Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2544 2548 [Please get in the car]

“!!” Vodka could only hurriedly steer the wheel and keep a distance from the bus to avoid crashing into it and dying on the spot.

At this moment, there was a crisp sound - his rear window was smashed open by a window-breaking hammer, and then a figure skillfully squeezed in from the not-so-spacious window.

Vodka saw the figure clearly and was stunned: Ireland? How could this guy fall from the sky?

...Oh, by the way, his attention was all on Uzo just now, and he actually forgot that Ireland was also riding on the bus hijacked by the gangsters.

"So why did this guy jump on my car?" Vodka looked confused, "Is he tired of living and wants to commit suicide? Or is he here to share the joys and sorrows with me?... Is our alliance so solid?"

"No, I remember the news just now saying that there is also a suspected bomb on this bus. Could it be..." After figuring this out, Ireland's behavior at this time suddenly had an explanation, "Could it be that he thought I was here to pick him up, so he jumped on my car?"

Vodka looked at the fellow in distress on the back seat and suddenly wanted to laugh, but thinking about his own situation, he couldn't laugh.

But soon, he had a flash of inspiration and realized that this seemed to be a great opportunity.

——In his impression, Ireland's driving skills are also pretty good. If he could let this guy drive for him, he would take the opportunity to climb onto the bus and hug Jiang Xia's thigh... The crisis might be resolved!

Just as he was thinking, Ireland in the back seat said, "Thank you so much this time."

"..."Vodka waved his hand calmly, "It's a small matter."

He pretended to be a good ally, while thinking quickly, thinking about how to trick Ireland to come over and drive.

Before he could come up with an idea, Ireland spoke first. The guy in the back seat instructed him, "Keep a distance from this bus and stay in front of it diagonally - remember, drive steadily."

Vodka came back to his senses: "Huh?"

He glanced at the rearview mirror in confusion, and then he was shocked: Ireland took out a gun from somewhere, and at this time he was looking at the bus next to him with a gun, as if he wanted to blow up the bus's fuel tank with one shot.

"Wait!" Vodka broke out in a cold sweat, "What do you want to do?!"

Ireland laughed, thinking of the help of this ally just now, and shared his ideas with him: "Guess who is on this bus?"

Vodka: "..."Do you still need to guess? It's just Uzo... huh? No, you obviously don't know Wu Zo, how come you suddenly got it?

He cautiously confirmed: "Who?"

Ireland revealed the answer: "In addition to Wu Zo, there is also Shuichi Akai, the so-called 'silver bullet'."

After saying that, he found that Vodka was sweating profusely, he laughed and comforted him: "Don't be nervous-there are a lot of bombs on the bus. As long as I penetrate the fuel tank, even the two of them can only become two ghosts in the explosion."

As he spoke, he sighed: "It's a pity for Jiang Xia... But on second thought, Wu Zo is dead, Jiang Xia is useless to us-that detective has too much contact with us, with his keenness, it is hard to guarantee that he will not find problems. I originally planned to kill him after solving Wu Zo, but I didn't expect that I would encounter such a great opportunity to kill him at once, which is really convenient."

Vodka listened to this passage as if he was listening to a heavenly book: "..." Want to blow Wu Zo to death, but feel it's a pity for Jiang Xia?

Isn't Wu Zo Jiang Xia? But according to Ireland's understanding...

Vodka came back to his senses, and his heart skipped a beat again: Is Wuzo's curly-haired substitute named "Kurosawa" also on the bus?

"How many problematic guys are on this bus... Should I really get on this bus? Do I really have the confidence to survive this group of ghosts?" Vodka couldn't help but ask himself:

"Let's not talk about Akai and Wuzo, Wuzo's little brother is obviously not a good person either - although he is just a peripheral member, every time I come into contact with him, I feel creepy, and the way that guy looks at me is really weird...

"This must be taught by Wuzo! Damn Wuzo, it's okay that he is perverted, but he actually taught his subordinates terrible ideas, which is really sinful."

Just as he was cursing inwardly with a distracted look, suddenly, a voice interrupted him.

After Ireland finished speaking, he found that Vodka had not moved, so he confirmed the location of the bus's fuel tank and urged: "Don't stand there, drive forward. "

Vodka came back to his senses with a start. He looked at the gun in Ireland's hand, and the balance in his heart rang back and forth: no matter how dangerous the bus next to him was, as long as Jiang Xia was on the bus, there would definitely be a glimmer of hope. But on his side... the passengers were him and Ireland.

Thinking of this, Ireland's words just now began to echo in his ears: what "a great opportunity to kill them all", what "two dead souls in the explosion"...

The more he thought about it, the more Vodka felt a chilling malice. His hair stood on end for a moment, and his desire to survive shouted loudly - No, according to Uzo's tone, if this goes on, his Lexus may really explode. And what Ireland said just now will become a malicious prophecy, predicting the future of both of them!

"That..." Thinking of this, Vodka swallowed and tried to pretend to be calm and rational, "The shock wave of the bus explosion is too large. If it blows up rashly, it may affect us. Should we think of other ways?"

Ireland sneered: "Are you worried that if Wuzo died, 'that man' would think we were fighting among ourselves? - Don't worry, this is a necessary condition for getting rid of Shuichi Akai. With the 'silver bullet' as a reward, no one would have any objection to the death of a mere Wuzo."

"Is that so?" Vodka wiped his sweat and his brain was spinning at an overload speed. "I have studied Tokyo buses before and am very familiar with their structure. Why don't you drive and I'll be responsible for shooting the fuel tank? - It happens that you have just been on the bus, so you must be very clear about the weight of the bomb on it. If you are the driver, you can also better control the distance between the cars and avoid us being involved in the explosion."

Ireland thought for a while and felt that there was some truth in it, but: "I really don't trust your shooting skills."

Vodka: "..."

...How could this happen! If he had known this would happen, he would have trained his shooting skills well!

But it was too late to regret now, Vodka could only pretend to be confident: "You underestimated me too much. I am no longer the useless me I was before."

Ireland: "..." Indeed, I have to admit that compared with before, the current Vodka is impressive.

...But why does he feel that something seems to be wrong?

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