Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2451 2455 [Belmod’s temptation]

Kidd looked out the window at the monster who didn't speak but had a ghostly gaze, as if he didn't understand everything: "..."

Kuroba Kaito: "..." Fortunately, I am a smart enough monster thief, otherwise I might have been caught by the angry monster brother and hung on a tree branch to dry tonight... The all-nighter yesterday was really worth it!

While thinking, he cheered up, opened the window with the respectful gesture of a butler, and welcomed in the foggy dog ​​who came to visit his friend late at night...

Then before the other party spoke, he took out a box of things and said mysteriously in a low voice: "Look!"

Jiang Xia, who was driving the Misty Dog Puppet, lowered his head and saw that the Kaitou classmate was holding a transparent box in his hand. Inside the box were neatly numbered... items that looked like bullets.

Jiang Xia: "...?"

Seeing that Kiritengu had successfully attracted attention, Kidd quickly explained: "I felt that the bullet yesterday was too ordinary and did not match the mysterious and gorgeous temperament of you monsters at all - so I specially modified this bullet."

He pointed to the ones on the left with dark blue patterns on them: "This one can have the same effect as thunder and lightning."

Then he pointed to the middle: "This is a dreamy water ripple."

Finally, he pointed to the right: "There is another one. After firing, a long fire dragon-like light will bloom - there is a small square with no one near my house. Go there and try the effect?"

More importantly, none of these bullets have lethality! Even if Wu Tiangu is seen shooting in the street in the future, witnesses will only think that someone is using high technology to play cosplay, and will not call the relevant departments to ask them to arrest this monster that is only harmful to society.

Next to him, Jiang Xia stared at the box of bullets: "..." Do you think that if you praise me a few times and give me some special effects toys, I won't care about you polishing off all the bullets?

...But the original bullets are gone, and there has been no reply from Gin. At this point, it’s not impossible to use Kidd’s bullets first to make up the number.

Jiang Xia looked at the exquisite and colorful patterns on the bullet and reluctantly nodded.

Then he remembered something and put the cloud of smoke he was about to take out back into his pocket.

"Wait a minute." Kidd saw it sharply and his eyes lit up, "This is..."

Isn't this the kind of smoke Jiang Xia gave him when he was on the plane last time? After sucking it, people can temporarily grow wings and fly freely in the sky... He has long been thinking about getting another ball to play with.

"Is this for me?" Kidd used his hand speed, which he had honed over many years of magic practice, to catch the cloud of smoke with a swish, and said happily, "Thank you!"

Jiang Xia's hands were empty. After hesitating for a moment, in order to prevent the Phantom Thief from confidently turning into a fish in mid-air, he finally reminded him: "This time the smoke may not be able to fly."

Kidd was stunned, and then he felt he understood: "This is a defective defective product, so the effect is unstable? It's okay! Anyway, I have a glider as a backup."

"..." Jiang Xia nodded slowly, struggling with her conscience for a moment. She was a little curious about how the Phantom Thief, who was afraid of fish, was going to deal with the fish tail that suddenly grew out, so she said nothing more.

Kidd admired the magical cotton-like smoke and put it away happily. When he looked up, he saw that the foggy dog ​​hadn't left, but was staring at him intently.

Kidd was confused: "What's wrong?"

Jiang Xia: "You don't use it?"

Kidd held the hard-earned smoke in his hands and said, "It's too wasteful to use it now." He had to choose a suitable moment when he was handsome enough!

Jiang Xia nodded regretfully, thought for a moment and then added: "It's best to use it when I'm here."

Kidd looked touched: Brother Tengu not only ignored the bullets and gave him temporary wings, but also took care of after-sales service... There is such a kind-hearted monster in the world. The relevant departments should give him an award.

He responded: "Okay, definitely."

The happy ending that satisfied both the thief and the monster was achieved so easily. The two said goodbye amicably and went back to their respective homes.

"I don't know when he will be able to use it." Jiang Xia poked Noah, who was resting on his shoulder. "I've been paying more attention to the news about the Phantom Thieves lately."

Like a dedicated secretary, Noah stretched out his round paw and pushed the illusive pair of glasses on the bridge of his nose: "Okay, don't worry!"

Things seemed to be over for now.

However, some people are still worried and unable to feel at ease.

Late at night, Belmod was walking around the house. The laptop spread out on the table was full of news about yesterday's incidents.

"Cool Guy seems to have changed back." Belmode sighed quietly, "Although the kid once again lost the bright identity he was proud of, I have to admit that at this juncture, compared to 'Kudo Shin' First, the most suitable thing for him is to be an ordinary primary school student."

Belmode: "..." Well, although Conan is not very close to mediocre, but with the even more irrelevant Uzo as a foil, it's not a big problem...Compared to this, the attitude of the vodka guy towards the mini Cool Guy What's going on?

"This attitude is definitely unusual, but it's not quite like being suspicious." Belmode touched his chin suspiciously, speculating on his two colleagues, "After all, according to Vodka's character, if he suspects that Conan is Kudo Shin One, then he will tell Gin immediately. And if Gin suspects that Conan is Kudo Shinichi... then 'Edogawa Conan' must be a corpse now."

Although it seems that this matter has not been exposed yet, in any case, vodka's strange reaction is always a hidden danger.

As the saying goes, a thief has a guilty conscience. Belmode had a guilty conscience in this matter, not to mention that at this juncture, the real "Kudo Shinichi" appeared. This made her feel twice as guilty. As soon as she closed her eyes, she saw the bloody scene of Gin discovering the truth and then getting angry and silencing all the people involved.

"Of course, whether he can successfully silence Uzo is still a question, but if these two people fight, Angel and Cool Guy will be caught in the middle..."

Just thinking about that scene made Belmod's scalp tingle, as if he saw two young and innocent seedlings standing in a terrifying wilderness that was about to be washed away by gunfire.

"No, we can't leave everything to fate and Uzo." Bermod suddenly stood still and made some kind of decision, "I have to find a way to test it, but that guy Gin is particularly sharp sometimes... I have to find enough It's reasonable to say that I can't let Gin notice anything unusual about me."

The next moment, she remembered what Vodka had talked to her about recently, and suddenly she had an idea.

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