Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2530 2534 [Case closed]

The children of the Junior Detective Team have their own little plan in mind: when the time comes, when brother Jiang Xia takes his seat, they will hide in the back row. With the tall seat backs blocking the view, Brother Jiang Xia can't see behind, so they can do their own thing without worry... This is much more comfortable than a business car with an unobstructed view!

Dr. A Li did not expect that several children would be so insistent. He scratched his head and wondered whether his driving skills were too poor and he was disliked?

However, compared to driving in person, it is indeed easier to take someone else's car. In the end, he did not refuse and said helplessly: "Okay. But you must be good on the road and don't run around, and don't get distracted and get off at the wrong stop."

"We are in first grade, not kindergarten." When the three children saw him relenting, they immediately became happy, and they patted their chests as if they were very reliable, "Just be more confident!"

The entrance to the lawyer's house was very lively. Not only the children, there were also two people nearby who were muttering something in a low voice.

Mouri Kogoro looked at the time on his phone and sighed sadly: "I originally planned to rush to the suburbs to meet the client at 11 o'clock, but now... there is no point in rushing there. Maybe it will be next time."

Mao Lilan looked at him speechlessly: "Knowing that there are customers today, how dare you drink all night last night?"

Mouri Kogoro waved his hand indifferently: "Isn't it just to catch a mistress? What difference does it make one day earlier and one day later? Maybe one day later can make the other side relax their vigilance and catch them in one fell swoop, once and for all!"

Mao Lilan couldn't help but slap him on the shoulder: "Since I have accepted the commission, even if it is to arrest the mistress, it must be treated as strictly as a murder case!"

"Okay, okay." Mouri Kogoro stabilized his body, which was about to fall into the grass, and reluctantly took out his mobile phone, "I'll make a new appointment with the other party - after all, there was a murder, and there's nothing we can do about it. , the client should be able to understand.”

The group of people was busy dealing with the aftermath of this case.

the other side.

A certain member of the organization is thinking about how to get to the hospital with the rigor of seeking scriptures from the West.

"What's there to worry about?" Ireland looked at this timid guy and threw away the bus card in his hand. "Have you tried it before? Bus is the safest."

Vodka snorted disdainfully: "..." Stupid, last time it was because bourbon attracted his attention, and Uzo's focus at that time was not on the bus, but on how to use a killer to persecute you.

To put it bluntly, even if Uzo was careless that time, do you think the same trick could be used against him a second time? ——Based on what I know about him, that guy might have prepared a surprise gift on the bus, waiting for you to throw yourself into the trap.

Although he knew a lot of things in his heart, Vodka did not dare to say more: he was worried that he had overexplained. Ireland was keenly aware of Uzo's true identity, and Uzo was keenly aware of the reason why his true identity was exposed. Focusing on him, the source of the leaked information, and then...

Vodka: "..."

For a moment, he felt as if there was an extra layer of glue on his mouth, which was reassuringly strong.

After thinking for a while, Vodka said seriously: "It's better than this. Today we will divide our forces into two groups."


Vodka: "You don't want to waste time with me going to the doctor every day. It's best for everyone if I get to the hospital safely as soon as possible."


He analyzed it carefully and half-truthfully: "Uzo must have been eyeing me, and he may have even mastered the approximate location of our safe house, which is why every time I go out is extremely unsatisfactory - since I always go out. If we encounter his trap, why don't we split up into two groups? You use your method, and I use mine. One of them will work."

Ireland narrowed her eyes and looked at him: "So how can you be sure that it's me and not you who encounters him after we split up?"

Vodka: "..." Of course it is based on my understanding of Uzo and your ignorance of Uzo.

...but of course I can't say this out loud.

Vodka cleared his throat: "I'm not sure, but this is lower than the 100% probability."

Ireland looked him up and down, always feeling that this guy was hiding something.

However, he has been staying with Vodka these past few days, and he has some understanding of this plastic ally: Vodka's attitude now does not seem to have any clear inside information, but more like this guy has come up with something he thinks he has. A brilliant idea, but at the same time quite disdainful of his bus plan, so I wanted to be smart and leave him alone.

Wanting to understand this, Ireland sneered in his heart: Let's see whose plan is more suitable. Anyway, he is confident that he will survive when facing Uzo alone... He is confident that he will not fall behind when facing Uzo alone, but Not necessarily with vodka.

Perhaps only appropriate lessons can make Vodka realize who its real enemy is, and thus make this alliance closer.

The two organizational cadres with their own thoughts separated like this, and embarked on their own journeys with a secret rivalry.

Ireland went straight to the bus stop, while Vodka sneaked around a few turns, passed through an alley, and slipped out of the back door into a courtyard.

——This is a nearby car rental factory.

When Vodka entered the courtyard, a figure slowly walked out of the shadows of the alley.

"It turned out to be this idea."

Ireland, who had followed him on the way, laughed at him and said, "I thought he had a good idea, but it turns out he just randomly selected a car to reduce the probability of stepping on the Uzo trap... Haha, I thought Vodka had changed, but now it seems that his mind is still as simple as before - has he never thought that as long as the route is the same, no matter which car he chooses, the final outcome is actually doomed?"

He shook his head, determined to make this stupid ally suffer, so he turned around and left without saying a word, and went to the nearby bus station.


On the other side.

Vodka, who had already sneaked into the car rental shop, glanced behind him and turned his head suspiciously.

"Although there is no evidence, I always feel something is wrong behind me...Isn't that Ireland guy secretly following me?"

Thinking of this, he came to a hidden corner and killed a sneak attack.

After confirming that there was no one behind him, Vodka continued to unfold his plan.

“Could it be that after Ireland followed me nearby and saw that I was planning to rent a car, he turned around and left?” Thinking of the teammate who didn’t even know Uzo’s true identity, Vodka sneered in his heart, “Maybe he is still laughing at me for choosing such a stupid method... Stupid guy, do you think I rented a car randomly and left everything to chance? - That’s underestimating me.”

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