Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 252 The terrible threat from the woman in black (Anti-theft plus update)

Chapter 252 The terrible threat from the woman in black (Anti-theft update)

As expected, the Hijikata family is right next to the police station. After calling the police, the police arrived soon.

Not long after, a more familiar group of police officers arrived.

Sato Miwako looked at the fainted Kozaburo Hijikata and the footprints on his face, and then looked at the paparazzi who were blocked by the police and rushed over after hearing the news. She whispered to Jiang Xia: "Didn't I tell you to be careful next time?"

Jiang Xia: "..."

He silently glanced at Mao Lilan, who was looking at the body sadly a few steps away.

Thinking about the case that this classmate generously gave him, he didn't say anything in the end.

...Forget it, there are not many people who take this kind of blame. Not bad for this one.

And Officer Sato just said it, but in her heart, she didn't seem to mind this kind of behavior.

Jiang Xia then listened to the advice and said: "You forget it when you are anxious. Next time, next time."

Sato Miwako looked at him suspiciously for a while, and was gradually confused by the appearance. She doubtfully dropped the subject and concentrated on the scene.

The next day, Jiang Xia skillfully went to Dr. Ali's house for dinner.

Dr. A Li is sitting in front of his laboratory, helping Conan repair his glasses.

While Conan was waiting, he sat on the sofa and read the newspaper. He didn't know what he read. His face looked a little strange.

Jiang Xia was about to go over and see what was written in the newspaper. At this moment, the sound of the range hood in the kitchen stopped, and Hui Yuan Ai took off her mini apron and walked out.

She put the full plate on the table and said hello to Jiang Xia first.

Then he immediately noticed Conan's strange expression.

...Mainly because Haiyuan Ai discovered that Conan had just finished reading the newspaper and immediately looked at Jiang Xia with hesitation.

She immediately became interested and walked to the sofa to pick up the newspaper and read it.

Then his expression became strange, and he couldn't help but glance at Jiang Xia.

Jiang Xia: "...?"

He was startled for a moment, and suddenly thought of yesterday's case that had almost been forgotten, and began to make vague guesses.

Jiang Xia walked to the two fake children and glanced at the newspaper.

Then he discovered that it was Hijikata Kozaburo who was dissing him.

Mao Lilan's Shadowless Kick has obviously reached its perfection - no matter what kind of hell the kicker can do at the time, the person being kicked will not be seriously injured afterwards, which is miraculous.

Not long ago, Hijikata Kozaburo, who flew out, knocked the stainless steel railings crooked, but the same thing happened.

So yesterday, not long after the police arrived, Kozaburo Hijikata woke up.

Then, perhaps with the idea of ​​​​"die together!", he wanted to drag Jiang Xia into ruin with him. He shouted to the paparazzi and reporters who were squatting around that Jiang Xia was a fake detective who deceived the world and stole his reputation. He usually relied on stealing scripts to solve crimes.

Jiang Xia looked at Hijikata's revelations in the newspaper and felt a little relieved.

However, looking further down, something was wrong.

The writer did not follow these words and question his ability to solve the case. Instead, he began to inexplicably praise his character - in order to save a stranger, he jumped from the sixth floor balcony to the next door regardless of danger. If you make a mistake, you may be thrown into pieces on the spot. This kind of courage and courage is worthy of praise.

In the end, the author came to the conclusion that Jiang Xia, a high school student detective, is not only fast in solving crimes, but also has a good character. He is actually a model for contemporary high school student detectives.

Jiang Xia: "..."

"The cheating detective" is such a rare black material. Shouldn't we intensify the hype, create evidence even if there is no evidence, and make a fake show? What's going on with the media in this world?

After seeing these positive descriptions, Haihara Ai's expression softened again:

"It seems that most people are sensible enough. But having said that, the idea of ​​'stealing the script in advance' is too outrageous - there are so many sporadic murders, where can I find the script... He really dares to make it up."

As she said that, she turned to look at Jiang Xia, and then keenly noticed that Jiang Xia's current mood seemed not as good as before.

Haiyuan Ai raised her little hand and patted him with understanding: "Don't think about it. There are scumbags everywhere. There is no need to waste time on them - come and eat. I made the fried shrimp you like today."

Jiang Xia nodded and sighed inwardly.

Thinking on the bright side, at least this time, the media no longer boasted about his ability to solve crimes, but instead boasted about his moral character...

Moreover, although the reporters used only complimentary words, this behavior of jumping off a building to save others seemed somewhat impulsive.

The characteristic of being "easy to be impulsive in order to save people" is actually a good point to exploit - maybe some potential murderers have taken a fancy to his "impatient" characteristic and will ask him to serve as a tool for the Sharks.

In addition, people love to take chances. Many of the prisoners in this world have a serious gambling mentality.

It doesn’t matter how the media makes it up. After all, Hijikata Kozaburo is a celebrity with labels such as “tough guy” and “sane”. If he said categorically that Jiang Xia stole the script, then maybe some potential criminals will believe it silently, and then when committing the crime, Please invite Jiang Xia to come and watch.

All in all, the future is bright.

"What's wrong? Are you in a bad mood?" Dr. Ali just answered the phone. At this time, he returned to the dining table. Seeing Jiang Xia's expression, he touched his bald head and smiled mysteriously, "I have something that interests you. .”

Jiang Xia was startled.

Doraemon finally comes to deliver the case?

Seeing that he had successfully attracted Jiang Xia's attention, the old man proudly gave up and said, "Guess first."

Haiyuan Ai looked back at Jiang Xia, who was indeed very interested in this, and then at the doctor with a smirk on his face.

Then she silently stretched out her hand and pinched the small plate with a few fried shrimps in front of Dr. Ali. With her other hand, she pinched the vegetable salad next to it - the one without the sauce, trying to show off.

There was a hint of menace in the lightness of his movements.

Dr. A Li: "..."

He thought again of those horrible days when Hui Yuan Ai's overly healthy green diet dictated that he did not eat meat or fish.

Dr. A Li secretly stretched out his hand to protect his fried shrimp, and cleared his throat as if nothing had happened, not daring to show off any more:

"Actually, an old friend of mine signed up for an event called 'Izu Mystery Tour' on the forum. He was successfully selected and was supposed to leave tomorrow. But today, his granddaughter suddenly had a high fever and was unable to go. , so he gave the spot to me.”

Speaking of this, the doctor looked at Jiang Xia, who was in the limelight recently, and then at Kudo Shinichi, who was forced to pass out due to his reduced body size. He felt that Izu's mysterious journey was tailor-made for the two children in front of him:

"The organizer of the event has paid for half of the board and lodging fees for all participants. If the puzzle is successfully solved during the event, he will help pay for the other half - equivalent to a free three-day and two-night trip."

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