind of lawless maniac! I saved him in the sky just because I didn't want to see someone fall to death in front of me..." And do you think? Do I just want to jump off a tower with that kind of thing? It's not because the monster brother followed the detective's instructions and took Aoko away... Although judging from the thrilling situation later, he did it right, but, but...

Late at night, a young phantom thief pressed his chest and felt the pain in his stomach.

"That's not the stomach." Kuroba Qiankage breathed a sigh of relief, "You are heartbroken."

Although her son failed to compose a romantic legend as she expected, with the comparison of previous guesses, Kuroba Chikage was not only in a good mood, but even a little lucky.

"Okay, don't mention this." Kidd was heartbroken, but he was glad that this incident diverted his mother's attention, "I still have serious things to do, you can continue to play with you."

After saying that, before his mother could ask more questions, Kuroba Kaito clicked to cut off the video.

"No matter what, at least I kept the secret of youkai." Kuroba Kaito looked at the darkened screen and leaned back on his chair, exhausted both physically and mentally. "In addition, I also protected my mother. Tengu brother He looks very interested in Phantom Thieves. If he knew that there was a female Phantom Thief in my family who was once famous overseas..."

Kidd took a deep breath and determined to isolate this man and monster forever.

After that, he stood up and walked around, poured himself a glass of hot water and drank it, which relieved the cold that his mother had misunderstood. Then he sat back at the table, with a pair of dark circles under his eyes, and continued to work hard. stand up.

Facts have proved that such behavior is far-sighted.

The next day, Kuroba Kaito returned home after a tiring day. Just as he was about to rest, he suddenly heard a sound of wind coming from the balcony.

Then there was a knock on the window, as if someone was knocking on the door.

Kuroba Kaito: "..."

He walked over and opened the curtains, and sure enough he saw Wutiangu standing quietly on the balcony through the window, and Wutiangu still held a familiar gun in his hand.

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