Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2480 2484 [Psychiatrist’s interview]

While the police are busy investigating.

Dr. Shirai, who had sneaked into the house just now, was wearing a courier uniform and wandered around the living room and corridor of Domoto's house, looking at the expensive ornaments everywhere.

Sensing someone stopping next to him, he turned his head and saw the young detective.

"..." Dr. Shirai couldn't help but feel guilty about being caught out of trouble, and his eyes towards the detective became a little unkind because of this, "What's wrong?"

Jiang Xia chatted friendly: "I heard that you are a psychiatrist - which of the three family members of the hostages do you think is the problem?"

Dr. Shirai was startled and heard something from his words: "Which of the three people do you suspect is the kidnapper, or the mastermind behind the kidnapper?"

Jiang Xia nodded.

Dr. Shirai: "..." Where did you find out? How do I not notice? ...Speaking of which, why are you mentioning this to me? Are you trying to show off that your powers of observation are better than mine?

He immediately disliked the detective even more, but he couldn't show his timidity in front of the young man. After thinking briefly, Dr. Shirai smiled and said: "Many ignorant people have misunderstandings about psychiatrists - we are just doctors, not mind readers. Rather than guessing patients' thoughts, what we are better at is actually distinguishing their thoughts. Symptoms and then prescribe the right medicine.”

After a pause, he showed an enigmatic smile: "I can only say that the three of them are very nervous. As for finding out the specific reasons for the nervousness, this is the job of you police and detectives. I am just a doctor helping with first aid today. ”

"That's it." Jiang Xia sighed, "I understand."

After all, he was someone else's doctor. Seeing that the other person was not interested in chatting, Jiang Xia didn't insist on chatting.

He was strolling around and suddenly saw a sneaky child.

"Did you notice that the housekeeper's reaction was a little strange?" Conan saw Jiang Xia walking over and whispered to him, "Especially when she mentioned the kidnapped President Domoto, her expression seemed a little resentful. ”

Jiang Xia nodded, and at the same time gave the doctor a thumbs-up: "..." Vodka has no vision, the doctor he found is not as observant as a primary school student... If you have time to wander around the hospital, it is better to come to Conan to talk to him.

He shook his head angrily and temporarily turned his attention to the case in front of him: "Go ask her."

Soon, the two found Granny Changdai in the lounge nearby, who was meditating alone.

"Did President Domoto and I have any issues?" Masashiro's mother-in-law sighed, "How could that be the case? I'm just a little dissatisfied with his behavior - his son-in-law has always been very serious about the company, but President Domoto is very serious about the company." The son-in-law was very dissatisfied. He would bang the table and curse at others, saying that he had no strength, was not like a man, and was like mud that could not hold up the wall.

"Sometimes I really don't understand. President Domoto is obviously very gentle towards other people, but he is so mean to Mr. Akira... And Miss Domoto, at first she would speak for her husband, but recently she has completely turned against him. On his father's side, he always reprimanded Mr. Qiuchi together with President Domoto."

Mother-in-law Masadai shook her head at the relationship between the family: "If I were Mr. Qiunari, I would definitely not be able to bear this anger. Rather than being chastised like this every day, I would rather divorce and leave this club - but a friend in need is a friend indeed. This kidnapping incident Here, Mr. Qiuchi did not shirk at all, but took over everything after busy work. If it weren't for him, Miss Domoto and I really don't know what to do. "

Not long after, the Memu Police Department also received new information.

A police officer who went out to inquire about the deceased kidnapper's interpersonal relationships reported: "We found several friends of the deceased. According to them, starting about a week ago, the deceased suddenly became very happy and spent a lot more money."

"Huh?" This change in the economic situation is obviously cause for alarm, but the kidnapping has just happened, and a week ago, the kidnappers should not have been able to get any ransom.

The Memu Police Department was a little confused: "Did he also carry out a kidnapping a week ago and successfully obtain the ransom, but we didn't find out because no one called the police?"

Jiang Xia walked over from Changdai's mother-in-law with a tea cup in hand: "There is another possibility - last week he obtained a large amount of income in other ways, such as being hired by someone."

"!" The Mumu Police Department felt that it was justified. He said to his subordinates on the phone, "Immediately investigate the source of the deceased's funds. Maybe they are his accomplices of kidnappers!"

After saying that, he suddenly felt a little strange: "Speaking of which, based on my experience in kidnapping cases, if there is no news from the kidnapper who came to withdraw money for a long time, his accomplices should have been anxious to find out the news... But this Once, the family members of the hostages have not received any inquiries from the kidnappers’ accomplices. Could it be..."

His face suddenly became serious: "Is there a spy among us?!"

Everyone: "!"

The Mumu Police Department looked at them sharply: "To be on the safe side, can you show me your mobile phones? I want to see your communication records."

When the Mumu Police Department was busy looking for the mole.

Jiang Xia lowered his head and looked at Conan.

Conan: "..."

He wanted to pretend not to understand, but in the end he could only take a deep breath and start fulfilling his naughty child's obligations.

After following Conan around various rooms, I have almost collected the clues.

Jiang Xia returned to the living room and took a look at the map that Mrs. Domoto found just now.

Seeing his thoughtful look, Mumu Police Department quickly approached: "Brother Jiang Xia, what did you find?"

Jiang Xia pointed at the map: "According to common sense, the kidnapper will meet up with his accomplices as soon as possible after receiving the ransom."

"And in this incident, if you connect the place where the ransom was placed with the place where the kidnapper died, and extend forward..." His fingertips crossed over the map and stopped on an icon, "You can see a A somewhat familiar name.”

The Megure Police Department took a closer look and saw "Domoto Metal" written there.

"Domoto?" He was startled and turned to ask Mrs. Domoto for confirmation, "Is this place related to your family?"

Mrs. Domoto nodded: "This is my old factory. Half a year ago, my factory was moved to Dongmihua, and this factory was abandoned and no longer used."

"Abandoned factories... Places like this where no one goes and there are many empty rooms are kidnappers' favorite hideout!" Memu Police Department's eyes lit up, and he turned to his subordinates, "Go there immediately. In addition, the action must be Stay hidden so as not to alert anyone who might be hiding there!”

Not long after, cars filled with policemen set off with a bang and drove towards the factory in the suburbs.

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