Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2543 2547 [Curaçao: Team building? ]

After thinking about it, Vodka suddenly had a flash of inspiration and found a possible way out in the gloomy future.

He gradually came up with a bold idea.


Vodka gritted his teeth, suddenly turned the steering wheel, and drove the vehicle aside: "Although Uzo has a history of blowing up the building where he is, it was just to increase the fun - after all, he is not the kind of person who wants to commit suicide. , I won’t deliberately arrange a situation where I will die.”

"Now that the matter has come to this, I might as well drive to the bus and follow Uzo's seat. In this way, once my car explodes, it will inevitably affect Uzo - let's see which of his subordinates dares to let him go. The bomb detonated! Maybe...hehe, maybe they have to find a way to save me."

When he thought of those hateful Uzo minions scratching his head and head with anxiety and being forced to lend a helping hand to him, Vodka felt that the suffering he suffered today had paid off.

"Uh, but..." The faces of Maya Hashimoto and Subaru Okiya suddenly flashed across Vodka's mind, and he was slightly startled, "What if his subordinates are not only not in a hurry, but secretly cheering me on in their hearts?"

"...Forget it, I don't have time to think about this anymore. Anyway, rush over and try. Anyway, there is no better way now."

Vodka took a deep breath, like a man who finally grasped a life-saving straw, and hurried towards the direction of the bus anxiously.

There are roadblocks on this section of the road, but Vodka, who deeply feels that his life is coming to an end, obviously does not care about this small detail.

He skillfully broke through the traffic jam, and while the traffic policemen stared blankly, he rushed to the bus like a gust of wind and began to walk parallel to the vehicle.

At the same time, on the bus.

Ireland looked down at the car that suddenly appeared, looking suspicious.

It's not that he is suspicious by nature, but this car looks too weird - it won't go in such a wide lane, but leans against the bus, and it will flexibly change direction as the bus moves. It looks like... It was almost as if he was being invited to escape the dangerous bus by jumping on its roof.

This inexplicable convenience made Ireland inevitably have a thought in his mind: "Uzo's trap?"

...But as a trap, this seems too straightforward, almost like a contempt for his IQ.

Just as he was thinking about it, Ireland suddenly discovered something.

"Wait a minute, this driver is driving..." He lowered his gaze, and the more he looked, the more familiar the shadow in the car window seemed. Suddenly, he recognized it, "Isn't this vodka! Why is he here?"

Looking at the sudden appearance of his ally, Ireland thought for a moment with complicated emotions: "He saw the news and ran over to help? Yes, according to my observation, Vodka has always been very concerned about various cases in Tokyo... knowing that there are Bomb, you dare to come here to pick me up, this guy is surprisingly loyal. "

He looked at the resolute reflection of the vodka, and then looked at the black bus outside the window that was relatively stationary with the bus and had the same pedals, and he felt a sense of emotion in his heart:

"It seems that I did underestimate Vodka's understanding of Uzo - not only did he successfully avoid the death bus, but he was also able to guess what kind of predicament I was in now just by relying on those news, and Promptly provided the help I needed most.

"Think about it carefully, this is the meaning of alliance. One person's power is limited. But my mobility, coupled with Vodka's understanding of Uzo... As long as the two of us truly cooperate, it will not be difficult to defeat that bastard. account."

"Of course, this is a matter for the future. As for today...heh, I won't accompany you on this shoddy stage."

Thinking like this, while the two gangsters were whispering, Ireland opened the car window with a bang, and in front of the shocked eyes of everyone in the car, he jumped out of the window with a dash!

On the viaduct dozens of meters away.

A black business car was passing by quietly.

Curacao was dressed as a lawyer, with documents casually placed by his legs. She held her phone and looked down at today's news.

Soon, the fake lawyer's fingertips stopped on one of the pages - this was a new case that happened this morning. A lawyer allowed a dog to kill people. The trick was discovered by a famous detective and he was brutally arrested.


Staring at the dazzling word "lawyer" on the page for a moment, Curaçao pressed his temples and sighed silently: "I just thought that Uzo and the lawyer industry don't have much overlap, and then a case like this comes out. ..." I always feel that my situation is getting worse and worse.

"But I have been operating in this capacity for a long time, and I have come into contact with many high-level people. If I give up without any reason, even Rum will not agree.

"Why don't you apply for a business trip after finishing the task at hand, hide outside... well, go outside to expand your business - I will come back when I am completely out of Uzo's sight."

While thinking about it, Curacao leaned on the back of his chair and looked out the window lazily.

Suddenly, she sat upright and fixed her gaze on a section of road diagonally below.

——The road was empty. There was only one bus on the spacious road and a car close to it. It looked weird.

What's even more bizarre is that in the next moment, the bus window opened with a bang, and a figure jumped out of it vigorously, and then landed on the roof of the car like a toad against the huge wind resistance.


I don't know if it was an illusion, but that figure looked familiar, much like one of her unlucky colleagues who was haunted by Uzo.

Curacao looked at the figure on the roof of the car, was silent for a moment, and silently took out the monocular telescope she carried with her.

Two seconds later, she moved her eyes away from Ireland and looked at the driver and the other people in the bus.


There was a long silence.

After the dead silence, Curacao put down the telescope and stuffed it into the bottom of her bag with the force of silencing.

"I'm just an ordinary lawyer who is passing by and a little shortsighted." Curacao pushed the plain glasses on the bridge of her nose, as if she didn't see anything, just admiring the birds flying outside the window.

After thinking about it, she murmured to herself: "Let's not wait for the next client, and go on a business trip today."

... Although there is no evidence, this Tokyo seems to be getting more and more dangerous.


When a lawyer passed by in a low profile.

On the road diagonally below the viaduct.

Vodka was holding the steering wheel, concentrating on following Jiang Xia. Suddenly, the roof of the car fell with a heavy muffled sound, and the car body seemed to shake twice.

"What fell on my car?!" Vodka was shocked and almost fell down with his head in his hands. His car also shook violently and almost scraped the bus next to it.

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