Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 28 The organization is crazy 1/1

Toru Amuro actually has some impressions of Jiang Xia.

As a code-named, busy member of the organization, he occasionally uses peripheral members.

Peripheral members within a certain area usually have no fixed affiliation.

The bosses above can transfer people there at any time if they want to use it. In a true sense, they can move people wherever they are needed.

Toru Amuro's main area of ​​activity is in Tokyo, which overlaps with Kirishi Eka.

In a certain mission more than a year ago, Amuro Toru met Jiangxia Tongzhi.

——Jiang Xia’s appearance is very easy to remember, not to mention that as an agent, Amuro Toru is very good at remembering people.

So just now, when he saw Jiang Xia for the first time, he felt familiar.

It's just that there is a subtle difference in temperament between Jiang Xia now and Jiang Xia back then.

And after all, it was more than a year apart.

Therefore, it wasn't until Toru Amuro heard Jiang Xia say he was looking for a part-time job that he felt he was too suspicious and carefully reviewed his memory, then he completely remembered this person.

In Toru Amuro's impression, many peripheral members were afraid of them. Very few people would take the initiative to wander in front of them.

Not to mention coming to him to find a part-time job, and even after he made it clear that he was seeing off the guests, he refused to leave...

Suspicious, too suspicious.

... Could it be that this was the intention of a certain higher-up in the organization, who wanted to send Jiang Xia over to keep an eye on the situation on his side?

But after thinking about it for a moment, I think it’s impossible.

——If you want to keep an eye on "Bourbon" who is very good at reconnaissance and counter-reconnaissance, you have to send an elite over.

And this kid who calls himself Jiang Xia doesn't seem to have much awareness of counter-reconnaissance. He has only been in contact for more than a minute, and his suspicion level is already off the charts...

Could it be that the organization's evaluation of "Bourbon" was too high, and it felt that it was useless to send any elites here, so they simply came back to their original nature and wanted to follow up openly?

...No matter what, Jiang Xia must not be let go before the matter is clarified.

Toru Amuro looked at the too young peripheral member on the sofa and decided to scare him first.

Since he had met him during the mission before, Jiang Xia must also know his identity in the organization and there is no need to hide it.

The psychological quality of young people is usually unstable, and they are prone to spill the beans when they panic.

This can be confirmed by the fact that Jiang Xia unconsciously changed his sitting position after he took out his gun just now.

With this thought in mind, Toru Amuro put on a dark sneer unique to a villain, holding a gun and approaching with a sense of oppression: "Who sent you here? Are you a lackey of those police?"

Jiang Xia: "..."

There were too many flaws in these words, so he took a deep breath and swallowed them all back into his stomach.

In fact, he could probably guess it. What Toru Amuro said was not just a casual mention of an organization, but it was equivalent to a warning.

What he probably meant was that a peripheral member breaking into his detective agency without permission was suspicious enough.

If Jiang Xia couldn't give a reasonable explanation, even if Toru Amuro killed the person on the spot as "a lackey sent by the government to spy on intelligence," no one in the organization would be able to pursue him.

Peripheral members without code names have no human rights. It is cannon fodder among cannon fodder.

But not bad.

In front of me is a bottle of fake wine.

The chances of shooting are low.

Moreover, with ghosts in hand, Jiang Xia is actually not very afraid of death.

Or, to put it more strictly, as a serious psychic who has passed the eighth grade, he is not afraid of "being killed by a good person".

The souls of the dead are born with a layer of resentment, and the target of this resentment is very clear - it will be directed at their murderer.

Plus the characteristics of the psychic. After death, they can maximize their advantages as spirit beings.

In other words, whoever dares to kill the psychic in person will have a ridiculously high success rate in snatching away the murderer's body.

It's just that changing the body is very damaging to the soul.

It takes a long time to rest after changing.

Moreover, the ghosts will also slip away because they are over-squeezed in the process and the contract becomes incomplete.

Therefore, very few psychics would actively seek death.

But now, there is only one ghost in Jiangxia.

Even if he is killed, he will not lose much.

Therefore, at present, Jiang Xia is extremely courageous and does not show any weakness in the face of Amuro Toru's loaded gun.

In addition, every time Jiang Xia met Ginjiu, Ginjiu would point a gun at him for a while... To be honest, he was already used to it.

He has a very good attitude.

Jiang Xia had visited the thatched cottage before, and by now he had memorized the interview terms for working as a worker.

He pointed at Toru Amuro's gun and started to make up nonsense very sincerely:

"No one assigned me, I found it myself. I wanted to find a more stable source of income.

"I have offended some local gangsters in the past because of the organization's tasks. They did not dare to approach me head-on, so they kept playing dirty tricks - no matter where I went to work, it would not be long before the place would be smashed. The more times it happened, the less likely it would be. The boss dares to ask me."

Jiang Xia said and sighed: "Now I can only go to work far away on weekends. After deducting the travel expenses, the salary is very small and not enough."

Toru Amuro is also a person who often works part-time.

Although his purpose is different from Jiang Xia's, he has no need for salary and is mainly to collect intelligence.

But the difficulties encountered when looking for a job are similar.

When Jiang Xia spoke, he felt very immersive for some reason.

Toru Amuro couldn't help but think about what if he had been repeatedly ruined in interviews...

This kind of person obviously has enough ability and is diligent, and he passed the interview easily. In the end, he was defeated by other people's troubles, which made Toru Amuro unconsciously think of the unsatisfactory job hunting career at the beginning of his part-time job.

...The peripheral members are too miserable.

His hand holding the gun unconsciously loosened a little.

But as soon as Jiang Xia's voice stopped, Toru Amuro suddenly felt something was wrong: "Organization..."

"The organization gave me very few tasks." Jiang Xia picked up the tea cup and took a sip, with "life is difficult" written all over his face:

"A member with a code name thinks that I have a psychological problem and cannot be stimulated, and rarely arranges work for me... If I can't find a stable part-time job, I will have to sell the house left by my parents. But that's their fault The last thing left..."

Toru Amuro: "..." Is this, so difficult?

However, when it comes to psychological problems and not being given a job...he seems to be a little impressed.

...The "one member" Jiang Xia mentioned could not be referring to Shirley.

Tohru Amuro has never met Shirley.

However, because of something that happened when he was a child, he had a very fond impression of Shirley's mother.

As an excellent intelligence officer, Toru Amuro had not deliberately inquired about Shirley, but he could not help but pay close attention to her situation.

He did hear that Shirley was taking extra care of a peripheral member.

If that person happens to be Jiang Xia...

Then Jiang Xia probably didn't lie about this matter.

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