Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 251 Jiang Xia, come down here

In Hijikata's perfect script, since Jiangxia is some distance away from the balcony next door, it is impossible to tell whether Mrs. Hijikata is dead or fainted from a distance. So what a few people should do at that time is to rush to the "doorstep of Okita's house" nearby and smash the door to let Okita open the door.

Of course, in fact, there is no living person in the house opposite, so the door is destined to be unable to be knocked.

At this time, Hijikata Kozaburo could take the opportunity to drive away the others, and he would guard the door to prevent the "assailant" from escaping.

The way to remove Jiang Xia and Mao Lilan is simple - let one of them go to the apartment manager to get the spare key of Okita's house, and the other go to the nearby police station to call the police. There is a police station next to Hijikata's house. Without memorizing the police station's independent phone number, running over to call for help is faster than calling 110, and you can explain the situation on the road.

As for the extra child... When a child is in danger, he will definitely follow an acquaintance subconsciously. Anyway, he will not stay with him to guard the door of "Okita's house".

In the plan, after the three obstructive people are gone, Kozaburo Hijikata can use a rope to lower the body from the balcony of his home to the balcony of Okita's house. Then wipe off the ink stains in the elevator, change the house number to the normal number plate, and at the same time move from the sixth floor to the fifth floor, guarding the door of Okita's house, and this great shift of the world can be completed.

Hijikata Kozaburo straightened out his script in his mind and felt that it was almost ready.

The three students next to him were still looking at the scenery by the river.

Hijikata Kozaburo glanced at them and secretly pressed the button in his hand.

In the room of "Okita"'s house next door, a phone suddenly rang.

Mao Lilan vaguely heard the sound, and she reminded Hijikata Kozaburo: "The phone is ringing."

Hijikata Kozaburo smiled and waved his hand: "It's not my home phone number, it should be Okita's. He lives next door."

"That's it!" Mao Lilan's eyes lit up again, and she looked at the next door with excitement - it looked ordinary, but it turned out to be a balcony for celebrities!

Just after looking at it for a second, a corpse fell out of the house and fell on the balcony.

Mao Lilan smiled: "..."

Mao Lilan, whose smile disappeared: "..."

Mao Lilan took out her mobile phone and pressed "1": "!!!"

At the same time, Hijikata Kozaburo also started acting vigorously. He shouted his wife's name: "Nagami!"

At the same time, in order to be more realistic, he suddenly raised his legs and stepped onto the balcony railing, pretending to climb to the next door.

Mao Lilan was startled, temporarily stopped calling the police, and grabbed the person with all her strength: "Don't be impulsive, this is the fifth floor!"

"Why don't you ask me not to be impulsive?! That's my wife!" Kozaburo Hijikata clutched the handrail and roared anxiously, "Yongmei! What's wrong with you, you..."

His words stopped abruptly.

——Next to him, the railing made a muffled sound.

Hijikata Kozaburo turned his face to the side in confusion and saw a black leather boot stepping on it.

He suddenly remembered something, and there was a buzz in his head. He raised his head suddenly, looked up his legs, and saw Jiang Xia who was stepping on the railing.

Jiang Xia's back was slightly arched, and she looked directly at the body on the balcony opposite.

Hijikata Kozaburo: "..."

wait wait wait.

...It can't be what he thinks.

...This is the sixth floor! !

Hijikata Kozaburo's expression suddenly changed. He suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed Jiang Xia's ankle.

However, before closing his palms, Jiang Xia kicked off the edge of the balcony, jumped lightly onto the railing of the opposite balcony, and landed smoothly.

Under the gaze of Kozaburo Hijikata, whose heartbeat stopped, he walked to the corpse, squatted down and checked the corpse's pulse and breathing.

Then he stood up again and sighed softly: "He has been dead for a while, please call the police."

Hijikata Kozaburo stared at him, feeling that his brain had stopped functioning.

...The script should clearly be that after he was grabbed, he immediately led these guests to rush to the door of "Okita"'s house and started hammering on the door. But now...

...How did things become like this?

His plan, his layout...

At this moment, the balcony door diagonally below was opened with a crash.

Okita was wearing casual clothes, pulled down the headphones around his neck, and looked at the balcony of Kozaburo Hijikata's house doubtfully.

He saw the three people gathered near the railing and asked, "I thought I heard someone shouting just now? What happened?"

Conan and Mao Lilan looked at him in shock, as if a question mark slowly rose above their heads.

Mao Lilan said in confusion: "Mr. Okita? Don't you live in 502 opposite Mr. Hijikata's house? Why did you run to the fourth floor?"

"Ah?" Okita was even more confused than she was. He patted the railing of his house, "What's the fourth floor? Isn't this 502?"

As Conan poked his head out thoughtfully and began to count the floors one by one, Hijikata Kozaburo's eyes gradually darkened, and he felt as if the world was leaving him.

No, it shouldn't be like this.

His exquisite techniques, his several rehearsals and decorations a month, his careful selection of idiot detectives...

Mao Lilan looked at Okita blankly, then at Hijikata, still confused, and finally had to look at Jiang Xia on the opposite balcony.

Jiang Xia also looked thoughtful and nodded slightly towards her.

Although Mao Lilan still couldn't figure out the situation, the action steps engraved in her DNA made her take out her phone as soon as she looked at Jiang Xia, pressed 110 at the speed of light, and dialed out.

Hijikata Kozaburo has basically lost his ability to think now, his face is blank, and only a little bit of survival instinct is left.

He heard the short sound of the dial button and vaguely realized that Mao Lilan was calling the police, so he reached out to her and tried to take away her mobile phone.

Although Maorilan is relatively naive, she has experienced so many murder cases and witnessed so many reasonings at the scene. The series of situations just now made her vaguely aware that something was wrong.

Especially when she remembered that just now, when Jiang Xia wanted to jump to the opposite side, Hijikata Kozaburo directly reached out to grab Jiang Xia's leg.

Although this can be reluctantly explained as Hijikata Kozaburo was worried about the safety of guests jumping around on the fifth floor and wanted to stop it.

But in that situation, it is obviously more dangerous to directly reach out to pull someone. If he destroys Jiang Xia's balance, Jiang Xia may fall directly.

——In short, Mao Lilan now feels that there is something wrong with Hijikata Kozaburo, and is secretly wary of him.

At this time, when she saw Hijikata Kozaburo suddenly reaching out to her, as if he wanted to snatch the phone, she screamed in fear and kicked it out.

Hijikata Kozaburo flew out in response and hit the railing with a bang. The two floors seemed to shake.

Jiang Xia and Okita downstairs, who were concentrating on eating melon, were startled. They looked up and saw a faint dent on the railing.

Okita watched this scene blankly.

After a while, he stopped eating melon, left the balcony, and silently retreated to the safety of his living room.

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