Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2452 2456 [Gin: Which one of you is crazy? 】Ask for monthly ticket

Chapter 2452 2456 [Gin: Which one of you is crazy? 】Please give me a monthly ticketヽ(〃〃)~

Late at night.

In a low-key black Porsche.

With a vibrating buzz, Gin's cell phone rang again.

Gin frowned and was about to cross out the phone as usual, but suddenly felt something was wrong. He took a closer look and found that the caller this time was actually not Uzo, but Belmode.

Gin: "..." Could it be that that guy found Belmod as a lobbyist?

This idea flashed through his mind, and was quickly rejected by him: No, Belmode was just kind to Uzo, and he was not crazy. Would she not know the consequences of opening up bullet purchase channels for Uzo?

There's probably something else going on.

With this thought in mind, Gin answered the phone thoughtfully.

Opposite the cell phone.

Belmod looked at the prompt that the phone was connected, sat upright silently, and braced himself.

Although she was extremely nervous, as a movie queen and disguise master who can perfectly control her voice, her voice was still as lazy as usual.

Belmod continued to ramble on in accordance with his own mysticism, and then finally, before Gin ran out of patience, he got to the point: "I don't know why, but those flies have been staring at me more closely recently. "

——Let’s focus on ourselves first. In this way, even if Gin pays attention to the news that happened in Teidan Middle School yesterday, it will be easier to ignore other important points. In addition, we must not mention Shuichi Akai, as that might attract excessive attention from Gin.

Gin didn't hear the twists and turns in Belmode's heart, but only speculated on the reason why this happened: "..." Could it be the experience last night that made that good-for-nothing Akai hate Uzo? It's deep to the bone, but Uzo's true identity can't be found, so he randomly records the account on Belmod's head?

Thinking of this possibility, he couldn't help but sneer.

Belmod on the opposite side was shocked: "?"

What is this reaction? It was a little different from what she predicted...

But it’s not a big problem! As a senior organizational cadre who often battles wits with her colleagues, she does not prepare just one plan.

Belmod: "Those guys are nothing to worry about, but there is one thing worth noting."

Belmod offered his trump card: "Have you ever felt that something is not right with vodka recently?"

——Gin could not care about anything, but it was impossible to not care about a driver who stayed with him for more than ten hours a day, had access to his drinking water, and could drive him off a cliff or crash into a mountain with just a thought.

...Especially since this driver has been in constant contact with Uzo recently.

Sure enough, as soon as these words came out, Gin's breathing stopped immediately.

After a while, Belmod vaguely heard the car door opening and closing. Gin seems to have moved to a place that doesn't have vodka.

Then he said: "Tell me in detail."

For a moment, Bellmode wanted to talk nonsense and ask Gin to kill the big guy who seemed to know too much on the spot... But she also knew that Gin was not a fool. But that's troublesome.

Belmode could only sigh regretfully and piece together the truth: "Recently... Vodka has talked to me a lot about cosmetics."

Gin: "...?"

Belmod: "I asked about its efficacy, whether it was waterproof, and even asked me how to maintain my complexion."

Gin couldn't help but look back at Vodka, who looked like a rough guy: "...?"

Belmod: "It doesn't seem to be a problem at first, but I always feel that something is not right - if you pay more attention to him recently, I suspect that he has a mental condition and is trying to escape reality, so he suddenly pays attention to some things that he originally didn't feel. Things of interest.”

Gin nodded slowly: "I understand."

He hung up the phone.

The other side of the phone.

Belmode looked at the pressed screen and began to try to analyze Gin's status and tone.

"He was not anxious, and even seemed to be in a better mood than usual. Of course, that was before I finished speaking." Belmode tossed the phone in his hand casually, a smile silently forming on his lips, "This is not like a discovery. I found out Cool Guy’s true identity, so it seems I’m overly concerned – I’m safe for now, I hope this safety can last longer…”

Belmode felt much more relaxed. She happily put on her bathrobe and began her favorite bathing activity.

However, as if the mood was conserved, on the other side, Gin's mood became more subtle.

Vodka Been interested in makeup lately?

Gin looked at the darkened screen of his mobile phone, then looked at the vodka. A subordinate who didn't work in the middle of the night and secretly got up and smeared himself in the mirror gradually emerged in his mind.


He exhaled silently, and silently clasped his fingers on the Beretta in the windbreaker.

He is paying close attention to the vodka here: "?!"

"What's going on? Why did the elder brother suddenly look at me with such a terrifying look as if he wanted me to disappear? What did that little Yinbi provoke on the phone?!" Vodka clenched his fists in grief and anger, but then he felt something was wrong, " But judging from the big brother’s reaction just now, the caller doesn’t look like Uzo…”

Vodka asked carefully while his mind was running wildly: "Brother, what happened?"

Gin looked him up and down, looking thoughtful.

Gin: "..." I heard that people tend to become perverted when they are under great pressure. Could it be because Vodka's gun has been at Uzo's place recently, and in the future he will go to see Uzo again because of this gun, so he is too stressed? Causing some mental breakdown?

Wait, spirit...

This word suddenly reminded Gin of something.

Soon, Vodka saw Gin's expression softening.

Under his nervous gaze, the murderous boss walked into the car and asked him in a casual tone: "I heard that you like makeup recently?"

Vodka: “???”

I'm not, I didn't... Who spread rumors about me!

He was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered something: it must be that bastard Belmod... It was indeed not an illusion, this woman had been targeting him recently!

While scolding his colleagues in his heart, Vodka explained: "You also know that there are always various dangers around Uzo. I don't dare to sleep too much when I'm near him, but if I have a pair of black eyes every day , and I was afraid that someone would suspect me of committing the crime secretly without sleeping in the middle of the night.

"That's why I wanted to ask Belmode to recommend some cosmetics that can cover dark circles without being noticed by others. Who would have thought..." Who would have thought that the woman would actually say bad things about him, brother, don't believe her! She has been with Uzo for too long and has been completely contaminated by that little pussy!

Vodka's words were not fully spoken, but Gin barely understood what he meant.

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