Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2481 2485 [Case closed]

The convoy drove all the way to Domoto's abandoned factory.

Domoto's son-in-law jumped out of the car and ran towards the door, but because his hands were shaking, he failed to put the key in the keyhole several times.

"I'll do it!" Memu Police Department couldn't stand it any longer. He took the key and opened the door neatly.

He rushed into the warehouse and swept it with his flashlight. A plump figure was reflected in the corner of the warehouse. A group of people hurried over and after seeing clearly, they shouted in surprise: "It's President Domoto!"

"Let me take a look." Dr. Shirai walked over quickly to check. Soon, he breathed a sigh of relief: Fortunately, although he fainted, he could still be saved - so that the handle he held in his hand could be used again.

He simply handled the situation and sent the person to the ambulance.

Mrs. Domoto quickly followed and accompanied her father to the hospital.

Domoto's son-in-law hesitated for a moment and also wanted to go. But before that, a voice stopped him: "Wait."

Domoto’s son-in-law: “?!”

His heart thumped, and he slowly turned around and saw the detective next to him.

Jiang Xia looked at the hesitant murderous aura on his body and sighed with disapproval: "You don't seem to want to rescue Mr. Domoto before the time limit - you have nothing to say about this kidnapping case. ”

Domoto Qiucheng's face turned pale: "...I don't understand what you mean."

Jiang Xia: "Instead of seeking money, this kidnapping actually has another purpose - I heard that after you married Mrs. Domoto, you were often scolded by your father-in-law. Recently, even your wife has started to complain about you. Is that true? "

Domoto Akunari clenched his fists and said nothing. Next to me, the Memu Police Department understood what the detective brother meant: "You mean..."

Jiang Xia nodded at him: "The real mastermind of this kidnapping case is actually Mr. Domoto Akunari."

"Huh, that's nonsense!" Domoto Qiunari finally collected his words and said sternly, "I've been staying at home all day to deal with work, so I don't have time to kidnap my father. This is what Masashiro's mother-in-law can testify for me!"

Jiang Xia: "I heard from Changdai's mother-in-law that when you entered the study at about nine o'clock, you specifically told her that you should concentrate on your work and asked her not to disturb you. So she never entered until she received a call from the kidnapper at 11 o'clock in the morning. Your study room.

"The study is on the first floor. During this period, you can climb into the courtyard through the window and leave quietly.

"After you left home, you drove and caught up with President Domoto who was walking alone. You pretended to have something important to see him and asked him to get in the car. Then you took him to this factory, fell out and tied him up.

"After taking care of the hostages, you drove home quickly and went back to the study through the window.

"At this time, there happened to be a 'kidnapper' calling the Domoto family's landline. After receiving the call, Masashiro's mother-in-law transferred the call to the study room as the other party said. After that, you can act on the phone, and the director said 'There is a kidnapper' The illusion of being held to ransom."

Speaking of this, Jiang Xia lowered her head and glanced at Conan: "Conan suddenly disappeared just now. When I was looking for him, I entered your study by mistake, and then I saw some traces of engine oil residue on your windowsill - this is because When you came to this abandoned factory, the soles of your shoes were stained with oil stains left on the warehouse floor, so you accidentally got them on the window sill when you climbed through the window to go home. "

Conan said quickly: "Speaking of which, when I was looking for toys, I found a few wads of paper thrown into Uncle Qiucheng's trash can. There was also black engine oil on those papers! These should be the tissues used when wiping the soles of shoes."

The Mumu Police Department couldn't help but glance at him, and his thoughts became a little erratic for a while: "..." Looking for toys and found them in the trash can? It seems that you need to wash your hands frequently when carrying Conan in the future, so as not to let the child slip into any nook and cranny again.


Police Department Memu scratched his head, feeling that something was missing from this story.

Suddenly he remembered: "Wait, look at it this way, how come Mr. Qiucheng did everything by himself. Where is the kidnapper who died in the car accident? Isn't he an accomplice in this kidnapping case?"

Jiang Xia: "Although he is an accomplice, he probably doesn't know much. He may even not know that this is a kidnapping case at all - in order to avoid the trouble of silence, Mr. Qiucheng did not reveal too much. He probably just paid the person The dead 'kidnapper' did two simple things.

“The first thing was to make a call to Domoto’s home phone from a public phone at 11 o’clock this morning and 2 o’clock this afternoon.

"The second thing was to come to Mihua Park at a specific time, pick up a suitcase, and then take the suitcase to Domoto's abandoned factory and throw it into the yard through the wall."

"For the sake of the balance, the dead 'kidnapper' made two phone calls on time and went to the park to pick up the suitcase containing the ransom."

Jiang Xia looked at Domoto Qiunari: "If this plan proceeds as usual and the 'kidnapper' throws the ransom box into the Domoto family's abandoned factory, then you can successfully recover the ransom and have the time to deal with your father-in-law at your leisure - your family Of the only two people left, the Changdai mother-in-law obviously feels sorry for you, while your wife is so frightened by this kidnapping case that she can only rely on you wholeheartedly. Under your control, this matter can be done according to your wishes. The script proceeds.

"Unfortunately, on the way to the factory, the 'kidnapper' unfortunately got into a car accident and injured several unlucky passers-by. The box also fell into the hands of the police, and your plan was tragically exposed."


Domoto Qiucheng wanted to refute, but after much searching, he couldn't find a suitable excuse.

Looking at the police who were gradually surrounding him, and thinking about the perfect plan that was suddenly shattered, he sighed tiredly and fell to the ground: "Yes, I did it - I really can't stand that kind of routine day after day. I can only think of ways to make my father-in-law disappear after being slandered for so long.

"But it's not just that. I actually do this for my wife - I hope that after she sees my calm and fearless look, she will change her mind about me and fall in love with me again like she did before marriage.

Domoto Akihiro couldn't help but hammer the ground: "Everything would be so perfect, if there hadn't been this abominable car accident...!"

At this moment, his cell phone suddenly rang.

Seeing that the suspect did not move, the Mumu Police Department had no choice but to go over and take out his mobile phone. When I looked at the caller ID, it said "Photon" - this was Mrs. Domoto's name.

The Megure Police Department glanced at Domoto Akunari, who was sitting blankly, and kindly helped him answer the phone: People are almost going in. If you don't take the opportunity to make a call now, you will be in trouble if you want to talk later.

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