Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 27 I’m good at working

Jiang Xia stared at the word "Anshi" in the detective advertisement and fell into deep thought.

The surname Amuro is not common.

Put it together with "detective" and put it in this world, and it is easy to think of a person.

——Toru Amuro.

Toru Amuro is also a member of the Black Organization.

He is also a big shot with a code name.

Codenamed "Bourbon", he is very good at gathering intelligence.

However, in fact, Toru Amuro is an undercover agent sent by the National Police Agency. His real name is Rei Fangtani, and he is devoted to the country.

If you can find a way to sneak into his office, you don't have to worry about the organization coming to mess with your boss.

After all, Toru Amuro himself is a member of the organization.

At first, Jiang Xia didn't think about it at all.

Although he remembered that among Tohru Amuro's many part-time jobs, one was "private detective".

But he didn't expect that this man would directly open a detective agency... It's great to have money.

And now, since I happened to see it...

If you think about it carefully, if you can really get to the Bourbon side, there are actually other benefits.

——During this period, Shirley helped Jiang Xia stop many murders and arson incidents.

But what Jiang Xia did was still not legal.

There is not much confidentiality about the identities of peripheral members.

Even though Jiang Xia consciously disguises himself when he goes on a mission, Jiang Xia Tongzhi never conceals it, and there will inevitably be a risk of legal sanctions in the future.

But if you can defect to Amuro Tohru, wait a long time, and express your desire to change your ways in a subtle way... maybe you have a chance to become a fake red party.

The success rate is not very high.

But it's worth a try.

The main reason is that the risk is very low - as Toru Amuro is a policeman in the scientific world, even if he is considered suspicious, it is unlikely that he will be killed with one shot.

In addition, even if he wanted to avoid exposing his identity as a police officer, Toru Amuro would not arrest an ordinary peripheral member who came to look for him. Not only would he not have much performance, but he would easily be found suspicious by interested parties.

Coupled with the affinity of psychics, they are naturally higher than ordinary people.

Jiangxia's luck has always been good.

This time, what if I can get the red team's immunity gold medal...

The more Jiang Xia thought about it, the more reliable it became.

He borrowed the detective manual.

That afternoon, Jiang Xia followed the address on the advertisement and found Amuro Detective Agency.

When I got closer, I saw a "Closed" sign on the door.

...Well, that’s understandable.

Most shops have a "regular holiday", one or two days a week. It may be Amuro Detective Agency's regular holiday, and unfortunately it is today.

It doesn't matter if you don't see anyone, just go back and carefully choose your words.

Jiang Xia returned home calmly.

However, when I went back the next day, the "out of business" sign was still hanging there, unchanged.

...Two days of rest in a row?

Jiang Xia stood silent for a moment in the cold wind, condemning this unprofessional work attitude from the bottom of her heart.

After reprimanding, I waited nearby for a while, but no one came to work.

Jiang Xia could only go home first.

A week passed like this, and every time it was "closed".

Jiang Xia looked at the location here and felt sorry for Amuro Toru about the rent.

But when I think about it, there seems to be nothing wrong with it - Tohru Amuro can get N salaries by himself, he still has two reliable employers who can reimburse him...

A week later, Jiang Xia habitually drove to the place, glanced at the detective agency habitually, and turned the motorcycle around to leave...

After adjusting my head, I suddenly felt something was wrong.

Jiang Xia turned around quickly.

I found that the lock hanging on the door was missing, and the sad "out of business" sign was also missing.

Jiang Xia looked at the opened office and felt a little excited for a moment.

It felt like I had visited the thatched cottage three times and finally caught Zhuge Liang at home.

ten minutes later.

Jiang Xia sat on the fabric sofa in the office.

Like a serious detective, Toru Amuro brought him a cup of tea, then placed a registration form in front of him, sat across from him and smiled politely:

"Our firm is quite busy and may not be able to accept your request. However, I will recommend other suitable firms based on your needs - the detectives there are all experts in solving related problems."

"..." Jiang Xia looked at the watch in front of her and thought that your office is very busy. It is obvious that 99% of the time during the week is closed for fishing...

Of course he would not say such words.

Jiang Xia politely picked up the pen and filled in his name, mobile phone number, and email address on the form.

The remaining commission content is left blank.

After writing, Jiang Xia looked at her neat and elegant words, and her elegant and elegant words. She nodded with great satisfaction and pushed the watch back.

Toru Amuro glanced at the words, then looked at the large blank column below, and raised his eyebrows inconspicuously.

He stretched out his hand and pointed at the blank space. Before he could speak, he suddenly heard the young man opposite say: "I'm not here for a commission - I want to work here part-time."

Amuro Toru's outstretched hand paused.

After a moment, he picked up the registration form and walked aside, throwing the form into the shredder.

Then he turned around to see the guest off: "Sorry, we're not hiring."

As he spoke, Toru Amuro made a gesture towards the door that looked like "Please come this way" but actually read "Get out of here".

Jiang Xia sat still on the sofa:

"But I feel that your store is very short of manpower - the door is closed several times when I pass by. But you still insist on advertising in various places. Don't you think it is a waste?"

As Jiang Xia spoke, he put the borrowed detective manual on the coffee table and started selling melons:

"I have strong reasoning skills, and I don't have any salary requirements. You can pay me the minimum hourly wage."

Toru Amuro looked at him in silence for a while, then walked to the door and locked it with a click.

When he turned around again, he had a gun in his hand.

His expression also became dangerous, like a gin who smelled the scent of a traitor.

Jiang Xia subconsciously sat up straight and glanced around Amuro Toru.

Then it was very regrettable to find that unlike Gin, Toru Amuro did not have similar murderous aura.

The ghost baby on his shoulder also sighed, touched his belly, and looked at the owner of the detective agency with a look of hatred for steel.

Toru Amuro doesn't have the ability to read minds, so he doesn't know what Jiang Xia is thinking.

Seeing Jiang Xia's reaction, he thought his deterrence was effective.

So he continued: "About the waste you mentioned just now..." Toru Amuro said with a cold voice, "If I can catch a little thief with ulterior motives like you, it's actually worth it."


[Updated on time at 8:30 a.m.~]

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