Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2531 2535 [Car Rental]

Thinking of this, Vodka straightened his clothes, gritted his teeth and took off his sunglasses, posing as an honest office worker in a suit and tie.

Then he trotted to the counter and said to the surprised receptionist: "Do you have a black Lexus RX300? Come on, give me one, money is not a problem!"

The receptionist was stunned. Faced with this sudden question, he instinctively went through the procedure: "Do you have an appointment?"

"No, but I'm in a hurry!" Vodka took out all the acting skills he had recently trained next to Uzo, as well as some of the little control skills he learned by himself, trying to pass on his anxiety to the other party, "My boss is getting married today, and I am the leader of the wedding car team, but I was in a hurry to get there just now, and unfortunately scratched the fire pile, so the car can't be used - you should have a similar model here, rent me one for emergency."

As he said, he took out a stack of cash and slapped it on the counter.

"This..." The money offensive was simple but effective. The front desk looked at the faulty surveillance camera with embarrassment and silently collected the tip. "Please wait a moment, I will help you check it."

Vodka nodded and looked at the front desk expectantly, but in fact, he had already hacked into the database and knew everything in his mind - there were only three black Lexus RX300s here, two of which were on loan, and the only one left was also booked today.

The person who booked this car was Mao Li Ran's father, Mao Li Kogoro.

"Thinking about it carefully, my previous thinking was simply ridiculous - in the past, I have been guarding against traps from Uzo, but people living in the world may encounter dangers in all aspects. Even if I consider ten thousand situations, as long as I miss one, I may be attacked by Uzo.

"Instead of this, it is better to change my thinking. I will find a safe way directly, so that I can go down smoothly along it! "

Thinking of his discovery a while ago, Vodka turned his attention to the Maori father and daughter - the safe island next to Uzo.

"If you observe carefully, you will find that Maori Kogoro's route to find customers overlaps with my route to the hospital. "

Vodka touched his chin: "Using Maori Kogoro's car and taking Maori Kogoro's route, wouldn't I be as safe as Maori Kogoro? - Although this method cannot be used a second time in front of Uzo, as long as I can get through this hateful doctor's task, I can immediately return to my brother's side, that is to say, as long as I can get through this time, it will be enough! "

While thinking, the receptionist opposite has also completed the inner struggle.

The receptionist took out his mobile phone and responded as expected by Vodka: "We have a total of three cars of the type you need, two of which are on loan, and one has been reserved - don't worry, I will help you contact the owner of the reserved car first, maybe he will be willing to help. "

Vodka nodded, looking nervous, but not worried: according to his investigation, although Maori Kogoro has many shortcomings, he is generally a good person like his daughter. Such a person will definitely not refuse the request of a helpless office worker.

Sure enough, not long after, the front desk hung up the phone and brought good news: "The gentleman agreed to change the vehicle, I will handle the rental procedures for you now."

Vodka breathed a sigh of relief and nodded.

After completing the procedures and getting on the car, Vodka couldn't help but smile a little.

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But before the smile stayed for too long, he instinctively doubted: "Is this going too smoothly? "

Thinking of this, after the staff leading the way walked away, Vodka couldn't help but take out his detector and quietly checked the car.

Luckily, there was no transmitter, no eavesdropping device, and the car was very clean.

"I must have worried too much..." Vodka muttered, and at the same time, he took the hood and trunk of the car and looked under the doubtful eyes of the staff in the distance.

Not finding any problems, he sat back in the car and comfortably embarked on his journey to the hospital.


After Vodka's car left.

In the shadow of the apartment in the distance.

A figure pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, looked at the black Lexus driving steadily away, and slowly showed a cruel smile.

"Mouri Kogoro..." Yuda Taro thought of the bomb he had installed under the car, sneered and murmured, "Experience the taste of turning into ashes in despair and terror-as early as when you caught me, you should have thought that you would have this day. ā€¯

Laughing, he suddenly remembered something and his mood turned bad again: "The killer organization actually took my deposit and then there was no news. I wanted to go to the bar to settle accounts with them, but who knew that the block was blocked by the police and searched... Could those guys have been exposed and then ran away?

"Humph, they boasted so much when they accepted the mission, and even set up a bar with many mechanisms and named it "The Last Supper", making it seem very high-end... In the end, they couldn't even kill a useless detective. Did I meet a liar?"

...Anyway, what happened is over, and people have to look forward.

Taro Yuda, who had just escaped from prison not long ago, quickly put those useless killers behind him and decided to take revenge by himself.

--A while ago, he was squatting in the Maori Detective Agency and found out Maori Kogoro's recent schedule.

After careful consideration based on these intelligence, Yuda Taro finally decided to start his revenge at this poorly managed car rental yard.

"That bastard detective would never have imagined that someone had installed a bomb on the car he rented."

Thinking of the desperate expression on Maori Kogoro's face after he learned the truth, Yuda Taro couldn't help but smile: "Before the bomb explodes, I must thank him in person - thanks to him for sending me to prison, otherwise I really wouldn't have learned these useful techniques."

Thinking of this, Yuda Taro turned and went out, came to the public telephone booth downstairs, and called the Metropolitan Police Department.

"Transfer me to the Investigation Division 1, I want to find Inspector Megure."

"Who am I? Ha, I'm the Avenger from Hell. Stop talking nonsense, find him immediately! Within a minute, I want to hear the voice of that bastard police officer, otherwise I'll ask him to watch a fireworks show - a flesh-and-blood fireworks made of 'Sleeping Kogoro'."


Two minutes later.

Maori Kogoro had missed a client's appointment and was discussing with his daughter what to eat today when his cell phone suddenly rang like a death sentence.

"Who's calling me at this hour?" Maori Kogoro scratched his head and glanced at the caller ID. He was surprised. "Inspector Megure?"

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